Name: Stephen Horne
State/Country: Queensland, Australia
Favorite Movie: Hard to choose, possibly North by Northwest
Comments:: I love this site! It's great to see so many others around the world love Cary Grant's films as much as I do. I'm 27 and I stumbled across a Cary Grant
movie on TV (None but the Lonely Heart) last April, and I was hooked immediately. I thought, "Who is this guy - he's brilliant!". Since then, I have been trying to pursue VHS copies of his movies at
libraries and video stores, and I always check the TV guide for his movies. I enjoy hunting them down!
December 30, 2002
Name: Janet Wiltshire
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: The Bishops Wife
Comments: I have tried desperately to buy this movie in England in either video (pal version) or dvd (region 2) I have searched the tv listings also. Can anyone help? Thank you
so much for your wonderful website.
December 30, 2002
Name: mandy wright
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: Penny serenade,affair to remember and the awful truth
Comments: Cary Grant what can I say the truly English gentleman on screen of all times. He made so many people happy. Bristol/England were he was born and had said "was
proud to be a Bristolian" last year and not before time stands a beautiful statue in memory of him in The Millennium Square, I wish he was here today to see it he would have been so proud.
December 14, 2002
State/Country: usa
Comments:: complete website!
especially in the "film info"
I love "songs" !
December 1, 2002
Name: Evelyn
State/Country: Northern Minnesota, United States of America
Favorite Movie: Oh, but I haven't seen them all yet!!!
Comments: Well, I had always adored Cary Grant after seeing him in "Charade" and have slowly been finding time to see more of his films. Unfortunately, my count
is only up to *eek* 5, I'm working on it! His Girl Friday is next on my list and I am hoping to see Topper in the near future.
Although I am in no way a Cary Grant aficionado, but I would like to commend you on this site. It is, in every aspect, informative, intriguing and entertaining.
How unfortunate that the days of Cary Grant, William Powell, Gene Kelly and Don Ameche are long gone, but with sites and dedication like yours they live on.
Keep it up!
November 30, 2002
Name: Cristy B
State/Country: Illinois, USA
Favorite Movie: The Charade
Comments: The charade is an awesome movie! Extremely funny w/ twists and turns. My favorite!
November 29, 2002
Name: pablo martinez
State/Country: yorkshire,england
Favorite Movie: suspicion with gorgeous joan fontaine
Comments: Cary was one the best actors going, shame they don't make em like them no more.
November 21, 2002
Stuart Kennedy
State/Country: France
Favorite Movie: Tous ses films
Hi Debbie
What a great web site you have. I had not been on
it for a few months, and
there is so much more. Keep up the good work. I have been a fan for
years now and just recently read his own story (Archie Leach, by Cary Grant)
A question for you? Do you know what he used in his hair to keep it in
place? and did he ever die his hair for film, as some movies he he quite dark
and others of the same period he looks quite grey? Do you know if there
are to be any conventions in England or Scotland on the great man and his work?
Well that's all for now.
Stuart Kennedy
November 20, 2002
Name: Véronique
State/Country: France
Favorite Movie: Tous ses films
Comments: Bravo pour votre site. Si vous avez le temps, venez visiter le mien. I love Cary !!!!
November 10, 2002
Name: Anita
State/Country: Alfta, Sweden
Comments: What a wonderful site! I adore this man and everything he's done. The most gorgeous man who ever lived. I've drooled over your pictures for over two hours now ;-)
Thank you for keeping this site on the air.
Have a wonderful winter. And a wonderful life.
// Mrs. Archibald Leach *in my dreams*
November 2, 2002
Name: Teresa
State/Country: Madrid/Spain
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and old lace
Comments: Since I was a child I have always been a Cary Grant fan. I love movies and I go very often to the cinema, but still I've never found an actor who could compare to him.
Some will be funnier, some will be really handsome or more elegant, and others will have better acting skills. But to find all this in a single person, and to discover that he can be and do all that in such an
exceptional and unforgettable way, that's almost impossible. Last night I saw once again "His Girl Friday". Definitely, he's the only one.
October 30, 2002
Name: Kathleen Bounds
State/Country: Alabama, USA
Favorite Movie: The Bishop's Wife/Room for One More
Comments: I love the older "Classic" movies and Cary Grant is a favorite along with John Wayne, Doris Day and Rock Hudson. Most before my time as I was a teenager
in the 60's but they don't make movies like they use to.
October 28, 2002
Name: Mary
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: The Philadelphia Story, My Favorite Wife, Suspicion, etc.
Comments:: This is a wonderful Cary Grant site! I haven't finished the biographies on mine yet. Cary Grant is by far my favorite actor of all time. Good Work!
October 27, 2002
Name: Kina Pearce
State/Country: Oregon
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I fell madly in love with Cary Grant when I was 16 years old and saw "Charade." He is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen and I adore all his
movies. How I wish I had met him!!
October 25, 2002
Name: Carolyn
Hi Debbie!
I have enjoyed your site for so many years and have never thanked you. THOUGHT
of it often because of all the pleasure it brings, but didn't. So THANK YOU! If
it weren't for you, I wouldn't have some of the movies I do, know about the Cary
Grant Rose, or even the stamp! Which brings me to a question. Just checked out
your site and see that the page has changed. While I'm looking forward to
reading all about the ceremony, I am being paid to work. So it will have to
wait. Looked quickly but didn't see anything about how to obtain that first day
cover you mentioned. Would you please send me the address & details? Do
remember you said we have until November "something". I apologize if
it's still there somewhere & I missed it in my haste.
Do wish I had written you earlier, before
"needing" something to tell you how great your site is. I've visited a
lot of them on the web, but yours is the only one bookmarked, actually the only
I use! Thanks for sharing all your "love of Cary" with us all! I would
have missed out on so much if you weren't there.
