Name: Andie Boshe
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: The Bishops Wife
Comments: As a little girl I used to carry a photograph of Cary Grant and wished he was my father. I have always idolised him and love watching him on screen and
hearing his voice. In 1986 while driving I heard on the radio that Cary Grant had died, I couldn't see to drive my mascara was everywhere! You will 'all' know that moment I'm sure. God bless you Cary and hope
you have a great celebration for your 100th birthday, where ever you are. xXx
December 30, 2003
Name: mary eckerson
State/Country: florida-usa
Favorite Movie: thebishopswife
Comments: I'm just trying to decide who is more handsome, Elvis or Cary.
December 25, 2003
Name: Barbara McClellan
State/Country: OH/USA
Favorite Movie: All the ones I've seen except for two-Gunga Din and The Pride and the Passion.
Comments: Cary Grant and Yul Bynner are my two favorite Silver Screen Movie Stars. I'm somewhat obsessed with them. Mostly, with CG. I have several of his
Movies and two of his books; I even have his stamps. I used to watch him with my mother (most of the movies where in Black and White). I wanted to see how he looked in Color so, I rented To Catch a Thief
and when I saw how he looked in Color (Even yummier and a bode that just would not quite), I fall in love with that movie. As he got older, his voice became smooth like butter. I could listen to him
all day as well as look at him. Thanks, for your wonderful site. I check it out at least once/twice a week.
December 23, 2003
Name: Birgit
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: Monkey Buisness,Operation Petticoat,North by Northwest,Notorius,The Philadelphia Story,Suspicion,To Catch a Thief,I Was a Male Warbride
Comments: Cary Grant is a Dream Man.
December 22, 2003
State/Country: MICHIGAN USA
Favorite Movie: THE BISHOPS WIFE
December 11, 2003
Name: Denise
State/Country: Plantation FL
Comments: My husband LOVES Carey Grant-any ideas for Christmas?
December 1, 2003
Name: Paula
State/Country: New York, USA
Favorite Movie: Room for one More
Comments: This is a very hard movie to find. No one has even heard of it. I am very interested in purchasing a copy of it, if I could find one.
Maybe you could help.
November 25, 2003
Name: Tim
State/Country: Gatlinburg, TN USA
Favorite Movie: all
Comments: ~Looking for an angel to get their wings!!!
Hi! I love this website! For many years I have been trying to find a (colorized) copy of The Bishop's Wife for my Mother as a Christmas gift, she had seen it on television and she loves it!
Please if anyone can help me e-mail me at Thank you in advance!
November 22, 2003
Name: Audrey Diaz
State/Country: Long Island, New York
Favorite Movie: My Favorite Wife, An Affair to Remember, and Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: I had the luck of catching An Affair to Remember one day on AMC while channeling surfing. He caught me immediately. I was completely hooked and
ever since then I've been driving all my friends crazy with my obsession with Cary Grant. I'm only 21 years old and I see so much more in him than any Colin Farel, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, or Brad Pitt
could offer. His charm and wit will forever be unmatched!
November 14, 2003
Name: Karen
State/Country: Kansas City Ks
Favorite Movie: "My favorite wife" "In name only" "Arsenic and old lace" I have so many (-:
Comments: I would like to know if Cary was a Christian too? I like your site. very cool!
November 12, 2003
Name: Berg
State/Country: Denmark
Favorite Movie: All
Hello from Denmark
November 9, 2003
Name: Adriana Rivera
State/Country: United States, Ca
Favorite Movie: All of them
Comments: This is an awesome site!!! I am 18 yrs old and I love old movies. They were the best! Especially James Stewart movies and Cary Grant!!! He was a great actor!
Words cannot describe how great he was! This site definitely does him justice! Good job and keep it up!!!
November 8, 2003
Name: Katia Contogianni
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: Notorious, An Affair to remember and almost every movie!
Comments: I am 27 years old and since I was a little girl I am in love with Cary.I wish there would be more man like him,but I guess there can be only one! I`m very
happy that I found this page and I`m looking forward to hear from other Cary Grant fans!
