Name: Becky
State/Country: usa
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: I think this is a wonderful site showing all aspects of a very talented man. I think this is wonderful research or just finding interesting facts on someone.
December 29, 2001
Name: Virginia Carroll
State/Country: Oregon
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: I have always enjoyed Mr. Grant's movies. Tonight I watched my favorite, "An Affair
to Remember" for the umpteenth time. I never tire of it. Kudos to Mr. Grant.!!!!!
December 29, 2001
Name: Raghu
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: His Girl Friday (of the movies i have seen)
Comments: Great site, thanks
December 27, 2001
Name: Anita
State/Country: USA/Illinois
Favorite Movie: Houseboat and many others
Comments: When I was around 10 or 12 years old, I had heard of a man called Cary Grant, and all the women made a big deal of him, and I thought How can this man be so wanted, and
interesting, and great? Then when I was about 15 I saw my first movie with Cary Grant, and just about fell out of my chair! Not only was he handsome, and boyish in a great way, but he was a man right out of my Romance
Novels! He is the man every women wants-to respect her, and want her, and protect her and seduce her, and we would do anything for him....I wish I had known him personally just to get to know him would be so
fulfilling.....He is one man I could say I would Marry, and I wouldn't care how many other wives he had had. It surprised me out of all the wives he did have that he only had one child. That is too bad. There will never
be another like him, But I sure wish there could be. He and Kirk Douglas! This site is great and I plan on coming back often! Thank-you.
December 26, 2001
Name: Denise Gore
State/Country: Lower Hutt, New Zealand
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember - what else????
Comments: Thanks for an awesome site. My fave movie is An Affair To Remember, although I don't yet own a copy. I do have copies of a few of his movies. They
just don't make them like that any more which is such a shame. More was left to our imaginations and I think it made the romance scenes all the more exciting.
December 21, 2001
Name: Linda Rudesill
State/Country: Ohio
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: This is a very good site, although I think the review of Bruce in the hard to find Cary Grant movie section is a bit off (I can say that because he's my Dad). I
will say that he is a reliable source for hard to find Cary Grant movies and has helped me to have my own Cary Grant collection grow. Keep up the good work on the Cary Grant site.
December 19, 2001
Name: c-dubya
State/Country: canada
Favorite Movie: his girl friday, etc etc etc...charade
Comments: watch the films and learn the history of film making. the shower scene in charade is probably one of the bravest that a film icon could provide the avid
filmgoer WITHOUT the crudeness of exposure. the whinnying, the ticks, the reactions are worth continuous studies to actors, directors and writers...n/nw - who else could convince you that such an arrogant,
superficial man could actually redeem himself through folly? thanks to cary grant we have a valuable film history to study for ages to come.
December 16, 2001
Name: Alan Fleischer
State/Country: Fresno CA
Favorite Movie: all favorite CHARADE And N. by N.W.
Comments: I guess every man wanted to be C.G even me when younger I looked a little like him at times but life changes looks except for Mr. Grant. He was a great actor and a
handsome one.
Will all miss him.
My Daughter said when he passed on [ all the good looking one have to die.] She liked him to I'm 71 she 34. He will probably be driving all the ladies crazy up in HEAVEN too.
December 14, 2001
Name: Clarissa
State/Country: North Carolina
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I think this web site is great. I love Cary Grant and think his movies are awesome. I went to the Foto gallery and Sound gallery which gave me a chance
to see and hear my favorite actor. The speech he gave when he received the academy award was also very surprising to be on a web page but was fabulous.
December 13, 2001
Name: john c. fox
State\Country: Florida, USA
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest
Comments: Surely a labor of love by a real FANatic!!! lots of people will enjoy your great effort and production.
December 13, 2001
Name: Lalia
State/Country: MN
Favorite Movie: Bringing up Baby
Comments: Good site. Try to get more Cary Pics.
December 11, 2001
Name: Nicole Huggins
State/Country: Texas
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I have been looking for something like this for a long time. I collect Carey Grant movies and have had a hard time finding some of them. Thanks for
sharing your great information.
December 10, 2001
Name: Erin
State/Country: Indiana - USA
Favorite Movie: It's a tie between Holiday and Arsenic and Old Lace, with The Philadelphia Story and Bringing Up Baby close behind
Comments: What a great site! My sister and I are huge Cary Grant fans, so every time I e-mail her I create new stationary using a different picture. I have also
picked my favorite sound clips and used them for all of the sounds on my computer! Thanks for all the fun stuff!!
December 7, 2001
Name: Paul Boyle
State/Country: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Favorite Movie: Arsenic And An Old Lace
December 6, 2001
Name: Amy Lane
State/Country: Colorado
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest, Indiscreet, etc...
Comments: Cary Grant was one of the most talented and hottest men that ever stepped 4th on the earth! He will be remembered forever. This is an awesome sight preserving his
legend. Thanks for the nice work;)
December 6, 2001
Name: sbennett
State/Country: usa
Favorite Movie: Holiday
Comments: Great site. Thanks for all your hard work. I am a big Cary Grant fan--I buy every movie I can get my hands on. I could watch them all 100 times each and never get
tired of them!
December 4, 2001
Name: Seneca Rose
State/Country: Pennsylvania-u.s.a.
Favorite Movie: Bringing up Baby
Comments: Cary wuz the best, I must admit!
December 2, 2001
Name: Gordon Bangemann
State/Country: Arnsberg / Deutschland
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and old lace (Arsen und Spitzenhäubchen)
Comments: great site....greetings from germany
December 2, 2001
Name: Janet
State/Country: Pennsylvania USA
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Lace
Comments: I am thankful for this site. I have loved Cary Grant since the first time I saw him on film!
I enjoy ALL the films he has starred in and I will watch them over and over again!
November 25, 2001
Name: Michelle Parker
State/Country: Georgia, USA
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby, An Affair to Remember, Charade
Comments: Does anyone know how I can find a copy of a recording made in the late'60 ,early'70 of Cary Grant preforming "Christmas Lullaby"??Sweet Beautiful
recording... I have look every where! HELP!!!!