October 23, 2002
Name: Julie
State/Country: Kansas City, MO USA
Favorite Movie: The Awful Truth, no question !
Comments: Man, isn't he just the greatest rare combination of comedic timing and good looks? He could convey so much with just a
"look", he didn't even have to say anything to crack me up! The Awful Truth is my favorite movie of all time. My Favorite Wife is great too. Irene Dunne was a great partner for him.
I'm interested in knowing if products can be purchased with the Cary Grant stamp emblazoned on them, such as keychains, mousepads, etc. Can you help?
October 22, 1002
Hi there!
I found your site today and I just wanted to tell you that it is an awesome site
and tribute to Cary Grant. I've just recently found out about Cary Grant and I
was instantly hooked. I've been renting his movies quite a bit. I'm just looking
for fellow fans. It'd be great to hear from you, but if not like I said I just
wanted to say that you have a great site for Cary.
October 9, 2002
State/Country: MIAMI, FL., US
Favorite Movie: An affair to remember
Comments: "...It's without a doubt my favourite movie. It's full of love... I always recommender
Ricky Alba, TV Presenter, Interview OCEAN DRIVE MAGAZINE, NOVEMBER 2000
October 8, 2002
Name: Douglas Wade
State/Country: Scotland
Favorite Movie: arsenic and old lace
Comments: very enjoyable very enjoyable and informative for anyone interested in Cary Grant.
October 8, 2002
Name: Kristen
State/Country: Mexico
Comments: Cool Site !!!
October 6, 2002
Name: Lindsey Thompson
State/Country: Nottinghamshire/England
Favorite Movie: Very hard to choose
Comments: Congratulations on a brill site. Cary Grant was a talent that is sorely missed, comic genius,
handsome and romantic leading man. He starred in some of the best films ever made. The first time I watched Mr. Lucky I was so disappointed with the ending................ or what I thought was the ending until the doors
slid back to reveal the ending we were hoping for. It still brings a lump to my throat. One of the most underrated films Cary made.
September 22, 2002
L Thomas
Hi... I just spent two days checking out Cary
Grant at your website and I had delightful time!! You've done a tremendous
good!! Please keep up the good work as I'm sure I'll visit you again and again
for any of my CG needs.
Best Wishes,
L. Thomas
September 22, 2002
Name: Genny
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: Hard To Choose!
Comments: WOW, this is truly an Excellent Cary Grant website! I highly enjoyed browsing, and will return!
I know everyone will enjoy this extra special tribute to a great Star! Always welcome to my site as well! Thanks!
September 20, 2002
Name: Seth
Comments: You have a great collection and a great site! I bookmarked it.
September 18, 2002
Name: Denise
State/Country: New Zealand
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember
Comments: My sister bought me a copy of An Affair To Remember. Obviously, the hints finally got
through. I was so thrilled!!!!
So wonderful to seen younger people getting into his films. Although I am only 37 myself, I have always enjoyed the pre-sixties movies more. Not so much needless violence and more was left to the imagination
which I think made scenes hotter than the in-your-face style that is so common now.
Thanks for a great site.
September 17, 2002
Name: Brian A.
State Country: MA, USA
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: What a great site. I didn't realize there were so many Cary Grant Movies that I have not seen yet. I plan on purchasing some from the
Hard to find section of your site.
September 10, 2002
Name: Jeffrey Neave
State/Country: England
Comments: I regard Cary Grant as probably the greatest actor in English language movies. This is an incredible site with all the
information you could wish for on Cary. I've seen about 60 of his movies. That's not quite as impressive as seeing all 72. I know cary is regarded as a smooth, charming sophistcate from his later movies, but I regard him
as more of a fast-talking con-man actor up to the end of WW2. He played a few more straight roles than comedies during this period. He is excellant in nearly all these roles ranging from various tough guys( " The
Eagle and the Hawk", "Gunga Din", "Mr Lucky", "only Angels have wings" ) to weaker romantic leads ("In name only" and "Penny seranade") to naive or cynical idealists
("holiday" and "Philadelphia story") to cynics (" Hot Saturday" and "Suzy" to con-men("slyvia Scarlet" and His Girl Friday").
September 5, 2002
Name: Alexandra
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: Hi there!
Wow, this page is really great! Just wanted to get my mind away from work for 10 minutes, now I've been here for an hour or so. I must admit I didn't know too much about Cary Grant before, of course I had seen a couple
of his movies but that was about it and I'm glad that I found your site for further information. And I'm very happy that Katharine Hepburn was voted his favourite co-star (she's my all-time-absolute-fav).
September 5, 2002
Name: Mizi the Funnelcake
State/Country: the beautiful Saraland
Favorite Movie: The Philadelphia Story
Comments: The best actor I know but I never find a biography in form of a book. Can someone help me?
September 4, 2002
Name: Diana Wilson
State/Country: Ohio/USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I really like this site as a tribute to the best actor that ever did movies!
September 4, 2002
Name: Patrou
Favorite Movie: too many
Comments: Great site, he was a real original, and that voice.....
September 2, 2002
Name: Sarah
State/Country: Canada
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace, North By Northwest, Notorious...and oh so many more...
Comments: I'm a 14 year old Cary fan, and I'd just like to thank you for the obvious effort and hard work that has gone into this site.
I'd also like to express my extreme displeasure in my peers and their, well, taste. For example, I have a friend whose idea of a good film is 'Selena.' Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I just
have trouble respecting a person (taste-wise) when they consider a movie made in the 80's a 'classic.' Maybe that's just me.
Anyways, I'd just like to break the whole teenage stereotype, and tell everyone that there are a few of us that aren't exactly of the 'new' generation.