November 6, 2003
Name: Sara
State/Country: New York
Favorite Movie: Alice in Wonderland
Comments: You had what I needed to know when I needed it and that is what I needed! Thanks "for school"
October 29, 2003
Name: Mark Fisk
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: Talk Of The Town, Bringing Up Baby, There all great
Comments: I'm 15 now but have been watching him since I think I was six. He's the greatest man that ever lived (including Fred Astaire of course). I really like what
you have done with the site, much better than a lot of the other sites. If anyone lives in UK dont forget The Cary Grant Collection on Nov.10 2003 on DVD. Includes 'Indiscreet','Operation Petticoat','My
Favourite Wife' and 'Bringing Up Baby'. Buy It.
October 29, 2003
Name: Jessie Roselle
State/Country: NJ, USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: This such a great site!! I thought I was the only Cary Grant NUT!! (Because my husband thinks so:) I'm very impressed!!!
October 22, 2003
Name: Karen E. Robicheau,
State/Country: AB., Canada
Favorite Movie: Loved ........"Arsenic & Lace"
Comments: Too long to go in to!
October 17, 2003
Comments: Hi Debbie,
Just wanted to thank you for such a great web site. It has been a
great source of fun for me. Last May I was stricken with a weird neuro
illness, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which paralyzed my entire body
within 2 days. I am slowly regaining some of my abilities, but still
have a long way to go. That's why Cary Grant and your web site have
meant so much to me. I loved him first when I was a teenager. Now I am
revisiting many of his old movies and can see why I was so smitten.
What a gorgeous man!! His comedies have been as good a medicine for me
as has the hundreds of hours of physical therapy. As the critic
Pauline Kael said about him, "It makes one happy just to look at
him." I hope he knows how much pleasure he gave to so many
Thank you again so much for keeping his memory alive!!
~~ Rhonda
October 5, 2003
Name: Nathaniel Marsaleno McGhee
State/Country: Ohio/United States Of America
Favorite Movie: My Favorite Wife&His Girl Friday
Comments: I am a Big Diehard Cary Grant Fan,he is One of My ALL-Time Favorite Entertainers.I have nothing but Love and Respect for him.I just wish he was still with
us,Because we need more people like him.I have seen Half of his 72 Movies.I also love The Philadelphia Story which also has two more of My All-Time Favorite Entertainers who I also Miss Like Crazy,Katharine
Hepburn and James Stewart.I also love his Style and Attitude.I have been a Cary Grant Fan for most of my 30 Years Bieng on this Planet.Thank You,Sincerely a Long-Time Loving and Devoted Fan,Nathaniel Marsaleno
McGhee 2003
October 5, 2003
Name: Marcela Francis Bedollo Tarlan
State/Country: São Paulo / Brazil
Favorite Movie: An affair to remember
Comments: I like classical movies so much and An affair to remember is one of the most romantic movies that I ever seen.
October 4, 2003
Name: Sunni
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: NxNW if I had to say 1
Comments: Just curious if there's any plans for conventions next year as it would've been his 100th birthday...
October 3, 2003
Name: Valerian
State/Country: Lille, FRANCE
Favorite Movie: The Talk of the Town
Comments: Greetings to you and your guests. Love what you’ve done with your site.
I'll keep it in my favorite spots
October 1, 2003
Name: Tony Byrne
State/Country: Dublin, Ireland
Favorite Movie: The Bishops Wife
Comments: This movie is one of the best feel good movies of all time. Why don't the publishers push it more fervently. Do they think that we over here in Europe
"won't get it". We want it on DVD to last forever. Once seen, never forgotten. It's on par with "it's a Wonderful Life".
September 30, 2003
Name: Gary
State/Country: Australia
Favorite Movie: Wings in the Dark
Comments: Hi, Just surfed in. I enjoyed looking through your site. It is a shame they can't make movies like that anymore. Too much violence. I
still love the old movies.
If you are interested in Australia please have a look at sign the guestbook and leave a link if you like.
Very useful if you are coming over here. Child Friendly site.
September 20, 2003
Name: Sandra
State/Country: Italy
Favorite Movie: How is possible to choose only one???
Comments: Hi, you have an amazing site dedicated to an amazing actor with lot of informations! He's my favourite Audrey Hepburn co-actor. Great Work!!!!!
September 10, 2003
Name: Helen Martin
State/Country: Edinburgh, Scotland
Favorite Movie: In name Only
Comments: This wonderful website with such detail and information has given me such fun and enjoyment. I am now collecting Cary Grant films wherever I can.