November 23, 2001
Name: Sue Wadham
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: Charade/All!
Comments: When a student in London trying to be a Physiotherapist, my friend and fellow student decided that if we had successfully passed an examination we were allowed out
to view a Cary Grant movie. There was always one to see in the 60's. My Mother introduced me to CG with Night and Day - and I remain a fervent admirer of his films and revisit my collection frequently - let
alone this site. Thanks Debbie and all contributors - keep it coming.
November 22, 2001
Name: palle Schiellerup
State/Country: Denmark
Favorite Movie: all of them
Comments: excellent
November 19, 2001
Name: Cristina Baptista
State/Country: Connecticut, USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: You have definitely done an exceptional job in incorporating facts, pictures, history, and a bit of fun in your site. No doubt, Cary himself would be proud!
I fell in love with Mr. Grant back when I was a toddler--watching "Arsenic and Old Lace," "Houseboat," "Father Goose," "Bringing Up Baby," and the like with my mother led me to a
love of everything-Cary. Over time, "Charade" has become my favorite of his movies--the combination of Audrey Hepburn, mystery, and Cary Grant make for an incredible film that I will never tire of
watching. "North By Northwest" is also a favorite, but then again, so is every other movie Cary has made.
Keep up the good work with your site--it's the first time I visited it and I have a feeling I'll be back!
November 17, 2001
Name: sandra perez
State/Country: la coruña/ SPAIN
Favorite Movie: charade/ an afffair to remember/ indiscret
Comments: hola, soy una chica de españa a la que le encanta Cary Grant. Para mi, es el actor mas elegante que he visto ;esa mezcla de gentleman inglés y de sinvergüenza lo
hace irresistible.
Considero que fue un actor que como le pasa a la mayoria de los cómicos en Hollywood, no se le tomo en serio, ademas de porque a sus dotes artisticas, se añadia un atractivo fisico. Soy una fan incondicional; tengo una
coleccion de diez o mas pelis del susodicho, pero es que en españa hay algunas peliculas un poco dificil de conseguir, por ejemplo "Monkey bussines".
Bueno, finalmente, felicitar a todos los que hayan hecho posible esta pagina, poque creo que abarca todos los ambitos importantes de la vida de C.G., además de unas fotos muy buenas.
nada más, saludos.
November 17, 2001
Name: Pervez Yusuf
State_Country: NJ USA
Favorite_Movie: all
Comments: Bravo your web page is soooooooooooo fantastic and energetically good. Yeah just to say keep it uppppppp
November 8, 2001
Name: Claire G.
State/Country: Belgium
Favorite Movie: If I have to choose, I'd say An affair to remember and Indiscreet
Comments: Great website in terms of content, design and above all pictures. Now I know where to look whenever I search for one of Cary's movie !
November 3, 2001
Name: Anke
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: Probably "An affair to remember" but occasionally it has big fights with "Indiscreet", "Charade" or
Comments: DEBBIE!! AMAZING JOB! I **LOVE** your site - its really SO wonderful can't get enough of it really ... I'm in trouble with my boss cause I
browsed through your pictures all all day at work ,... but its okay - he loves him too (but then WHO DOESN'T right??)
ANYWAY - THANK YOU for brighten up my day (s) wonderful wonderful site ..
I just ADORE Cary Grant :)
November 2, 2001
Name: Stuart Kennedy
State/Country: Dunfermline - Scotland
Favorite Movie: An affair to remember
Comments: As a fan of Cary Grant I was pleasantly surprised to find this site, and very good it is too.
October 30, 2001
Name: Pam
State/Country: Illinois/USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: I've had the wallpaper up on my computer and I just love it. No matter how many times I see an affair to remember I always cry. Thank you so
much for your website. When I need a lift from Cary your always there. Thanks.
October 27, 2001
Name: Andy
State/Country: Missouri
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest
Comments: Excellent Page!
October 24, 2001
Name: Holly & Selby
State/Country: Texas
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Your site has been so helpful and we love the pictures!!! Oh, and Selby likes the accurate information. ^^;;;
October 24, 2001
Name: Melissa Deimler
State/Country: Pennsylvania, USA
Favorite Movie: All
Comments: My husband and I have just 'discovered' Cary Grant movies and I have fallen in love with them. We were browsing through web sites and found
this one. It is GREAT!! Thanks, MD
October 20, 2001
Name: Philip .A.Tippins, RN (London).
State/Country: "Horfield"~' Bristol',GB.
Homepage: Cary's Birthplace~ Horfield, Bristol, " A Great City".
Favorite Movie: "All".
Comments: Having been myself born in Horfield area of Bristol, also brought up & Schooled in the same area as Cary Grant, I fully understand his love
of the 'Large City of Bristol', it's a great place to grow up in & to live.
To ALL Cary Grant Fan's,
Please take note that in "BRISTOL~ENGLAND" We are holding a very 'Special' event,
Hope you all try and come along!!
Philip of Bristol~England
October 18, 2001
Name: katie
State/Country: florida
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: I love your site! Thank you for the pictures! I completed the screensaver I wanted to make with
them! So you have every movie? How did you go about doing that? Keep up the good work! Enjoyed my visit!
September 23, 2001
Name: Sherri
State/Country: Alabama
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: After been given a project, in my study of film class, of selecting a movie legend to do a
report on, I decided on Cary Grant. This site has been very helpful in giving me information for my project and many pictures. It is a great site that pays tribute to a true movie legend.
September 13, 2001
State/Country: OHIO
September 6, 2001
Name: Melissa
State/Country: Georgia / USA
Favorite Movie: Touch of Mink - I love them all!
Comments: Excellent work Debbie - this is a great site! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only young
person out there who is in love with Cary Grant and all his wonderful movies. His voice is dreamy and they sure don't make them like that anymore! I have a small collection of his movies but hope to have them all sooner
or later!
September 4, 2001
Name: Andrew Jones
Comments: That was interesting. Thanks!