It's (freakishly) important to me to keep the old alive, and fan sites like this really do help.
I am currently working to break the prejudices on black and white films that people my own age often have (in other words, I am forcing people to watch Cary movies until they relent).
Thanks again for the entertaining and educational (??) resources.
September 2, 2002
Name: Kim Dysart
State/Country: Connecticut
Favorite Movie: Holiday/ Only Angels Have Wings/Philadelphia Story
Comments: What a great site! I was trying to remember the name of "Only Angels..." so I could rent it again, and in the meantime stumble on this treasure trove of Cary Grant info. I admit there are
alot of movies I've not seen yet, but those I have I really enjoy, both for Cary's slapstick humor and his honestly good acting. (Holiday is one of my faves because you see both sides). Thanks for the movie list, I'll be
visiting again! -K
August 30, 2002
Name: Shannon
State/Country: USA
The Victor Mature Fan Club
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember
Comments: This is a beautiful site dedicated to a brilliant actor!
August 29, 2002
Name: Katie Donaghy
State/Country: Leicestershire, England
Favorite Movie: The Awful Truth
Comments: I nearly have all of Cary's films, i get great enjoyment watching them todays and when i first bought them. Pure genius.
August 22, 2002
Name: Ralph
State/Country: Bielefeld/Germany
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: It is a fantastic site and not only for fans
August 20, 2002
Name: April
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: Notorious, To Catch a Thief
Comments: I really love old, classic movies and of course Cary Grant and lately I've been wanting to learn more about him and this is the perfect site for that. You have a lot
of information, THANKS!
August 19, 2002
Name: Eileen Fitz
State/Country: FL
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: I was a Pan Am Flight attendant for many years. I still fly, but now for Delta. But, when I flew with Pan Am, I flew International flights every week. Shortly before Cary Grant died, I had him
on my flight from London to Los Angeles. I was the Purser, working in First Class, where OF COURSE, he flew, with his last wife.
He was so incredibly charming and polite, and kind. I have had many many, very famous people on my flights, but I was totally in awe of Mr. Grant.
He removed his beautiful hand made Italian shoes, and pulled wooden shoe trees out of his bag to place in his removed shoes. TO DIE !!! I chatted with him as he stood in line to use the LAV in First Class.
Oh My!
He was so very friendly and kind. I was very surprised that he was not very tall. But, he was in his early 80's by then. But, still so handsome. But, in person, just as a passenger on an airplane, he
just dripped with charm and CLASS. I shall never forget the experience.
August 14, 2002
Name: Patricia
State/Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: Looking for a source for CG movies
August 7, 2002
Name: Adele Reddin
State/Country: Dublin, Ireland
Favorite Movie: Bishops Wife, Affair to remember, Indescreet
Comments: Your website is very good, i really am enjoying it, it really has everything a true Cary Grant Fan could enjoy and appreciate.
August 6, 2002
Name: Kim
State/Country: Iowa, USA
Favorite Movie: Charade, North by Northwest
Comments: I just started getting into Cary Grant: My boyfriend likes classic movies and suggested we rent 'Charade'. I've ordered the Crition DVD of 'Charade' already. In Des
Moines, they are currently having a summer Hitchcock film downtown. Every weekend they show a different movie. Last Saturday was 'Strangers on a Train' and this week is 'North by Northwest'
I really like your site, because I don't know a lot about Cary Grant in the first place. Now I have a place to look for info on his films.
I'm also looking forward to the Cary Grant Stamp. I might just get a first day cover for it.
August 5, 2002
Name: Sandra Fluri
State/Country: PA, USA
Favorite Movie: Couldn't say, I love them all!!!
Comments: Thanks for having put up this site so fellow Cary Grant lovers can browse and dream!
August 5, 2002
State/Country: Australia
Dear Cary,
I’m just writing to you to say a big THANK YOU
for your site. I’m a high school student in Australia and when asked to do an
actor profile for English last week, I picked Cary Grant. I found your site, and
it had everything I wanted to know AND his autobiography, which I assure you,
did not go unappreciated.
I was meant to write only 600 or 700 words, and
had to force myself to stop at nearly 2000!!! And then I still hadn’t written
half of the stuff I wanted to! Through the information on your site, I realized
what an interesting person Cary Grant was, as well as what an amazing actor!
Thank you so much for all the hard work that obviously went into your site, and
I can confidently say that there will be a new generation of Cary Grant fans
coming along who will appreciate his work that includes ME!!
All the best,
P.S. My teacher really liked it too!!!
Hi Debbie,
I just took the Cary Grant quiz and I only missed one.
I was in love with Cary Grant since before I was born. I got a chance to tell
him that too. He was at Johns Hopkins college. I sat in the audience
thinking "I'm breathing the same air as Cary Grant". I was in heaven.
After the talk , I asked him if I could have a kiss and he gave me one. It took
a month to stop smiling. I was a happy camper.
August 2, 2002
Name: Grinch
State/Country: China
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Very Well!!!
I love Cary Grant's Suspicion, Notorious, To Catch a Thief, An Affair to Remember, North by Northwest, Charade, and Father Goose.
July 29, 2002
Name: Edward Anderson
State/Country: Michigan USA
Favorite Movie: All of them
Comments: Cary Grant told the interviewer that everybody would like to be Cary Grant. So I would. On November 29 1986 Cary Grant died 48 hours. No funeral, No memorial: that
Grant wanted. In 1984 Cary start his movie Terror in the aisles. He has 73 movie's that he made. In 2001 they made a statue of Cary Grant. Grace Kelly was Cary's favorite actresses. In 1970 he received a Academy Award.