I have loved watching him since I was a teenager and am now reaching 40. Thanks for all your dedication and hard work that you must put into the site. It must be enjoyed by a lot of people and credit goes
to the person who designed the website. Was this you too Debbie. Thanks again.
September 4, 2003
State/Country: ALABAMA
Comments: Cary Grant was one
of my favorite actors. I especially loved him in the movie,"
Father Goose ", which I do have. This is the most wonderful site,
and I am glad that I came across it.....
September 4, 2003
Name: Alyece Hicks
State/Country: North Carolina, USA
Favorite Movie: all of them
Comments: Thank so much for this website. It's wonderful. Cary Grant has been a favorite as long as i can remember. I'm 15 and I've been in love with him all my
life. I love old movies. Especially when it comes to him and Doris Day. He was simply wonderful. I will always love and admire Cary Grant. I know he was as much as a gentleman off the screen as he was on. But
more importantly, was he a Christian. I've always wanted to know if he was a "religious" man. I'm a Christian and have always wondered about the stars I've loved for so long. If there's anyway I could
find out let me know. Thanks again for "his" site. He certainly my dream man. He always will be. I love you Cary Grant!!!!!
August 30, 2003
Barbara Squier
State/Country: Maryland, USA
Hi Debbie-
I came across your web site for Cary
Grant today and I am impressed by the breadth and depth of what you
have on the site. It's also really easy to navigate and nice to look
at- good job!
I am writing for some information or a
guide to a resource. I am loooking for the title of a Cary Gant film.
I do not know the date of the film, the co-star, or the characters
names in the film. All I know is some about the plot. I caught the
movie half way through a few years ago and missed seeing the credits!
The plot involves 2 youngsters as
unborn angels, trying to unite 2 couples (one played of course by Cary
Grant), so that they can be born into children and share their future
destiny. In the end, the angels (on girl, one boy angel) were indeed
born moments apart (this was the conclusion of the film). It was a
delightful film about fate and destiny and soulmates finding one
So, what I am looking for is the title
of this film (or someone who might know). My 60 year old Mom can
remember having seen this film, but cannot recall the title either.
Any direction that you could give me would be just great. I would be,
ultimately, interested in obtaining a copy of this film for my viewing
at home.
Thanks again and I surely look forward
to hearing from you. Have a great day!
August 27, 2003
Name: Jessica
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: My Favorite Wife; The Philadelphia Story; Arsenic and Old Lace; An Affair to Remember and many more!
Comments: What a great job you've done with this site! It's so great to see such a wonderful tribute to one of the best actors in the world... of any generation!
August 21, 2003
Name: Courtney Zanianfuk
State/Country: Florida
Favorite Movie: Alice and Wonderland
Comments: I LOVE Cary Grant!! Me and my friend Breanne Joiner r obsessed! Just wanted to let ya'll know! bye
August 15, 2003
Name: Breanne Joiner
State/Country: MI
Homepage: none
Favorite Movie: All
Comments: I have been a Cary Grant fan for as long as I can remember....It seems just like yesterday when I fell in love with his dreamy smile! He was a great actor
with so much passion that you actually thought you were in the movie! I cant express how happy I am to see how many other people adored Cary LONG LIVE CARY GRANT IN OUR SOULS AND HEARTS FOREVER~
August 15, 2003
Name: Agostina D'Alessandro
State/Country: Italy
Favorite Movie: The Bishop's Wife, Notorious, People Will Talk...
Comments: I've been a Cary Grant fan for as long as I can remember...and it's a good thing that my husband looks a lot like him...tall, dark and handsome.
Dear Debbie, on November 25, 2000 I wrote that you helped me to appreciate more and more Cary Grant, the actor that he was and will always be.
Now, I've one more reason to say "Thanks" to you, for your work and for your beautiful site .
My pretty, clever, dear niece, Paola, on July 22, 2003 signed your Guest Book ,with such caring words, for Cary, and for me that I've been so much deeply touched...
Thanks Paola, thanks Debbie...and thanks "Dudley".
August 11, 2003
Name: Pam
State/Country: England, UK
Favorite Movie: I love all of his movies
Comments: What a brilliant site, I wish I had found it earlier.