September 2, 2001
Name: Hey there!
State/Country: US
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace!!!
Comments: I love Cary Grant, I'm only fifteen, and I feel like I'm the only fifteen year-old who loves his moves! I love this site! Thanks for making it! Don't take it off
please! I hate it when a good site is closed!
August 29, 2001
Name: Eric
State/Country: Seoul, Korea
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: Great site for Cary Grant!
The movie, An affair to remember, is the most romantic movie ever in history,.. I guess.
I really enjoyed your site and appreciate your tremendous work.
Thank you so much.
August 29, 2001
Name: stephanie
State/Country: england
Favorite Movie: an affair to remember
Comments: i just love cary grant
August 28, 2001
Name: Amy Gregory
State/Country: New Zealand
Favorite Movie: An affair to remember
August 28, 2001
Name: B.L.D.
State/Country: NV/USA
Favorite Movie: Awful Truth & Philadelphia Story
Comments: This site is great! My husband and I have been on this kick of watching Carey Grant movies. My
mom has about 35 or so of his movies and so far we've watched 21 of them. We're having a blast seeing him in so many different character types. So far I like him best when he played opposite Irene Dunn.
Well thanks for this site. The photos are superb! What a face! AHH!
August 27, 2001
Name: Frank Damico
State/Country: Mt. Holly, N.J.
Favorite Movie: Gunga Din, Penny Serenade, Etc, Etc.
Comments: I was one of a few lucky G.I.s to meet Mr. Grant
at Camp Polk, La. in 1943, I still have his autograph
You have a great site, I really enjoy it.
Thank you for making my day.
August 27, 2001
Name: Dorothy
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream Home
Comments: This is really a great web site! I have enjoyed every minute spent "in" it. Thank you
for doing such a good job.
August 26, 2001
Name: Jay
State/Country: Ireland
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: Great site. It's nice to see someone has put so much effort into designing a site all
about Cary, instead of one of those horrible Hollywood studios efforts! This is much more personal and loving.
Just watched all of Cary's movies this week on BBC 2. Great to see 'Mr. Blandings builds his dream house' again and 'Bringing up baby' on Friday rounded it off really well.
Well done,
August 25, 2001
State/Country: HEREFORD UK
August 25, 2001
Name: Wendy
State/Country: Macclesfield, England
Favorite Movie: To Catch a Thief & Indiscreet
Comments: I started out by collecting Alfred Hitchcock
movies but after getting Notorious, North by Northwest and To Catch a Thief I quickly digressed in collecting just Cary movies.
I love the soundbites by the way, brilliant idea.
Name: Brittany
State/Country: Alabama/USA
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby ; She Done Him Wrong
Comments: I'm only 16 and I can't get enough of Cary Grant. Everyone else I know that's my age has never
even heard of him; which is really sad because he was so talented. I have 42 of his movies, but most of those I've recorded off t.v (Tuner Classic Movies). I really want to see Big Brown Eyes but it is out of print. How
can I get all of his movies???????
August 22, 2001
Name: Kris
State/Country: Missouri/U.S.A.
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
August 22, 2001
Name: Amanda Clarke
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: Every girl should be married and An affair to remember
Comments: I found it very difficult to work out which was my favourite film, they are all fantastic. I am great fan of Cary's and I am trying to
get all his movie, not that easy. I am glad to see that there are more Cary Grant fans out there!
August 22, 2001
Name: Heather
State/Country: England, land of rain and bowler hats
Favorite Movie: The Philadelphia Story
Comments: I love this site, it's my Mecca! But what's happened to the quiz? It was working fine yesterday, but now...anyway, you've done an amazing job ~ either you're
incredibly dedicated or you have too much time on your hand, or possibly both! Keep it up!
Quiz seems to be working fine. Must have been a quirk of the server last night. Thanks for visiting! -- God bless, Debbie
August 21, 2001
Name: Olaf Matschas
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: charade
Comments: sehr gut
Comments: Sehr gute Webseite. Alles über Cary Grant
gute Fotos
Mach weiter so
August 20, 2001
Name: Michelle Pruitt
State/Country: AL
Favorite Movie: It's a tie between "People Will Talk" and "Arsenic and Old Lace"
Comments: I just love Carey Grant. I thank you, thank you for this tribute to such a fine actor. Bravo!!!
August 19, 2001
Name: Neet Lindsey Moore
State/Country: Texas- USA
Favorite Movie: ""ALL"" of them
Comments: I am 49 years old and I can not remember when I wasn't in ""LOVE"" with Cary Grant...I have finally managed to obtain all 72 of
his movies after years of searching. I hope to join 72 Speakeasy soon. I also own 3 autographed photos which I proudly display in my formal living room. If my guests don't approve they can go home...This is a wonderful
website and I view it regularly just to see what's new. Keep up the good work Deb.
August 19, 2001
Name: Erica Porter
State/Country: Ohio
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: Looking for a list of Cary Grant movies
August 15, 2001
Name: Al
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: This is a really cool site! :-)
August 15, 2001
Name: Pam
State/Country: Arizona/USA
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember; In Name Only
Comments: Great website. Wish the studios would make all his movies available. I have about 40 of them, but want them all.
August 11, 2001
Name: Cheryl Miller
State/Country: CA US
Favorite Movie: now it's "People will talk"
Comments: My husband and I stumbled on the movie and watched mesmerized. I'm going to buy copies to send to a couple of friends. I so enjoyed the sound bytes
on your site.
August 8, 2001
Name: Paloma
State/Country: España
Favorite_Movie: Todas y cada una de ellas,pero por que fué la única película que rodó en España "Orgullo y pasión" o "The Pride and the
Comments: ¡Hola a todos!
Bueno yo soy española por eso voy a escribir en español que es como mejor me expreso.También lo hago en este idioma pues sé que hay mucha gente que como yo admira a CARY GRANT en paises de habla hispana.
