State/Country: Arizona/USA
Favorite Movie: The
Bishops Wife
Comments: You have an
awesome site, I found out so much about Cary Grant, that I didn't
know. I have Loved watching him since I was a young girl, and
to this day he is my favorite actor. Thanks so much for your
insight about a wonderful man/actor.
15, 2006
State/Country: France
Comments: hello, I'm a French man, 34 , and
Cary Grant is my favorite character, just to say a big thanks for
your site and pictures. keep on your good work. it would be a good
idea to put pictures to all the places is been, movies, hotel and so
on...but l know it's a lot of work. Olivier
15, 2006
Zoe Leach
State/Country: England baby!!
Comments: I am just searching for
some autographed memorabilia for my grandmother, and stumbled across
the site. Cary Grant was actually my Grandfathers cousin so I am
trying to found out much about him as I can. Really enjoyed looking at
your site too!!! Take care, x x x
15, 2006
Name: Brigitte
State/Country: Canada
Favorite Movie: "Bringing Up
Comments: I love this site! It's
the only really great Cary Grant web page I've come across so far. The
photo galleries are great, especially the "Kiss" gallery. A
really great tribute to a really great star!
Keep up the good work!
11, 2006
Name: Jane
Favorite Movie:
Just about anything he starred in but particularly Charade, North by
Northwest, Touch of Mink, Houseboat, Penny Serenade, Philadelphia
Story and Father Goose
I am delighted to find a web-site dedicated to Cary Grant. Born in
1953 I was raised on the movies from the 1930/1940/1950's and decided,
I think quite early, the movie stars that I really loved. Cary was
definitely always a favourite, he was and still is the epitome of the
truly suave, elusive yet elegant male that he always seemed to
portray. I have most of his movies on video and now on DVD and an
afternoon or evening is still best spent with a glass of wine and a CG
movie to enjoy.
Having read through some of the messages on the website I am so
pleased to see that it is not just my generation who appreciate this
lovely man but so many in their 30's, 20's and it seems even younger.
May Cary Grant's legacy live on.
May 9,
Name: Sal
State/Country: BC - Canada
Favorite Movie: Hard to chose one:
Notorious, Philadelphia Story, North by Northwest, To Catch a Thief...
I can go one for while
Comments: For a person who's
obsessed with CG, I just love your web site. I am thankful that it has
some of the radio shows I have never heard. Thank you for creating
May 7,
Ce Ce
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: The Awful Truth
(at this moment anyway) :p
Comments: What a wonderful site!
I'm so glad it exists, it has practically everything a fan could want.
Thanks to the filmography I'm starting
to discover so much more of his work. Probably not a good thing, I'll
become an even bigger obsessive!
'Cary' on with the good work ;)
PS- What font do you use to for the wallpapers? it's lovely.
May 5,
State/Country: Arizona
Favorite Movie: Talk of the
May 2,
State_Country: Wisconsin/
Favorite_Movie: My Favorite
Comments: I was very excited
to find you site, because being the age I am (19 not many of my
friends like to listen to me go on about how cary grant was a true
romantic, and that all of his movies that I've seen are wonderful.
Your site was also just what I was looking for because I am starting a
Dvd collection of Cary Grant I the list you have is perfect. Now
I can tell which ones I have and what I have to look forward too.
27, 2006
Patricia Pierini
State/Country: New York, USA
Favorite Movie: I have many
Comments: You have one great
site. I loved looking at all you had. I will be sure to come back many
times. I to love Cary Grant. I think I fell in love with him many
years old. I love all his films. He is one great actor.
25, 2006
Name: Kris
State_Country: Palma de Mallorca
Favorite_Movie: People Will Talk (
Comments: Hy,
Ton site est vriament super, moi qui suis une fan de Cary j y ai
trouver ou retrouver tout ce que j attendais.
JE suis un peu trop acro a ce grand homme. Il m arrive meme de pleurer
des fois car j etais jeune quand il nous a quitter, mais je me
souviens tres bien de ce jour car j ai pleurer beaucoup j avais 17
Il est remarquable a tout points de vue.
Sont insolante eleguane et sont charisme et le tout d un tres bon
Je vais bientot faire un voyage de 3 jours en Angleterre et j irai
jusqu a Bristol.