July 28, 2003
Name: David Pugsley
State/Country: Bristol,England
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I am a huge Cary Grant fan, and therefore have the benefit of living very close to his birthplace, and also where he spent his early years.
It was about time, when Bristol got it's act together and erected a statue in memory of one of it's most famous sons. My only criticism is of the statue's location which is well off the beaten track - I believe
a more fitting location would have been outside the Bristol Hippodrome theatre where young Archie Leach spent the early part of his youth treading the boards.
Great site...Keep it up, and do keep in touch.
July 25, 2003
Name: Paola D'Alessandro
State/Country: Italy
Favorite Movie: Notorious, The Grass is Greener
Comments: I'm just 23 (nearly), but I love Cary. He's my favourite actor and I love him. My dear aunt Agostina loves him, too and it was thanks to her that I
"discovered" him.
I have been lucky enough to go and visit the wonderful and amazing city of Bristol.
I cried all my tears and took all the pictures I could in front of the Statue.
I even wrote him some few words on a piece of paper that I've hidden somewhere....
Don't look for it: weather probably has already spoilt it. But for me it will always remain there near him!
July 22, 2003
Name: Jennifer Van
State/Country: Memphis, TN
Favorite Movie: Notorious, Affair to Remember, House Boat, and anything else Cary is in.
Comments: This is by far the best Cary Grant website. It is informative, easy to navigate and is packed with the best photo collection I've seen.
Thanks for all your hard work.
July 20, 2003
Name: Elena
State/Country: Odessa/Ukraine
Favorite Movie: Arsenic & Old Lace/Monkey Business/Operation Petticoat & many others
Comments: Hi! This site is great, such many information about Cary Grant. I big fan of Cary Grant, I much about him do not know, I collect the information on him on
particles, to me interestingly what he was the person. He was irresistible.
July 18, 2003
Name: Stacey
State/Country: CT/USA
Favorite Movie: I really don't have a favorite Cary movie. I love his screwball movies for their comedy and his romantic movies are always great to curl up by a fire
Comments: I'm probably one of the younger Cary fans..(teenager) but I've fallen in love with his movies. I've seen about 35 and I own (or have recorded for my
collection) 23 of his movies. I love this site because I see that I'm not the only person who adores this actor. I really don't know how I became caught up in older movies (30s,40s,50s) but now I'm addicted. I
especially look forward to watching Cary's movies. He is such an attractive leading man who enhances his character by adding acrobatics, singing and creating that wonderful accent. His facial expression are
also wonderful. (ex. when he finds the dead body in the window seat) Well, I guess I've said everything for now. I would love to have someone contact me though, so that we can talk about this actor or his
movies (my friends don't exactly know or care about this actor). Thanks for creating this web site!
July 10, 2003
Comments: HELLO!
July 8, 2003
Name: Barry Ethridge
State/Country: Texas, USA
Favorite Movie: Room for One More aka The Easy Way
Comments: Wow is the first thing I'd say about your site!
While searching Google for anything related to my favorite all time movie, Room for One More aka The Easy Way, this website turned up. I can say without a doubt, the enjoyment from your site has been great.
Many of my favorite movies star Cary Grant. Your site is well organized and filled with many goodies and information that mean so very much to me. I would recommend your site to anyone looking for information
on anything related to Cary Grant. And just so you know, I'm not an old retired woman, man writing this. I am 43 years old, Male, EE Engineer, with a love for only old movies. I may design the future, but my
heart lives in the past. I would intend to place a link on my website pointing towards this one for any and all Cary Grant Information. Thanks for all your hard work, I shall visit often.
Barry Ethridge
July 7, 2003
Name: reinaldo rivas nielsen
State/Country: chile
Favorite Movie: Cinthia
Comments: hola soy chileno, mi nombre es reinaldo rivas nielsen, soy un admirador de las peliculas de Cary, especialmente cinthia , charada, saludos estupendo sitio
July 3, 2003
Name: Genebeth D.
State/Country: California, USA
Favorite Movie: notorious, penny serenade, bringing up baby
Comments: No other CG website can compare to this one. It's filled with everything you could ever know about Mr. Cary Grant, and it's wonderful to look at every
time. I'm a bigger Cary Grant fan than I was three months ago thanks to this website. =D Thank you soo much for giving me one of my biggest passions.