Me gustaria hablar de algo que no he visto reflejado nunca en alguna parte y que para mí dice mucho de CARY como persona, me estoy refiriendo al bonito detalle que aparece en una escena de la película "Walk,Don't
Run" cuando CARY está viendo algo en una pequeña televisión con unos auriculares puestos y encima de esa mesa donde está la televisión aparecen dos cuadros cada uno con la foto de sus padres como puede verse
Sabía que era su última película y creo que lo hizo como un homenaje de cariño hacia ellos.Me parece un maravilloso detalle que dice mucho de él como persona ¿no?.
August 8, 2001
Name: Heather Ellis
State/Country: North Carolina, USA
Favorite Movie: Notorious
Comments: Any site with his name on it is enough to draw my attention. I am twenty-four and I curse fate every day that I wasn't around in time to chase
after him! Forever the classiest man around! Ladies, wouldn't it be fabulous if every man took a page from his book? What a tremendous talent who was beautiful inside and out.
August 5, 2001
Name: Lauren
State/Country: NY/USA
Favorite Movie: It changes every day, But is currently: I'm No Angel, Once Upon a Honeymoon, Holiday, His Girl Friday, and Amazing Adventure
Comments: I've been a fan of Cary for only a few months, now, but I had seen him in all his Alfred Hitchcock movies when I was younger. I'm only
15, but I'm absolutely crazy about him!!!! The first film of his that I really fell for him in was Notorious. I just couldn't believe how sexy he was!! My parents and friends think I'm crazy because I'm always
spending money on Cary movie instead of anything else. I've rented all his films that our video store carries at least fifteen times each and I own a lot (but, no where near to 72!). I feel like I'm rambling,
so I'll cut it short. Thank you for creating this website! I come here whenever I get on the Net and I love the pictures and reviews of Cary's movies. Thanks again.
August 4, 2001
Name: Stacey
State/Country: Australia
Hello there,
As an Australian Cary Grant fan (ever since the exquisite To Catch a Thief) I wanted to tell you how amazing your Cary Grant Website is. You have done a marvelous job and I really hope many people email you to tell you
something similar.
Congratulations and many thanks,
August 3, 2001
Name: Jack Nguyen
State/Country: Ca./USA
Favorite Movie: Father Goose
Comments: I think "Father Goose" was one of Mr. Grant's best movies because he got to play a different role rather than his usual debonair and witty
August 3, 2001
Name: Lisa Davis
State/Country: NY NY USA
Comments: Great Site.
August 2, 2001
Name: Eleny Link
State/Country: SD USA
Favorite Movie: This is to difficult.... Bachelor and the Bobby- Soxer,
Holiday, Monkey Business, Bring up name a few
Comments: This is an awesome site. Cary Grant is so awesome. It is great that you have spent the time and
energy to put this together.
Thank You
July 30, 2001
Name: Kathleen S. Fox
State/Country: Ohio, USA
Favorite Movie: Charade and North by Northwest
Comments: Cary Grant is the greatest actor of all time. He is a genius at work and it's hard to put into words why a person feels the way he/she does.
I am thankful for the websites so that I may learn more about this extraordinary person.
July 27, 2001
Name: Roland Liebertz
State/Country: Germany
Favorite Movie: North By Northwest
Comments: Wonderful, you did a great job
Hi, only some words to Cary Grant are difficult to find. I could write a book and that's what I did. I wrote my nearly 200 pages exam on the university about CG. He still inspires me more than I can say... In my opinion,
he is the best actor (and not H. Bogart), followed by Spencer Tracy.
July 24, 2001
Name: ngozi ikemere
State Country: holland europe
Favorite Movie: all
Comments: great work.
July 24, 2001
Name: Steve Garufi
State Country: Colorado
Favorite Movie: I dunno
Comments: Great site. Just surfin...
July 22, 2001
Name: Amanda
State Country: Alexandria, Virginia
Favorite Movie: Early: Only Angles H/Wings; Late: Charade
Comments: Guess what I'm doing tonite? Of CG's 72 movies, I'm watching my 36th one of them for the first
time. That's a milestone -halfway- and would love to hear from y'all the ones to try next and a special one to leave for last (from catching the last half of a bio on AMC last night I have one idea . . .). Not that
re-watching isn't fine, but something special about first-time viewing and finding those truly wonderful ones.
Its been two months for me since I've been "serious". Not I wasn't always a classic movie fan, but I seemed to focus on story content, not actor ( a
fav might hav been "Now, Voyager" for its poignant story). And I confess to having some misspent energy in the Jimmy Stewart area at one time (do you think in a past life I was in love with a man who
suffered from lockjaw and mumbled??)
Well, it was two months ago, May 21, 2001 and I was going with my friend Linda to see the movie "Pearl Harbor" when she called and bailed, so, perusing TVGuide, I noticed "Charade." Now I had
seen it, or part of it, kinda half watching the TV some rainy Saturday afternoon years ago but had never "honed in". I know: "stupido". But once I clued in, to sympathize with Deb's comment in
the very nice "72 Speakeasy" which I visited on a guest pass, once I fell, I fell hard and fast.
I headed to my little local video store, (which had a decent selection, it turned out) and, knowing generally that CG had done some light romantic comedies,
started looking down the alphabet. Now, here' a true confession--I spotted Cary Grant in "People Will Talk"--but was somehow convinced it was the movie, "Pillow Talk". Boy was I surprised, and
in a good way! Having read 4 of the CG books listed in your web biog. section which noted that this movie was neither a critical nor public success and that it, among 3 others, was omitted from CG'own filmography
list truly saddened me. This film gives the viewer Happy Thoughts in the biggest way imaginable!! A Gem, Timeless, Triumphant!! Also caught "Talk of the Town" on TCM recently--another little gem. Am
heading off to join "Warbrides" with more thoughts to share. And as many have said before me, "great site" I'm indebted to ya.
July 20, 2001
Name: Stacy Rizi
I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful website you and others have created in honor of a truly gifted man. I have felt so many things while watching Cary Grant's performances that I wanted to know more about him.