In 1968 his car struck from a tractor later he divorced Dyan Cannon. In the movie I Was a Male Warbride he dressed like a lady. In 1966 Jennifer grant was born. Grant's only child. In 1934 Cary married his first
wife Virginia the marriage seemed doomed and divorced in 1935.
July 27, 2002
Name: Aubree
State/Country: Utah
Favorite Movie: the bishop's wife
Comments: I love old movies! They are so wholesome and good. Cary Grant is a real charmer. The Bishop's Wife is the first of Grant's movies that I saw. Very sweet. I think my
grandmother made me into an old movie fan. I'm 16 and I would rather watch a Cary Grant movie or listen to Bing Crosby's songs over modern movies and music any day! You have a very nice site. I enjoyed it!
July 22, 2002
Name: Maria Wilson
State/Country: California United States
Comments: Hello Jenny,
I came across your father's website by accident. I graduated from Santa Catalina in 1985, and remembered working with you with Ms. Zanides during your great performance of Hello Dolly. Its awesome to know
that you are doing well, and still beautiful as ever.
Take care of yourself!!
July 22, 2002
Name: John van Putten
State/Country: Rotterdam / Holland
Comments: Very nice site , specially for fan's from black/white movies
July 22, 2002
Name: Kim Ivy
State/Country: Kansas - U.S.
Favorite Movie: Affair To Rmember, no, Indiscreet, no, Affair ... no ...
Comments: Like your site! It's clean easy to get around in. I am surprised to find so many teenagers enjoying not only Cary movies but other oldies as well. I think that's great!
Attention moms: if you want your little boys to grow up to be attractive, well-mannered, well-groomed, GENTLEMEN, then show them Cary movies instead of rotting their brains with nintendo. Same true for little girls so
they can learn to be LADIES...
And it's good to know I am not alone in my admiration of (and drooling over) an absolutley STUNNING man.
P.S. My favs are; An Affair To Remember (repeatedly, with gusto), Notorius - about broke the tape rewinding to the phone scene
Destination Tokyo - holy smokes that man looks good in a uniform, shoot, he'd look good in a pile of dirt.
Keep up the good work,
July 22, 2002
Name: Fern Smith
State/Country: Australia
Favorite Movie: Holiday & Notorious
Comments: This is a fantastic site! there are so many links, that i can't get through it all in one go - which is a good excuse to re visit it every day!! i think that Cary
grant is the best actor ever to appear on the big screen, and definitely feel that films these days can't beat the likes of Holiday, Gunga Din, Only angels have wings and His Girl Friday. Keep up the excellent work on
this website. Keep smiling :)
July 21, 2002
Name: Christina
State/Country: Indiana
Favorite Movie: Arsenic & Old Lace
Comments: Very nice site! Cary Grant was the epitome of a movie star - very handsome with a LOT of charm. He was a man that appealed to my mother's generation, her
mother's generation, my daughter and now even my granddaughter - his appeal is timeless!
July 16, 2002
State/Country: FLORIDA USA
July 16, 2002
Name: Edward Anderson
State/Country: Michigan USA
Favorite Movie: All of them
Comments: Cary told the girls everybody would like to be Cary Grant. I would change my name into Cary Grant when I will be 18 years old.
July 16, 2002
Name: Nikki
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer
Comments: They don't have leading men in Hollywood like Cary Grant anymore....close but all imitations of the great original leading man.
July 14, 2002
Name: Lop
State/Country: china
Favorite Movie: To catch a Thief
Comments: I love all the movies by grant!
July 8, 2002
Name: Linda P
State/Country: Wisconsin, USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember / The Bishop's Wife
Comments: Thank you for this site! I truly enjoy learning more about this favorite actor of mine and I sure can do it on this site! No one aged as well as Mr. Grant,
he just kept getting more and more handsome as the years went by.
July 6, 2002
Name: Elizabeth Ann Mobley
State_/Country: Texas, USA
Favorite Movie: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dreamhouse
Comments: Hello, I am 15 years old and I just love Cary Grant movies. Right now I'm in the process of reading his biography. My favorite movie that he has made is
'Mr. Blandings Builds His Dreamhouse' because he is so funny in it. I like it when he mumbles things under his breath. I think his most romantic movie is 'An Affair To Remember.' It is so touching at
the end when he sees the picture in her room. I love this website because it gives me tons of information about him that I've been wanting to know. Please keep up the good work on this website. It is
very good. Thank you!
July 6, 2002
State/Country: Texas
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: Beautiful site! I am a HUGE
Cary fan! Ever since Charade I have been hooked, I have been trying to find a
REALLY good Cary site for a long time, well, I found it! :D Cary Grant is so
charming, I love him so much! I hope to make a Cary Grant site soon! So far I
only have movie star sites: and but I
will soon make on as a tribute to the one and only Cary Grant!
June 28, 2002
Sharon Leonard
State/Country: England
Greetings Debbie,
I have just spent the last hour looking at your
excellent Cary Grant website and just wanted to say thank you for all the work
you have (and no doubt will continue) to put into running your website, I just
wanted you to let you know how much I enjoy looking at the photos and reading
all the different things.
My name is Sharon Leonard I live in England
(Great Britain) I am a very happy 39 years old big Cary Grant fan. I am not a
great computer fan, I work with them weekdays (I am a secretary) and when I get
home I would prefer to do something else. However my sister Dawn is a computer
nut and she found your website for me.
Dawn gave me a lovely Christmas present last year
(I got lots of presents but my favorite one was) a 2001 Cary Grant calendar Dawn
made for me with photos she had taken from your website, I know it must have
taken her quite a bit of time but it really was a wonderful thought. I believe
she admits now that Cary was good looking!