July 3, 2003
Name: Denise
State/Country: Springfield, Ohio
Favorite Movie: That Touch of Mink
Comments: I really like the trivia part. That is a lot of fun.
As a child of the 50's and 60's I became aware of Cary Grant, along with Tony Curtis, John Wayne, Rock Hudson, Elvis and a few others. However, I can honestly say that that his humor (primarily),
intelligence and looks just blew me away at quite a tender age. All the other heartthrobs simply paled by comparison. Mercy....I doubt that I will ever get over him.
July 1, 2003
Name: Paul Floyd
Comments: Hi all I recently emptied out my great grandmas loft and found, what I am informed to be, pictures of her and Archie Leach as infants in Bristol.
July 1, 2003
Name: Theresa
State/Country: South Dakota
Favorite Movie: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House & Penny Serenade
Comments: Kudos to you and your hard work on this site! I was so excited to find a list of all of Cary Grant's movies. Now I can continue my search of movies for my
July 1, 2003
Name: Georgia Bateman
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: Talk of the Town
Comments: This is a great website. I'm on a mission to own every Cary Grant movie that I possibly can. Is there a book out there that has all of his movie posters? My husband has one with all of Errol Flynn movie
posters, so I thought there might be one for Cary Grant. I would love to have one if there is.
No other actor makes me smile more than Cary Grant. He was like no other.
June 28, 2003
Name: Martina
State/Country: Italy
Favorite_Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: I love this website, it's the best one. Lotsa infos, pictures....I really feel satisfied with it. Cary is one of my favorite classic actors! Keep on the good workin!!!
June 26, 2003
Pam Jarnagin
Dear Debbie,
I am taking a 9-month course in web
design. One of our assignments is to design a fan site. As an avid fan
of all things Cary Grant for over 20 years, I
chose to do mine on Cary. In doing so, I came across your site, and
just wanted to commend you. This is a wonderful, comprehensive site,
and I have spent hours at it already, and have not yet begun to
explore it fully!
Thank you for this gift to CG fans
everywhere. My site will remain in its "course assignment
only" category. I could never hope to, nor would I want to
duplicate or compete with your effort.
Thank you again for your brilliant
tribute to Cary.
Pam Jarnagin
June 24, 2003
Name: Robbie
State/Country: Sask. Canada
Favorite Movie: Operation Petticoat, Arsnic and Old Lace, Mother Goose, Walk Don't Run
Comments: I like all Cary Grant's movies. I grew up in the 60's. I even having my kids watch Operation Petticoat on a regular basis. I would love to see "Walk Don't
Run" again. It has been years since I've seen it. We there are re-runs on T.V. I would be pleased if this movie was on.
June 14, 2003
Name: Nancy
State/Country: TX
Favorite Movie: People Will Talk
Comments: Now's as good a time as any to sign the guestbook. I've been lurking around here for more than a year. ;-)
I wish I had found the sites long enough ago to see the originals that Zoe and Debbie had - but kudos to you both - the merger is a wonderful place.
The world would be a better place if all of us watched at least one Cary movie per week. (I prefer 2 or 3...)
June 11, 2003
Name: Coco
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: Of all the people I know, I am the only person who even knows who Cary Grant is (besides my mother.) But I would like to thank you for bringing such a wonder like him
to so many people. I read somewhere that he seemed to get more handsome and charming as he grew older, and well, judging by pictures, I can hardly disagree. If every man looked like Cary Grant, the world would truly be a
beautiful place. I fell head over heels for that "tall dark streak of light" the first time I ever saw "Arsenic" and I've been hooked ever since. Its a shame he isn't here today. What a living legend
he would be. Thanks again. Its good to know there are people who love that "son of a sea cook" as much as I do.
June 5, 2003
Name: Rayna
State/Country: FL
Favorite Movie: Charade and To Catch A Thief
Comments: Hmmm... What can I say... I've recently fallen in love with Cary Grant. Ah yes, ever since that day when the TV just happened to be on the AMC Channel and To Catch A
Thief was on. I was hooked I wanted to find out EVERYTHING about this man and this website has been the most AMAZING site I've found. I wasn't here five minutes when I decided to add this site to my favorites:D I'm also
OBSESSED with Pierce Brosnan and Remington Steele so I was indeed very pleased with that little section :) Awesome job with the site!