It's amazing how a pretend performance can evoke such real feelings. He has a commitment to character and a charisma that take you with him through whatever story he is telling. I read with great enjoyment the words
written by the man himself. Thank you for including such a rare truthful glimpse of this great man. I am glad to find that there are many more movies I have yet to see. Thank you for being a fan of Cary Grant and putting
all this work into sharing your treasures.
Stacy Rizi
July 20, 2001
Name: marcia
State/Country: ny,usa
Favorite Movie: In Name Only
Comments: There is no one alive who is cool enough to walk even near his shoes
July 15, 2001
Name: TeenAngemon
State/Country: USA
Favorite Movie: The Bishop's Wife
Comments: I LOVE this site!!! The best Cary Grant site that I've seen so far! It's so hard to pick my fave Grant movie, but out of all the ones that I've
seen...I have to say that The Bishop's Wife takes first place on my list! Gotta love Dudley!^_^
July 14, 2001
Name: Amanda McGinnis
State/Country: Virginia
Favorite Movie: Bringing Up Baby
Comments: I used to think that I was a huge Cary Grant fan, but now that I've seen this site... wow is all I can say. I feel ashamed that I haven't seen or even heard of
many of his movies. I knew he was in a lot of them, but 72, he was more amazing than I thought. this site is great and I am going to visit it often so that I can learn more. I absolutely love this guy!
Amanda, 17
July 14, 2001
Name: Ed Decatur
State/Country: NH - USA
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: What a ride it has been from the days when being a Hollywood actor was an honorable profession to today, where the studios are filled with no-talent people, many of whom can do
little else than take off their clothes and spew forth filthy language. Years ago, there were many truly talented people whose goal was
to entertain the nation as a whole. Today, this is not the case, sad to say. Cary Grant was a giant in the industry. You've done a great job keeping his memory alive with this website. It's easy
to see that this is truly a labor of love.
July 6, 2001
Name: Deb Golding
State/Country: Australia
Favorite Movie: Indiscreet
Comments: Congratulations - a wonderful tribute.
July 1, 2001
Name: mariechastity
State/Country: Cologne, Germany
Favorite Movie: bringing up baby, north by northwest, indiscrete, ..... - i love them all
Comments: thank you for this really fantastic site. i was just looking for a picture of cary g. and now i am here since 1 1/2 hours. i'm a great fan of cary, i love his smile, the way he moves, his
shyness. he was/is a little boy and gentleman at same time. that makes him so attractive for me. one wants to protect him and seduce him. it's a pleasure for me to see how many people (i think mostly women) still love
him and his movies. be sure that i will come back.
p.s. my english is not so good, sorry for that.
July 1, 2001
Name: Dado
State/Country: France
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: I'm sorry, english is not my native language,
so I'll writte in French, ok...
J'ai "rencontré" Cary Grant il y a peu de temps, dans quelques films
comme La mort aux Trousses d'Hitchcock ou La dame du Vendred de Howard Hanks...
et là, j'ai regretté de ne pas l'avoir connu, un tel acteur, moi qui etudie et
realise quelques courts metrages, j'aurai tellement aimé avoir un acteur comme
lui dasn l'un de mes films.... bon sang, je ne suis pas a la bonne epoque ou
bien c'est lui qui s'est trompé peu importe, mais quel acteur... il est mort et
j'en suis tres triste, il avait beau avoir un sacré caractére on ne peut
denier ses quelitées d'acteur, il pouvait tout faire, c'etait magique de le
voir chaque fois à l'ecran.... mon dieu, quel dommage qu'il nous ai quitté, on
est pas pret de trouver quelqu'un de sa trempe!!!
Adieu Cary/Archie...Love
June 29, 2001
Name: Lucy
State/Country: Essex, England
Favorite Movie: So far, Father Goose/North by NorthWest
Comments: This is a fab site!! I've only just discovered
Mr. Grant and think this is the best way to find out about him!!! I'm now trying
to find copies of all 72 films!!!
June 29, 2001
Name: Mike Manson
State/Country: UK
Favorite Movie: North by North West
Comments: I live in Bristol, England and my son goes to
Fairfield School - Cary Grant's old school. There is a plaque commemorating his
sporadic attendance.
I'm in the process of writing a book (fiction) which involves the main character
discovering Archie Leach's dole claim!! You'll just have to read it when it
comes out.
June 27, 2001
Name: Roderick Rugg
State/Country: Kentucky
Favorite Movie: The Tweezers
Comments: My grandmother loved Cary Grant and couldn't get
enough. My grandfather got so fed up with it, he poured hot glue in all the wall
sockets so she couldn't watch TV. Then he drove nails into the VCR. After that
she read books all the time and pretended that every character in the book was
Cary Grant. She even penciled out the names in the book and wrote "Cary
June 27, 2001
Name: Victor Colon
State/Country: GA
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
June 24, 2001
Name: Frances Hollins
State/Country: Richmond, Virginia
Favorite Movie: An Affair To Remember
Comments: I think it is a SHAME that Cary Grant
never won an OSCAR.
June 21, 2001
Name: Nathaniel Saint Dow
State/Country: Mississippi, U.S.A
Favorite Movie: A very hard choice to make.
Comments: you have about all you can have on the web site
but why don't you try to have links to other big stars of the thirties, forties
and fifties.
June 21, 2001
Name: Natasya
State/Country: Jakarta/Indonesia
Favorite Movie: Remington steele
Comments: uuuuhhhh.... you are the best actor I ever
seen. ok..ok you are ok. you are handsome, so handsome.I love you for all my
June 20, 2001
Name: DeeDee
State/Country: Mississippi US
Favorite Movie: Father Goose or His Girl Friday, hard to say
Comments: What a great site to add to my obsession with
Cary Grant! Thanks! =)
June 18, 2001
Name: Mike Manson
State/Country: Bristol, England
Favorite Movie: North by North West
Comments: Hi,
What a brilliant web-site!
I live in Bristol and my son goes to Fairfield School - Cary's old school.