I loved the photo section because that brought
back memories of when my sister and I went on holiday, we like to travel to
places in England that we have not been to and Dawn wanted to go to Bath (which
is a really lovely place), so I said if we are going that way can we stop off in
Bristol? Why she asked? I waved the Cary Grant book I was reading at the time at
It was a 3 hour drive from our home in Carshalton
(near Wimbledon) to Bristol and we hit a big traffic problem in the city center
they had major road works, so while I was sitting in the car I looked to my
right and saw the Bristol Hippodrome theatre - well I shouted "Dawn
look" (it is safe to say I frighten the life out of her not to mention the
people in the car in the other lane!) "what is it she asked?". The
theatre Cary had actually been in there.
I could not believe I got so excited so we then
made our way to the house where you Donna and your friends had your photos
taken. I asked Dawn to take a few photos of me outside the house (she said you
are not going to knock on the door are you? I did not) but I walked up and down
that small road thinking Cary walked up here and maybe he played in that park,
my sister thought I had lost the plot - ha ha. (that by the way comes from a
lady who dyes her hair bright Red).
I drove into a very old fashioned garage for some
petrol (gas) just round the corner from Cary's home and I got chatting to the
chap who worked their, he asked if we were from London and I told him we were
and why we came to Bristol and he got out some lovely old photos of Cary and his
family when Cary was small - that just made my day. We think we made his day
because he told us not many people in Bristol have bright red hair, and also he
liked the fact that youngster like us were still interested in Cary.
I had better stop their Debbie I did not realise
the time and I only meant to say a quick thank. I hope you enjoy reading this
e-mail as much as I enjoy your website.
Best wishes and keep up the good work.
June 27, 2002
State/Country: Canada
Comments: Nice Site, Very Well Done
June 26, 2002
Sharon Wendt
State/Country: TN/USA
Comments: God bless you!
June 25, 2002
kirk shelton
State/Country: tn,usa
Favorite Movie: north by northwest,
but there are many
Comments: Cary Grant, Need I say
more? He could have been the ultimate James Bond, only if he had been 20 yrs
younger. What a ride that would have been. A man that all men should try to
emulate, as far as humor, class, and good taste, something
that lacks today. Watch a Cary grant movie and you'll see he had all the moves
down pat. period. Men can learn about women from watching his movies and you too
can be your own "Cary grant". It's a sham that he never won an Oscar,
you wonder what they were thinking Today they pay an actor 25 million dollars to
do a sub par movie, so in turn you would have to pay Cary 100 million to do the
same, the movie of course would be elevated by his presence. Back in the day
Hollywood was full of talented actors and actress who learned there craft. Great
dialogue, stories, production, solid casting, etc.
I forgot. way cool website!!!!!
June 24, 2002
State/Country: Australia
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember
Comments: Hi, I haven't had much of a
chance to look at this site properly, but I will come back to it. Cary Grant is
my most favourite of all actors.
June 20, 2002
Favorite Movie:
He is the best, nice site. Greetings from Germany
June 12, 2002
Anja Höhne
Favorite Movie:
To catch a Thief
Cary was the most famous actor in the world. I loved his charm, the look from
his eyes, his character. He was so handsome and cute, simply a wonderful man.
June 12, 2002
Bill Karandos
State/Country: Indianapolis, Indiana
Favorite Movie: Arsenic And Old Lace
Comments: I have been a Cary Grant
fan since i was about ten years old. I am 73 years old now. I have read all the
books I could locate in the library and own four of them. These books are also
difficult to find. I have many of Cary grant movies taped on Beta and I am in
the process of obtaining his movies on VCR. My two daughters are now Cary Grant
fans and we have Cary Grant movie nites. One of my favorite movies is Gunga Din
and I have been unable to find it. I have it on beta but not on VCR.
June 10, 2002
Malvika Shukul
Favorite Movie:
arsenic and old lace
Thanx for developing site of Cary Grant
June 10, 2002
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest
Comments: I have seen his movies
since I was a small boy and have started building my DVD library with of course
Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, and others. Thank you for your wonderful site.
June 1, 2002
Cary Grant Fan
State/Country: Philippines
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: Isn't he the best?
I'll never get over him!
May 20, 2002
State/Country: South Carolina, USA
Favorite Movie: Philadelphia Story
Comments: I love Cary Grant! This
web page just makes it even better (makes him look better too) Can't say much
else. I've only seen about 8 or 9 of his movies, but I keep wanting to see
more of them. He's such a good actor. Wish he looked the same as he did about 60
years ago!
May 19, 2002
Dear Debbie,
Congratulations, it is the first time I see a site
so complete and well done.
The things in which we find some interest are
easier to share with others.
Good luck for the following and keep on making us
dream on Cary.
Best regards.
May 19, 2002
State/Country: New York, USA
Favorite Movie: People Will Talk
Comments: What a
treasure! I don't have enough time to really spend time here but I'll be
May 13, 2002
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: Notorious
Comments: Best actor of our time.
Best actress is Joan Fontaine.
Best movie is Gone With the Wind.
May 8, 2002
State/Country: DERBY/ENGLAND
Favorite Movie: THAT TOUCH OF MINK
May 7, 2002
State/Country: TN/USA
Comments: God bless you!
May 6, 2002
State/Country: Wisconsin,
Favorite Movie: Notorious
Comments: Thanks to
your site, I was able to alphabetize all of his titles and every month when the
new satellite guide comes I stake out the movies to tape for my home collection.
I find that some never make it to satellite, but I have found more than 20 so
far and on a late night I plug in one of my Cary movies and curl up with the
May 4, 2002
Teresa Bohler
State/Country: Nebraska/US
Favorite Movie: I love them all! I
can't say that I have one that I like over the others.