June 4, 2003
Name: Cassie Stover
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: This is my favorite website! Cary Grant is the best actor ever! Happy Thoughts!
June 2, 2003
Name: Patti Arnold
State/Country: Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember / Night&Day
Comments: I'm intrigued by the success and stardom of Cary Grant.
I have 4 of his movies on video. Hope to collect a lot more.
May 28, 2003
Name: Ashley
State/Country: Florida, USA
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace, anything with Kate Hepburn, The Grass is Greener, The Awful Truth, and Father Goose
Comments: Hi! I Just wanted to sign the guest book, and let you know that I do look at the site, and not just participate on the group too :D. I hope everyone had a great time at
caryvention! Great job on the site!! I especially love the Trivia, and the Songs section!!
May 20, 2003
State/Country: GEORGIA /USA
Favorite Movie: ARSENIC &OLD LACE
May 17, 2003
Jan Edwards
Dear Debbie -
I just happened upon your incredible website about our glorious Cary
Grant and had to tell you how much I enjoyed looking through it. I'm
56 years old and have been in love with that man since my teenage
years (fortunately, my husband doesn't mind!). My very favorite movie
was Affair to Remember. The snappy dialogue on the cruise ship was
delightful, and the visit to his aging mother's home with Deborah
Kerr's character was so tender and moving - a surefire tear-jerker for
me every time I see it!
You've done an amazing job of organizing the website. It's not only
the best collection of photos, posters, magazine covers, etc., I've
ever seen, it's also very beautifully and professionally
A million thank-yous for putting it together and sharing it with all
of us Cary Grant devotees!! Please keep up the excellent work.
Best wishes,
Jan Edwards
May 15, 2003
Name: Natalie
State/Country: Utah, USA
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: good website. I love Cary Grant Movies he is the best.
May 11, 2003
Name: JudyJudyJudy
State/Country: Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: I've always wondered about JudyJudyJudy, and often do respond that that is my name. (Don't all Judy's?) That way, I have a legitimate reason to have three different
personalities without the expense of a psychiatrist. And, because of Judy X 3, Cary Grant has always been one of my favorites.
May 9, 2003
Name: Pam Shields
State/Country: Kansas
Favorite Movie: To Catch A Thief
April 22, 2003
Name: Craig Hill
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Hey great site! greetings from the UK
April 20, 2003
Name: Liza
State/Country: Sydney, Australia
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Having watched N by NthWest for probably the hundredth time I was curious to see if there were any interviews with Cary about his experience of making the film ... have
not found any yet but came across your site, which is great.
Does everyone have the DVD with the extra film "The making of N by Nthwest" hosted by Eva Marie Saint ... I enjoyed it immensely but it could have been triple the time as I want to know even more about the
making of N by Nthwest ...
April 14, 2003
Dave O'Conner
Yours is truly one of the best web
sites I have ever visited. Well done in
every respect (I think Cary would be proud). I caught myself saying,
a lot.
Dave O'Conner
April 12, 2003
Name: Mary Whtie
State/Country: Kentucky /Usa
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: Breathtaking!
April 9, 2003
Name: Barry Bogart
State/Country: NY USA
Comments: Nice website.
April 6, 2003
Name: Maria-Christina Kanellopoulou
State/Country: Belgium
Favorite Movie: This is a difficult question... Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House, Notorious...
Comments: Hello everybody,
This is a really great website!!! I just love Cary Grant, he is my favorite actor. He is the definition of Charm, Elegance and Humour. He was unique, a real diamond and like we say "Diamonds are Forever". Thank
goodness his movies are there to show his BRILLIANCE.
Cary Grant, simply the BEST!!!
March 31, 2003
Name: Erin
State/Country: Colorado-USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember, Charade, Notorious, To Catch A Thief, Only Angels Have Wings-are my top five!
Comments: This site has all the information I need to now anything about the wonderful Cary Grant!
Well done, and I hope you keep it up! I've enjoyed everything you had to offer! Me and my family enjoy watching Cary Grant's movies, and we love them all! He is a very talented and very handsome gentleman.
Keep up the work and best of luck to you!