Anyhow, I'm in the process of writing a novel called 'I want my money' in which
the main character, who works in the dole (unemployment office) finds Archie
Leach's dole claim.
I thought you folks might like to know that!
June 16, 2001
Name: Anna-Marie
State/Country: California
Favorite Movie: My Favorite Wife
Comments: Your site is so awesome! The Best Cary Grant site out
there! Keep up the good work on it.
June 15, 2001
Name: Gary Duckmanton-Hibbs
State/Country: London, England
Favorite Movie: All of them
Comments: Cary Grant is a
relation and I am trying to find out more about my family ties to him. He was my
fathers cousin. unfortunately I have not inherited his good looks but his sense
of humor has definitely come thru. If anyone can help me find out about my
relations that are still out there please drop me a line.
June 15, 2001
Name: Rhiley Greenfield
State/Country: Ohio ,America
Favorite Movie: all of them,
every single one ever
Comments: I am a very big
fan. I think he was and even though he's passed away, still is the CUTEST
man that ever lived. I wish I could have Cary Grant. But doesn't
every woman?
June 13, 2001
Name: Luciana
State/Country: Argentina
Favorite Movie: An Affair to
Comments: Well, I love Cary
Grant!!!!!! mmmmm!!!
June 11, 2001
Name: Katie
State/Country: NJ/USA
His Girl Friday
Comments: The site is really great. There will never be
another Cary Grant. His Girl Friday is one of my favorites because of its unique
fast dialogue. You really have to pay attention to every line or you'll miss
something, like Cary Grant mentioning Archie Leach. So, please check out my
June 9, 2001
Name: Kathleen
S. Fox
State/Country: Ohio, USA
Favorite Movie: The Bishop's Wife
and so many more
Comments: I, too, have become a
very intense Cary Grant fan. His movies are absolutely marvelous.
His acting superb. I think he is the greatest actor of his time. So
gracious, so cool, so neat. I want to learn everything about his personal
life and movies and will set out to do so.
June 7, 2001
Name: Michael Dalton
State/Country: Maryland,USA
Favorite Movie: It Takes a Thief
Comments: The site is great! I could watch CG movies all
day,every day and sometimes it seems like I do. I have video copies of almost
all of his movies, and am very excited to learn about the new book coming in
June 5, 2001
Favorite Movie: The Bishop's Wife
Comments: very interesting
June 4, 2001
Name: Ketut Usnada
State/Country: Indonesia
Comments: Good site. You may visit our to
get informations about bali. Have a nice day man...
May 31, 2001
Name: Andy
State/Country: Missouri, United States
Favorite Movie: Too many to name
Comments: This site is amazing! It's flawless.
May 27, 2001
Name: Natalie
State/ Country: Malaga ---Spain
Favorite Movie: How to choose if your in love with Cary???!! He
is wonderful in every. I wish I could met him on Empire State, maybe next time
in heaven???
Comments: First I want to say that your site is excellent.
And then a big HELLO to all the Cary Grant Fans, I know we are a lot. There
wont be such a marvelous, elegant, smart, funny ... gentleman like Mister Archibald
Leach. I also wanted to tell you, that I am a very big Remington Steele
Fan, too. Is it
coincidence?? So sorry for my English, but I hope you'll understand.
I would write much
more about Cary, but I'm afraid I couldn't express myself well enough. I just wanted to let you know that I visit your site often and that I love Cary
May 22, 2001
Name: Jari
Comments: Hi,
Greetings from Finland.

May 17, 2001
Name: Jo Friday
State/Country: Oklahoma/USA
Favorite Movie: People Will Talk
Comments: I really love Cary Grant's movies. This site is
perfect. Thanx
May 14, 2001
Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
State/ Country: Reykjavik - ICELAND
Comments: Good webpage you have here.
May 6, 2001
Name: Stephanie
State/Country: Vienna
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: I've searched a long time for
finding something about "Charade". And now I've found the best page!
The sound-gallery and the picture-gallery are SUPER!!! The pictures of Cary
Grant are real wonderful! Thank you for showing us such a beautiful, wonderful
May 4, 2001
Name: Brian
State/ Country: Canada
Favorite Movie: Notorious, Charade, Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: Fab site for us Cary fans. I've always been a Cary
fan, but have really started to appreciate his talent as the ultimate movie star
in recent years as I've started to spend more and more time watching older
movies in glorious black and white. Keep up the good work on this site, it is an
invaluable resource. - Brian
May 2, 2001
Name: Nancy
State/ Country: Ohio
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: Talk about tall, dark and handsome! best of all he
was funny too. I can sit with my kids and watch any movie and not be afraid of
what will be seen or heard. They are great! Even my teenage children
have their favorite movie.
April 22, 2001
Name: Tina
State/ Country: Madrid Spain
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember, Notorious and Charade
Comments: First of all hi to all of Cary Grant's fans and
please sorry for my very bad English. I would like to express my most
special thanks to the man and actor that made me pass the happiest moments all
over the world. Thanks so much. My best wishes from Spain. Tina.
April 22, 2001
Name: Marianne Dean
State/ Country: Florida
Favorite Movie: An Affair to Remember
Comments: I love this site! I found you about a month ago
and keep coming back. I love Cary Grant and could watch him in just about
anything. Someone else said this earlier in this guest book and I feel the
same way -- Cary Grant makes me feel good, like everything is alright. The
sound of his voice, the way he walks, I love everything about him, and there
will never be another Cary Grant. Thank you for creating this site so that
we can all get to know him better!
April 20, 2001
Name: Lisa Rodriguez
State/ Country: IL/USA
Favorite Movie: Awful Truth
Comments: What an awesome site you have
created. It's wonderful!! I simply adore Cary, and I must admit that I am
obsessed. I pop in a movie of his almost daily. They don't make um like Cary
anymore !! I LOVE ARCHIE LEACH !!