Comments: I am 32 years old. I fell
head over heels for Cary about three years ago when I watched "That Touch
of Mink". Now I am hooked for good! He is great! A great actor, a great
looker all rolled up in one! Even my daughter, who is 11, thinks he is the
May 2, 2002
State/Country: Michigan
Favorite Movie: My Favorite Wife
Comments: Cary Grant was a very
fine and handsome actor, but my main interest in your website was all the
wonderful pages you did on "My Favorite Wife" because my ultimate
favorite star of all time is Scotty Beckett who was also in this movie. I
absolutely love the soundbites you have from "My Favorite Wife".
I'm 31 years old but I absolutely love old movies and movie stars.
Hollywood just seemed so much more interesting in it's golden years. Not
that I'm putting the current celebrities down, but they just don't have the
class or hold my attention like the stars of YesterYear can still do. I
bought the movie My Favorite Wife because of Scotty Beckett, but after watching
it, I also became a Cary Grant and Irene Dunne fan. Thanks for doing such
a fascinating website. Sincerely, Stacy
April 29, 2002
Name: Ruth
State/Country: Michigan
Favorite Movie: 90%+ are my favorites
Comments: I use to live for the
Cary Grant movies to come on TV in the fifties and sixties. My mother and
I would stay up until 11:30 PM if a Cary Grant movie was on. In those days
that was late.
The one movie that always sticks in my mind is "People Will Talk".
Nobody could put out a movie like Cary Grant.
April 27, 2002
Name: Agneta
State/Country: Sweden
Favorite Movie: An
affair to remember
Comments: Thank you for letting me
have some wonderful hours! I have enjoyed every moment of it and I will go back
to the site soon again!
April 26, 2002
Jayne Morton
State/Country: United Kingdom
Favorite Movie: An Affair To
Comments: What a terrific site -
there's so much information and great photographs. Oh how I wish Cary was still
with us. I find watching An Affair To Remember is such a tonic when I'm feeling
down. It's so simple and lovely.
April 26, 2002
Name: Mrs. Karen Griffin
California, USA
Favorite Movie:
An Affair to Remember running neck and neck
with Mr. Lucky
Comments: I think that I like the
comedies best. Maybe his personality comes out more in the comedies. I've seen
LOTS of his pictures over the years. Thought that it might be fun to share some
favorite pictures/favorite moments. You can e-mail me if you like. Or comment
here, if you should come upon this. Who has seen Monkey Business, isn't that too
funny? What a lot of unique moments. And Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House...
rather one of his more obscure ones, I would think. I think that one is fun.
Puts him into a more domestic setting. He is very good with Audrey Hepburn, I
about have Charade memorized. I like that picture because of the repartee
between the two of them, but it is awfully violent. He makes some goofy faces in
that one.. and the part where he takes a shower with his suit on. I like Mr.
Lucky because it is so romantic, and he plays a real hero in it, risking his
life. I'd like to have a boat, both because I love the ocean, and because then I
could name it the Briny Marlin. And HAS ANYONE NOTICED THIS trivia bit in Father
Goose? Cary Grant has just sucked what he thinks is poison out of Leslie Caron's
leg, because he thinks she's been bitten by a snake. But it wasn't a snake, but
a branch of a tree in the water... and it had thorns. Anyway, they are talking
about the booze she has hidden from him, because he's a lush and she's concerned
about what a bad example that will be to the girls she is watching after. And he
wants to know where she's hidden the bottles. And she says, no, it's in the
stove, because GRETCHEN told her he had looked there, and she figured he
wouldn't look there again. But the mistake is that GRETCHEN, isn't one of the
girls at all, but an imaginary friend of the youngest girl... I don't quite know
how they got that line past the director, unless the writer actually wrote it
that way, but that doesn't sound likely to me; it wouldn't make sense. But it
was quite funny, and it took me a while to catch. There was a particular bit of
trivia in Mr. Lucky, at least I think it was Mr. Lucky, correct me, please, if I
have it wrong. He says something about ARCHIE LEACH, and wasn't that his given
name? I also enjoyed Topper, another rather obscure one of his, I think. He
seems to be having a truly good time. Was he having an especially enjoyable time
making it? It was rather funny and fluffy. And the Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer,
with Shirley Temple. He's so funny when he comes into the parlor and says,
"Mello greetings, yukie dukie." The things people did say in those
days. I don't understand much of what the young people said then, or now! He
certainly has played a WIDE range of characters; in unimaginable situations! A
very fine career. And, as far as I know, from watching the pictures I've seen,
nothing to be ashamed of in it. Nowadays that would about be impossible to say.
April 21, 2002
Name: Tom
England (UK)
Favorite Movie: They're all great!
Comments: "I'm not a Brewster,
I'm the son of a sea cook," CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 13, 2002
Name: Linda
State/Country: Texas USA
Favorite Movie: Bishops Wife, Philadelphia
Comments: I love the website
honoring the greatest actor that has ever been his sense of humor was great
along with the serious drama he could draw you into his world and I believe he
made the world a better place for being himself on screen I don't know if you
know this but he was a great magician I saw it on secrets on discovery channel I
believe it was the travel discovery channel the club he was a exclusive member
of this hide away for magicians he was a one of a kind I only hope that some
other actor will use his example and put out quality work with some morals which
is hard to find these days and most of all a sense of humor about what they are
doing on the screen not to serious with class what a mixture what a legend I
truly think this website does him justice to bad he couldn't be here to see it .
Thanks, Linda
April 8, 2002
Name: Sharon
Favorite Movie: Can't decide!!
All are great
Comments: Cary Grant was one of the
great ones.. Thanks for this web site, and thanks to TCM for showing his movies
so often. They are a treasure. Sorry they just don't make them like
that anymore!!!
April 2, 2002
Name: cdubya
State/Country: Canada
Favorite Movie: awful
truth....'you jujitzu? me jujitzu too'
Comments: I've just
finished reading Maureen Donaldson's account of her 'time' spent with CG.