En tout les cas merci pour ce merveilleux site.
Je salue tout les fans de ce GRand monsieurs aissi que lui.
25, 2006
State/Country: Illinois
Favorite Movie: love 'em
Comments: Dear Debbie,
Just wanted you to know I love your site. I recently started watching
Cary Grant movies and wanted to know more about the man. so I did a
search and came across your site. I'm so glad I did! I especially
enjoyed Mr.Grant's autobiography. What a great writer he was! And I
loved his funny, honest views of people and things. A great actor has
to have a unique understanding of the human condition which he
obviously did. It's safe to say I've fallen in love with him and his
movies. I hope that doesn't sound crazy. Oh, how I miss him. I wish
there were more people (and actors) in the world like. him. Keep up
the great work.
18, 2006
Comments: I just wanted to
say Cary would have made a great james bond he had the style, look and
voice or accent for the part for sure.
13, 2006
John W. Ford
State/Country: Los Angeles,
Favorite Movie: To catch a thief ,
North by Northwest
Comments: Thanks for a lovely and interesting
site about Cary Grant , I like your site cause it's a non profit site,
it means you are not interested to profit on all fans. Your work are
great and give much information I never been read about. Keep on the
hard work
11, 2006
Drew W.
State/Country: MA. - USA
Favorite Movie: Notorious -
All of his movies are favorites.
Comments: Thank you so much
for posting Cary Grant's radio performances. I cannot express my
gratitude enough to you for providing them.
As an aside I'd like to share with you a
small insight that I've come to realize about myself. I used to
wonder what it was that made Mr. Grant seem to me to be a man who was
quite separate from the people of the era in which he began to
flourish as an actor in the 1930's. It has always been my
feeling that he was a man of today's era, I guess what I'm saying is
that he was a timeless soul. Perhaps that is really the
definition of an "Icon" as is often said about artists
Anyway, TCM produced a show called "Cary
Grant: A Class Apart." In that show his early background
was explained. Well, I grew up very poor and my mother, if
you'll forgive me for saying so, was also very mentally disturbed.
And I've had to pull myself up from my boot straps and succeed in life
entirely on my own as well. As one man to another, I found out
it was empathy on an unconscious level that made Mr. Grant impact on
my psyche so powerfully from an early age in my life. And in my
heart I feel that if Mr. Grant had the benefit of a good cultural
college education such as I received he would have been more fulfilled
earlier in life regarding his relationships with women.
And as a fatherless man myself, I would have
been most proud to have had Cary Grant as my father, and not because
he was famous. But because as a human being he would have been a
wonderful example for a young boy to look up to. Indeed, as an
older man now myself, he is still a wonderful example to look up to.
On or off screen.
I thank God we have all had the great good
fortune that Cary Grant became a great and famous film artist.
Thank you, sorry I rambled,
Drew W.
7, 2006
Victor Colon
State/Country: North
Favorite Movie: Philadelphia
Comments: It's good to know
there are others like me that can't get enough of Cary Grant.
What else is there to say but he was "Hollywood".
31, 2006
Karl Adkins
State/Country: Arizona
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: You have by far the best
Cary Grant website. Because of the large inventory of lobby cards and
photos on your site, I have become a lobby card fanatic and sit at the
computer for hours trying to find rare cards for those hard-to-find
early Cary movies. Through your site, I was able to contact Cheryl
Trahan and order all of the Cary Grant movies that I didn't have. I
spend so much time watching Cary movies and looking for Cary stuff on
the computer that I must be a warbride. Does that make my wife a
warbride widow?! Keep up the great work.
19, 2006
Name: Karon
State/Country: MS/U.S.A
19, 2006
State/Country: usa
Favorite Movie: notorious/charade/holiday/bringing
up baby
I just wanted to share a story and
thought it would be fun to be your first poster of 2006!
Dreaming of Cary...
I may be only 24 years old, and Cary
Grant may no longer be with us....But OH how I love that man!
I had a dream last night that I was a
very Audrey-Hepburn-like "character" and I'd been
"poisoned" by someone in a hotel of some sort. The
"poison" was this dust that he threw at me and it was
supposed to paralyze me temporarily. Only he didn't have enough to get
the full effect so while he was running back to get some more, I used
all my strength to continue up the stairs and get away.