April 12, 2001
Name: Jake
State/ Country: USA
Favorite Movie: Notorious/The Awful
Truth/The Bishop's Wife
Comments: Congratulations on a job well
done. I enjoy this site especially the pictures. I've been a Cary Grant fan now
for over 3 years. This is one of the most comprehensive sites dedicated to Cary
that I have ever seen. Good job, you should feel very proud of yourself.
April 12, 2001
Name: Consuela L. Garner
State/ Country: Texas/USA
Favorite_Movie: Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: You're site is great! Very
April 11, 2001
Name: wildlife
State/ Country: USA
Comments: Great web site
April 7, 2001
Name: Cecilia
State/ Country: London, UK
Favorite Movie: The Grass is Greener
Comments: Sometimes my dull housewife
evenings lighten up. I put a Cary Grant video on and there I mind
travels and in an instant I become some beautiful woman in wonderful chiffon
dresses gazing into Cary's eyes.
Thank you for a wonderful site
April 7, 2001
Name: R.E. Lee
State/ Country: U.S.A.
Favorite Movie: Too many to name.
Comments: I have enjoyed my visit to your
wonderful site so much! This is truly a superbly designed and maintained site
containing so much wonderful information. I especially liked the filmography and
film photos, the quiz and voting areas, and of course the video sources. It is
also a breeze to navigate. I will be adding a link to your site on my site about
Robert Montgomery and will be checking back often. It would be great to see a CG
bio on the site too. Keep up the great work!
April 7, 2001
State/ Country: AZ/USA
Comments: I've been followed by my world
famous name my whole life. I'm not lying, my real name is Carey
Grant. The only differences between me and Cary Grant is, he was famous -
I'm not, and I'm a female. When Cary assed away I was in
kindergarten. You would not believe how many sympathy calls my parents
received. They heard the name Cary Grant and somehow thought it was
me. The funny thing is, I don't even think my parents were that big of fans
of his. There's not a day that goes by that somebody doesn't make a
comment about my name.
April 6, 2001
Name: Leah Gomes
State/ Country: Maine,
Favorite_Movie: An
Affair To Remember, Notorious, and North By Northwest
Comments: I love
the site. Cary Grant is one of my favorite Actors. I love all his movies, so it
was kinda hard to pick my favorite!
April 3, 2001
Name: Anna Shaffer
State/ Country: Pennsylvania/USA
Favorite Movie: North by Northwest
Comments: I was
very pleasantly surprised to find your wonderful site. I have about 8 of
his movies. I am only a beginner at collecting his movies. I will
visit your site again. I look forward to purchasing more CG movies to add
to my collection. Thank you so very much for putting this site together.
I'm sure you enjoyed it very much. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
April 2, 2001
Name: Gaynor Wood
State/ Country: Hampshire, England
Favorite Movie: Houseboat
Comments: I was delighted to find a web
site rightly dedicated to the finest actor ever. How fantastic to have all
this information at the touch of a button. Well done you all keep up the
good work!!
March 24, 2001
Name: Martyn Smith
State/Country: Coventry England
Favorite Movie: Can't tell, they're all
diamonds in a very shiny crown.
Comments: Great site, It is so great to
see Cary Grant on the internet. I have been a fan since I was a kid. And
could not possibly pin-point a favourite movie. I love the screwball
comedy genre as a whole and am convinced that CG was the best (closely followed
my William Powell and Myrna Loy). Not only was he the master of his craft, But
loved by everyone who's seen his movies. Being English, it is also nice to see
that a fellow Englishman of working-class upbringing, not only made a success of
himself abroad, but did it so well, that he outshone all of his contemporaries.
It is also wonderful to see that Bristol is FINALLY going to do something to
honour their most famous son, albeit in the form of a statue. I will be donating
to the statue fund, and I urge other CG fans in the UK to do the same. There
will never be another like him. The man himself may have died, but his
brilliance will live on forever through his 72 movies for future generations to
enjoy. Take care of yourselves, and those around you..
March 21, 2001
Name: Maggie
Dublin 9, Ireland
Favorite Movie:
Arsenic and Old Lace; Charade
Cary Grant is one of my favourite actors I just love him .. He is a real hero...
Wwhy can't Hollywood have more actors like him .. He was a real great man
March 20, 2001
State/Country: NY/USA
Favorite Movie: I love them all, but
I'm into An Affair to Remember right now, and anything when he gets to be his
fooling self. :o)
Comments: This site is so
wonderful. I'm only 14 and I'm the only 14 year old girl in my town that
has this big fetish with Cary Grant. All my friends tease me about it,
especially when I quote him from his movies. But anyway, this site is so
cool. I love playing the trivia games and I took down a list of all his movies,
in hopes of seeing them all, and when I grow up, I'll have my own Cary Grant
room where I can watch one of his movies every weekend night!
March 19, 2001
Name: Mark Burrows
State/Country: Wales. UK.
Favorite Movie: ARSENIC AND OLD
Comments: Cary Grant...what an
actor! They just don't make them like him anymore!!
March 6, 2001
Name: Sarah Chandler
State/Country: Wisconsin, USA
Favorite Movie: Suspicion
Comments: This web site is the greatest,
most comprehensive site I've seen for Cary Grant. I couldn't have asked
for more; thank you especially for the internet postcard pages, I'll be using
that often! Cary Grant was, and still is a good man.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon him; may
he rest in Peace. Amen.
March 4, 2001
Name: Efrat
State/Country: New York
Favorite Movie: Philadelphia Story
& Indscreet
Comments: I love this site! What a fantastic job you've done Debbie!
Thank you for creating a place that people can chat about someone who was so
unique, who brought much joy into so many peoples lives.
I fell in love with CG about 3-4 years ago and I never knew that there were
others who loved him too. I thought that no one remembered him. I'm 31 and I do
not have a single friend who understands how I feel about CG or has ever seen
one of his films, so it is a pleasure to find you, your site and the other fans
who love CG as well. It feels great to be in such good company.
I think that there had never been (even till today) an actor who can surpass
Cary Grant's style, grace, charm, talent, stunning looks, intelligence, and wit.