March 30, 2003
Name: Rae Monsanto
State/Country: Florida/USA
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Cary was one of the most versatile stars of all time. He could do a Hitchcock and then do Houseboat.
Not one star of today can top this most handsome and charming gentleman.
Long live the King.
March 30, 2003
Name: Erin
State/Country: Colorado
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember, To Catch A Thief, Charade
Comments: I think this is the greatest website, it has all the information you need to know!I 'm a big fan of classic movies, and Cary Grant certainly made many that I can enjoy
over and over again. Thanks.
March 25, 2003
Name: Irina
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: Every girl should be married
Comments: What happens when a 6 year old girl watches "That Touch of Mink"? She just has to have a "crush" on the good-looking leading man...
That's exactly what happened to me 16 years ago. Ok, now the crush is gone *lol* but I still adore Cary and his wonderful movies.
This web-site is the ultimate source for Cary Grant fans. Keep up the good work!
March 19, 2003
State/Country: Yorkshire,
Comments: Hi, this is Tom,
You may remember me from about a year ago when I emailed you about the
autobiography. I was a 15 year old from Yorkshire, England. I am now a
16 years old from Yorkshire, England and think I know everything
(joke). I enjoyed the autobiography very much and I would like to
thank you for it again. I think that your site is by far the best, and
most informative of all the Cary Grant websites. Anyway, to get back
to the reason I am emailing you. I recently came across a radio show
called "On a country road". I would like to know if this was
recorded purely for radio or whether its a clip from a film or
something. When was it recorded etc. Also can you please tell me which
radio shows are the best as I would like to download one or two.
Thank you for your time.
March 19, 2003
Name: Sally Bass
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: a love affair to remember
Comments: Always been Cary Grant fan he was just enchanting to watch and listen to.
March 18, 2003
Name: Torres
State/Country: France
Favorite Movie: suspicion
Comments: I love Cary Grant a long time ago. I seen a lot of these films. Thank you for your site.
March 16, 2003
Name: Victor Jack
State/Country: Yokohama /Japan
Favorite Movie: An affair to remember
Comments: Good site. Keep it up please.
March 14, 2003
Name: Caroline Chaudhary
State/Country: NY, US
Favorite Movie: Monkey business
Comments: Hi from NY. I loved a lot of his movies actually.
March 10, 2003
Hazel MacKinnon
Comments: I must thank you
very much for this very interesting and entertaining site. I had quite
a quiet week at work and spent quite a bit of time on the site.
Congratulations on all the hard work you must have put in to make this
site so informative. Loved the photos from the films. Had a few tries
at the quiz and really enjoyed it.
I have been a Cary Grant fan since I
was a teenager - really nobody touches him.
Bye for now
Hazel MacKinnon
March 7, 2003
Name: Cristina Aldana
State/Country: Spain
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
February 28, 2003
Name: Orlaith
State/Country: Ireland
Favorite Movie: The Philadelphia Story/Notorious
Comments: This is absolutely excellent site. Loved the kisses page especially, really made me smile. I love Cary Grant, everyone should be privileged to watch his movies, they
really make a difference. Great job on the site, I'll be back. Thanks for the entertainment!
February 26, 2003
Name: O DAVE
State/Country: lome D R of TOGO
Comments: I always enjoyed Mr. Grant's movies.
February 26, 2003
Name: Scarlett
State/Country: Malaysia
Comments: I have been very curious about Cary Grant since I watched "Sleepless In Seattle" simply because one of Grant's movie - "An Affair To Remember" was
mentioned say, about 10 times in that movie.
Looks like your site have everything I need to know about this classic actor. Well done for this lovely site. And not to forget, your short review on "An Affair To Remember" have absolutely revealed
to me why so many people adored this movie!!
February 25, 2003
Name: Amanda
State/Country: Texas, USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember, The Grass is Greener, Notorious...
Comments: I love this website! I am such a big fan of Cary Grant (not to mention Irene Dunne too), so this is great. I have been a fan since I was around nine years
old (now I'm seventeen), so I am very excited to find all of the information on him!!!!