I found myself in a hallway of this
hotel-like place, and I saw Cary Grant (looking very well dressed and
dapper - sort of North-by-Northwest-like) walking towards me down the
hall, and turning to enter a room. Only it was like a movie, so it
wasn't "Cary" - but whatever "character" he
was...I believe I kept calling him Clint. I dragged myself into his
room...we didn't know each other, but he took it upon himself to try
to protect me from whoever was after me.
We tried to flee the hotel together -
he left me by myself for a bit in a room (on a ship maybe?) and I was
afraid, but then he showed up in "disguise" - he was dressed
very casually in a sort of smoking jacket/robe. Unfortunately we were
eventually caught by the "captain" and his crew who were
working with the bad guys...and then I woke up.
I wish I could remember more details of
the dream but alas, no. But it was so cool! All day long I felt like
I'd "spent the night" w/ Cary... ;)
16, 2006
Kina Pearce
State/Country: Oregon--USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I totally adore
Cary Grant. Thank you for having such a lovely site.
14, 2006
State/Country: Idaho, USA
Favorite Movie: too many to list
Comments: I love the website and
it has some great info on it. Keep up the good work!
6, 2006
Name: Gerry
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: A great Cary Grant
resource. I'll be sure to add you to my bookmarks. Must have taken
some time to assemble all this info. Well done!
1, 2006
State/Country: Sweden
Favorite Movie: An affair to
Comments: I think your site
is the best!
I love An affair to remember an the grass is greener with co-star
Deborah Kerr.
16, 2006
Dean Wiese
State/Country: Farmington,
Utah USA
Favorite Movie: To Catch a
Comments: I'm looking for a
little help with a question, that I hope you can answer. A group
of friends were enjoying a night a violin and piano music and one the
pieces played was called "Fiddles and Banjos" or
"Banjos and Fiddles" something like that, and someone said
that it was used in a Cary Grant movie. Do you know which one?
I'm thinking it was "To Catch a Thief".
15, 2006
Carlotta Barnes
State/Country: California
Comments: Just wanted to
send my appreciation for your Cary Grant site. Your site really helped
recently when - at that point - I watched his films but wasn't an
actual fan, I wanted an image of Cary Grant for my house since he's
the soul of sophistication.
When I was looking to buy an 8x10 inch
photo, I didn't know I'd wind up with a 3 by 4 feet painting instead!
I bought a giant oil painting that - it was said - came from an estate
sale in a fancier part of LA. I was searching for the source of the
image, and I found that the painting is a perfect rendition of the
second picture on page 2 of your Cary portraits.
It amazes everyone who walks into the
entryway, and I enjoy seeing their reactions. Cary Grant truly is an
eternal classic.
Now to email gardening pals about that
Cary Grant rose you mention on your site - they'll definitely want
that (and so do I)!
7, 2006
State/Country: Illinois
Favorite Movie: INDISCREET
Comments: Perfection.
Good looking. An air of sophistication. Wonderful comic
Has IT all.
February 6, 2006
Name: Kelda
Comments: Firstly, I love your
page. Have just spent a couple of hours happily ambling through it. I
also have a (admittedly rather tenuous) meeting Cary Grant story. I
don't have many details but will aim to get a couple more when I go
home. Apparently my ex-art teacher (told you it was tenuous) met Mr.
Grant at an opening for an exhibition he did. Very reassuringly he was
a perfect gentleman and still came over as an impressive personality
(he was quite old at this time).
Not a fabulous story, I admit, but quite sweet all the same.
Miss Roe
ps. just for humour, you may already have noticed this, but Grant's
Grandmother in An affair to remember strongly resembles an automated
doll seen in shop windows at Christmas at the point where she is
playing the piano. Watched in slow-motion it can give hours of
hilarity.January 30,
Name: Zhangyun
State/Country: China
Favorite Movie:
"Houseboat"-"Mr. Blandings..." ETC.
Comments: Hi Debbie, very
glad to meet you! In fact, I had found this amazing website two
years ago, but obviously I paid little attention to the guest book.
All my attention has been paid to these fabulous content. Today is Mr.
Grant's 102th birthday, I come again and find the guest book is
interesting, with so many fans all over the world. And I decide to
leave my name here, too.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MR GRANT!! We'll always love you!
January 18, 2006
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