Okay, this is really a missive for the vomitorium; complete with
inaccuracies relating to dialogue in films and film references....aside from the
twisted tales she tells (from her daily diaries, by the way, written between the
ages of 27-30), you can't help thinking that the only reason whe stayed with CG
was due to his icon status...she certainly didn't do any film history research -
that's plain to read. Of course CG wasn't a perfect human being - who is?
Oh pardon me, I believe that the Donaldson vomitorium is sanctioned by "Ms.
Perfection" if. have another glass of white wine, Maureen. p.s I
will put the publishers straight with incorrect film references as well.
shame on all involved in this publication.
March 28,2002
State/Country: South Dakota
Favorite Movie: Too many to
Comments: Comments: this is a
great site!!! I consider Cary Grant my ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.
If I have a bad day I just pop in one of his movies and it puts a smile on my
face. He is one of the funniest actors I have ever watched. It's
that subtle humor that gets me every time. I am 24 years old and my
friends think I am crazy for liking him so much. Who cares what they
think, they've never taken the time to watch. Thank You for your hard work
and dedication to this site. There is so much to see and so little time.
By the way nice pictures! Man he is so handsome.
March 28,2002
Name: Marco
State/Country: Scatiggio
Favorite Movie: To
Catch a Thief
Comments: wonderfull!!
Maybe you don't know that the italian voice of Cary was an extraordinay actor
named Gualtiero De Angelis, that succeded in the difficoult target of translate
without transformate the character. Great opera.
March 22, 2002
Pearl Daniels
State/Country: QLD, Australia
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: The perfect gentleman, lost
little boy and man of steel all rolled into one. An enigma, a work of art and a
fragile human being, all wrapped up in an intelligent and oh! so handsome
I have been enjoying Mr. Cary Grant since I was a small girl, and quietly
drooling over him since puberty. I'm still hooked at 40. Class, elegance, humour
and courtesy.
Charade is my favourite simply because not only is Mr. Cary Grant the leading
man, but Miss Audrey Hepburn is his leading lady...The perfect combination.
It's nice to see people of all ages enjoying a talent so timeless.
Kind regards. Pearl.
March 19, 2002
State/Country: Texas
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
& Penny Serenade
Comments: Wow! This is absolutely the
best web site that I have ever visited - so much detail and so many different
offerings. I have already spent over an hour in here. I will bookmark to come
back for more. Thanks for your labor of love, and, please, keep it up!
March 18, 2002
Name: Inga
State/Country: Luebeck/Germany
Favorite Movie: An Affair To
Remember/Bringing Up Baby/Arsenic And Old Lace
Comments: Wonderful site! Since I
first saw CG in Houseboat I was addicted to his charmer. But I'm a little
jealous on you coming from the U.S. or GB, for in Germany CG-movies are rarely
shown on free-tv. but I'm looking forward to 2004 and hope the German
television companies will remember the greatest actor ever (pray it will be
Best wishes to you from Germany!
March 15, 2002
State/Country: Townsville, North
Queensland, Australia
Favorite Movie: Operation Petticoat -
really most of them
Comments: Thank you, Debbie, for your
effort in putting this great site together. I have been watching and
collecting CG movies for over 35 years and can't get enough of them. My
children have been 'raised' on them and now are convincing their spouses and
offspring of how good they are. Good, clean entertainment still enjoyed
today. A Cary Grant Collection is currently being screened here on TV
with one movie every Friday Night. Great start to the weekend.
March 15, 2002
Name: Jetta
State/Country: New York
Favorite Movie: That Touch of Mink
Comments: I first started
collecting Cary Grant films when I was 8 years old. The first I got (and saw)
was "I Was A Male War Bride" and I really liked it, and Cary Grant.
So now I have a collection consisting of such movies as "Monkey Buisness",
"The Grass is Greener", and "Operation Petticoat". I only
have 50 of Cary's films, however. I wish I had all 72!
March 10, 2002
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: My Girl Friday
March 10, 2002
State/Country: Texas
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I'm so infatuated with Cary
Grant. This site is an incredible tribute to the greatest actor of all
time. I've grown up watching him and am fascinated with him. Thanks
so much for making this site.
March 8, 2002
State/Country: Snowy, foggy, sunny
Favorite Movie: Holiday; or Father
How can I choose my favorite Cary Grant movie? Impossible to choose just
one. But when I was a teen, Father Goose was one of my favorite all-time
movies. Charade is another -- and when I watch them on video now, I enjoy
them as much as I did the first time I saw them at the theater.
Just discovered your site. It's great. I'm looking forward to the
Ultimate Screensaver.
March 6, 2002
Name: Mary
State\Country: UK
Favorite Movie: Father
I can't believe it...its wonderful...
I just rewatched Father Goose...a classic. I LOVE all of Cary's movies.
I've been a fan since
I was a small child.... Its 20 + years.! The photos here are
amazing. I'm still exploring. Thank You so much.
March 4, 2002
Name: Jetta
State\Country: New
Favorite Movie: Mr.
Blandings Builds His Dream House
Comments: I think
Cary Grant was a marvelous actor. I have seen many of his films (Mr. Blandings
Builds His Dream House, Arsenic and Old Lace, Charade, The Grass is Greener,
etc.) and I think he really was one of Hollywood's best actors, making movies
for over 30 years.
February 23, 2002
Name: penny
State\Country: glasgow/scotland
Comments: It's a
shame that you died cos you are sadly missed. God takes away all the good
February 23, 2002
Washington, DC
Favorite Movie:
Penny Serenade/Holiday/People Will Talk
This site is just incredible! I found it when I was searching for Cary
Grant photos for a comparison with another actor (many of whose fans are also
fans of Cary Grant). I've been a Cary Grant (and old movie) fan for a
long, long time. I found it impossible to choose just one favorite CG
movie, so I had to list three.