February 22, 2003
Name: Jim Cains
State/Country: Michigan/United States
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: This is a GREAT web site has a lot of information more than some other websites I been too doesn't have near enough of Cary Grant movies and all of this I just want to
say ur doing one Great job keep up the good work
February 16, 2003
Name: Samantha Williams
State/Country: USA
Comments: Hey I really like your site. I have found some of the information here helpful. Thanks :)
February 16, 2003
Name: Rikki
State/Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Favorite Movie: Father Goose, Operation Petticoat, North by Northwest
Comments: I started watching Cary Grant movies with my dad when I was a little girl. He would tape them for me and I would watch them over and over. I'm now 26 and I miss
those nights of making popcorn and watching Operation Petticoat or Houseboat with Daddy. Those are some of my happiest childhood memories.
February 15, 2003
Name: Mike Siegel
State/Country: Ol' Germany
Favorite Movie: Thief / Petticoat / + 15 more
Comments: Too bad I can't imitate his accent right here,
otherwise I would say: 'IT HAS BEEN A DEELIIIGHT!'
February 14, 2003
Michele Krejce
State Country: Minnesota/USA
Favorite Movie: Sylvia Scarlett
Comments: This is by far the best site
I've found on Cary. It's nice to see younger people writing in with their
comments! I'm 23 and have been a fan of Cary Grant's for about four years, ever
since I saw Arsenic and Old Lace. He was such a great actor, in comedies and
dramas, not to mention the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've ever seen! This site is
great. I especially like the Sound Gallery. Thank you for this site!
January 31, 2003
State Country: TX/USA
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: I emailed you concerning a
movie I was looking for the title of and I really appreciate your prompt
response!!! You have a great website and I have enjoyed looking through it and I
will come back time and time again!
Thanks again,
January 28, 2003
Ron Montuori
State/Country: Connecticut, USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: Hi, always enjoy
viewing your site! I found a movie theatre in Connecticut that shows old
classics on the big screen, and several times it's been a Cary Grant movie. They
played Gunga Din in November, and Jan 31 it's North By Northwest.
January 25, 2003
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: January 19, 2003...I am 34
years old and just confirmed (after watching my second Cary grant movie...first
be TC a Thief) that I am incredibly impressed with Grant and Audrey Hepburn. I
enjoyed "Charade" today for the first time (no commercials on TCM) and
it is one of the best movies I have every watched. How come they were able to
make a movie 30+ years ago that has such wit and shows the truth of life (I love
Hepburn's line after the translation booth scene: "..You're not kidding, 10
minutes ago I had a job", and yet there is so much crap made today as far
as movies go?? And the dialogue/pauses between her and Matthau are very
entertaining. I am a James Bond fan, and I think if Grant had been a few years
younger, he would've given Connery a real run in terms of being the master spy
with a confidence and humor. Great Site!
January 19, 2003
State/Country: MICHIGAN
Favorite Movie: Destination Tokyo
Comments: I spent good deal of time
here. My hobby is of Hollywood of the Silver Screen. Cary Grant a versatile
actor, who modeled himself after Douglas Fairbanks Sr., one of my favorite
leading men.
January 14, 2003
State/Country: korea
Favorite Movie: An Affair To
Comments: cool site !!
January 13, 2003
Sig Goode
State/Country: Hawaii,U.S.of A.since
1988before NEW YORK
Favorite Movie: "MY
HOLLYWOOD reached it Highest form in the late 1930z when CARY GRANT was
c0-starred w/ HEPBURN or IRENE DUNNE
If you've been deprived-rent
My 73 yr. old eyes tear up when recalling the sheer perfection of these four
As an Owner/programmer of three Repertory Movie houses on Cape Cod in the
1960z we screened the above GEMS to people from Boston & New York as TV. didn't
have T.C.M. in those days & V.H.S. tapes were in the future.
They had Pantheonic Directors & still honored writers also, however
CARY w. IRENE DUNNE or KATE HEPBURN limelighted these talented guys w/ the Best
work ever!
January 10, 2003
Tamilyn Carson
State/Country: Idaho, U.S.A.
Favorite Movie: People Will Talk
Comments: I think this is the best CG
site I have ever come across. It is the most informative and the most
entertaining. Thanks for all the work (although if it involves CG, it is a
pleasure) you have put into it.
January 6, 2003
State/Country: Leicestershire
Favorite Movie: Monkey Business
Comments: Viva la cary Grant - long
may his dashing good looks be seen on the silver screen.
January 1, 2003
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