February 22, 2002
Favorite Movie:
Kiss and Make up
February 21, 2002
Melanie Heath
State/Country: United Kingdom
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Hi I'm quite a new Cary fan
and this site as a
absolutely everything you want to look at. It's great to see and be in touch
with other fans. I can see the attraction; all it took was "North by
Northwest" and I've never looked back. What a totally brilliant,
talented, gorgeous, guy. Hail Cary! Also, by the way would love to see a
pic from northwest (the towel scene), in hospital. Wow. sorry Mels
February 19, 2002
David Fox
State/Country: Brooklyn
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Lace
Comments: I love this site. Cary Grant
was an American Icon. Did you know that Mae West got Cary Grant started. Thanks
Chris Dub this is a great site. Does anyone know any other sites where I can
download Cary Grant movies for free?
February 17, 2002
At this time, there isn't anywhere online where you can download Cary's movies
for free. -- Debbie
State\Country: California, USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: Every Cary Grant movie that
I have ever seen is absolutely amazing! I have collected 40 Cary films and
I hope to get the rest this year! Me(17) and my best friend(18) have our
own Cary Club and we both think that this site absolutely rules over all the
rest! It provides us with so much info on the greatest leading man of all
February 14, 2002
Eric Gleason
State/Country: Montrose, Pa
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: yup, good actor
February 14, 2002
Favorite Movie: I can't decide
Comments: Cary Grant is, as everyone
here already knows, the most beautiful man ever. I've been a fan for about 2
years, and the first film I saw him in was Arsenic and Old Lace. But we hardly
saw anything of that, so I couldn't remember him that well. About 4 months
later, we saw North By Northwest, and after that, we watched 4 more Cary Grant
movies, and I still need to see more. I am 14, I think Cary is the most elegant
man in the world.
February 12, 2002
Pat Lange
State/Country: New Jersey ~~~ USA
Favorite Movie: Arsenic & Old Lace
& Bringing Up Baby
February 5, 2002
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
& The Philadelphia Story
Comments: You did an amazing job with
your website! I am 14 and was introduced to classic movies by my parents and
loved them! Cary Grant is now my favorite actor of all time. Sadly, none of my
friends know about these movies. I am glad to see that there are still people
who appreciate great stars like Cary. Nice job.
February 3, 2002
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest
Comments: Cary Grant is such a good
actor. He is beautiful, and no man comes close. He is just like the perfect men
I've always imagined. I'm 14, and I like old movies. I really don't like newer
ones. The romance is usually immoral and not fun to watch. Cary is the best.
January 31, 2002
Katie Johnson
State\Country: Harrisonbug Va
Favorite Movie:
Bringing up Baby
Comments: I love Cary Grant and It is
soooo nice to have such a wonderful sight for a man who did so much to make
people happy!!!
January 29, 2002
Name: Don
Favorite Movie: "Suspicion"
What can I say after all the nice things that have been said here?
The only thing left for me to say, is for you to keep up the good work!
January 26, 2002
Name: Jennifer
State\Country: Arizona
Favorite Movie: all
of them
Comments: What
a fantastic site. Will definitely be back to visit.
January 25, 2002
Name: Dawn
Favorite Movie: Arsenic
& Old Lace
Excellent site. Only place I've been able to find out about all Cary's
movies. Didn't realise he made so many!!
January 20, 2002
Name: Emmy
State\Country: USA
Favorite Movie: An
Affair to Remember & many, many others!!!!!!
It is so, so just wow! Me and my friends love old movies, we started to
notice that the movies we liked best had the same man in it, {Cary Grant}
So then we started looking for his movies, we haven't seen all of them but we
are still working on it.
All I can really say is what an actor!!!!!!!!!
January 19, 2002
Favorite Movie: an affair to
Hello stranger, this is a beautiful, detailed, incredible work. I also
love Cary,,, he had it all: talent, humor, wit, grace.....and, oh, that
face. He is my all time favorite movie person.
Here's a question for the ages: why did Sophia prefer Carlo to Cary????
My favorite Cary movies are: 1) an affair to remember...2) charade 3) arsenic
& old lace & 4) i was a female war bride.
Thanks, Debbie for this rule!
January 18, 2002
Alan Fleischer
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest 4
AAto R
Comments: A great site, use it all
the time. C.G. was my Favorite { I'm 71} Saw all of his Movies over
the years Keep up the good work. I'll contact you later next month as soon as
we get into our new house . Will want DVD Movies
January 14, 2002
Name: Marlene
State\Country: NJ
- U.S.A
Favorite Movie: An
Affair To Remember
WONDERFUL!! Thanks so much for a great website. There'll never be
another CG . . . today's favorite male stars pale in comparison. His on-screen
charm and charisma are always amazing to watch. I made my 14 year old
watch Arsenic and Old Lace . . . He didn't think he'd like it because it's an
"old boring black & white" but he absolutely loved it. We
have to preserve these great old movies by making sure the "next"
generation is exposed to them. Thanks for a great site!!
January 12, 2002
Name: Meg
State\Country: IN
Favorite Movie: Notorious
Comments: I
love classic movies (just ask my friends, I drive them nuts going on about CG
and Audrey Hepburn, etc. ect.) Your site is the greatest CG site ever! Thanks
for all the hard work!!
January 12, 2002
Jessica Jordan
State/Country: U.S.A.
Favorite Movie: Indiscreet
Comments: I liked it!
January 3, 2002
State/Country: New York
Comments: I love this site. I
can stay on it for hours.
January 2, 2002
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