Thanks again, keep up the good work, Efi
February 24, 2001
Name: Christine Ewerdt
State/Country: Wisconsin, USA
Favorite Movie: Charade
Comments: What a fantastic site. I've been here about an hour
now and can't find it in me to leave yet! I love the trivia page.
And now that I've bookmarked this page, I will definitely be back!
February 24, 2001
Name: Helen Martin
State/ Country: Scotland
Favorite Movie: In Name Only
Comments: What a fantastic site. Just what a good fan needs.
Am about to set up your instructions to have a CG screen saver! Thanks a
lot for all the wonderful details, dialogue, photos etc. Very impressive.
February 22, 2001
Name: Uschi & Christian
State/Country: Austria/ Europe
Favorite Movie: Arsenic and old lace
Comments: A marvelous and comprehensive piece of work. We
liked the great pictures, the sound samples and the biography so much.
Keep on maintaining this website.
Kind regards from Vienna
Uschi & Christian
February 21, 2001
Name: Zoë Shaw
State/Country: Aberdeen, United
Favorite Movie: Father Goose & The
Talk of The Town (at the moment!)
Comments: Just want to congratulate
Debbie on the great job she has done with The Ultimate Cary Grant pages. When I
had to give them up she stepped into the breech and merge my UCG pages with her
original pages. I am so pleased she did. I hope you agree she has done a great
I also hope that Debbie continues to do such a great job promoting the one, the
only, the amazing Mr. Cary Grant.
Three cheers and big thank you for you, Debbie.
February 21, 2001
Name: Todd Summers
State/Country: Utah
Favorite Movie:
Bringing Up Baby, To Catch a Thief
Comments: This,
by far, is the best site on the entire internet! I have never been more excited
to find a site than today. You have brought me closer to Mr. Grant than I could
have imagined.
You must be congratulated for your hard work, and your love of this amazing
By the way, I really stunk it up on your quiz. I have some studying to do.
My goal is to have all 72 films. So far I have 29.
Thank you so very much.
February 20, 2001
Name: Kim Jones
State/Country: Denbigh / North Wales
Favorite Movie:
Touch of Mink
Comments: I
would like to know if anybody can tell me how many in total films did Cary make
and does anyone have a list of these as I have most but would like them all!
I think this site to be truly amazing and
a great tribute to our hero CARY GRANT.
February 14, 2001
Name: Andrea
State/Country: Chester, United Kingdom
Favorite Movie:
Tough question, probably Talk of the Town
Comments: A
great website for a great actor.
February 10, 2001
Name: Sarabeth
State/Country: New York
Favorite Movie:
Arsenic and Old Lace
Debbie, what a wonderful site. Well designed and navigable. Thanks for all this
information. Especially liked the article on how Mr. Grant was associated
with the "Judyx3" phrase.
I've loved his movies since Arsenic and old lace. What a great comedian and
dramatic actor he was. He was a model of class and good taste.
Keep up the fantastic work!
February 9, 2001
Name: S. Rigg
State/Country: British Columbia,
Favorite Movie:
Most of them from the late 30's to early 40's, and especially the 4 Hitchcock
Comments: This is an
extremely comprehensive site and I found it very useful and informative.
However, there is a section under "Biography" referring to Mr. Grant's
"Male friends" which I found quite offensive. To include Ray
Austen in that group is not appropriate since I don't believe he would consider
someone spreading rumors about his supposed bisexuality a friend. For you
to exploit the rumors of Mr. Grant's supposed bi or homosexuality is very
irresponsible. You well know that he denied it as being "utter
nonsense", so why glorify these insecure rumor spreaders.
Just because a man shares living accommodations with another man or is very
close to him should not imply homosexuality. Almost every man I know has
shared a living space with a buddy at some point in his life, and has had a
close male friend without the relationship being sexual. You are catering
to the Hollywood innuendo which is absolutely disgraceful.
It tarnishes your website, and is a discredit to Mr. Grant's memory. Shame
on you.
February 7, 2001
Favorite Movie:
Mr Blandings builds his dream house
Been a Cary Grant all my Life.
Excellent woman's fantasy. Wish there were more
February 6, 2001
Name: LeeAnn
Favorite Movie:
The Philadelphia Story
Comments: Hello
Just dropped by to see the beautiful site and hard work you and Zoë have put
together in tribute to Cary. Wow! It's fabulous and you have much to
be proud of. I'm thankful for your dedication in giving us, his fans, a
marvelous place to visit, endless amounts of information and so many grand items
to view that we may otherwise never have been able to see.
February 4, 2001
Gina Ward
Favorite Movie:
Penny Serenade
Hands down the most sensational site on all of cyberspace dedicated to Cary
Grant. Professional, and lovingly put together. My hat's off to you
Debbie, for an incredible site!
Love, Gina
February 3, 2001
Krista G-J
Vermont -- USA
Favorite Movie:
The Awful Truth, Notorious & the other 70 after that!
Comments: Your
site is so incredibly grand!!!!! What a great merger!!!!! Cary would
be proud, I'm sure! What a wonderful tribute!
Happy thougths,
February 3, 2001
Favorite Movie:
Philadelphia Story, Arsenic and Old Lace, Topper, Bringing Up Baby, Holiday,
Charade etc........
Comments: You
guys took two awesome sites and combined them to make the coolest website.
Thanks for putting so much effort into this. Cary would be proud!!!!!! I love
playing the quiz, so much fun. Long Live the Warbrides
February 3, 2001
Favorite Movie:
Comments: Cary...what
I can do about you? You are the many every woman dream about: I LOVE YOU FOREVER
February 3, 2001
Zelicia Newsome
Favorite Movie:
An Affair to Remember and Every Girl Should Be Married
Comments: I
have been a Cary Grant fan now for 8 years. I have collected 33 movies but never
thought of taking the collection further until last Christmas. My husband, being
the wonderful man that he is, searched and spent many late nights on ebay to
make my Christmas, a Cary Grant Christmas. I now have photos, magazine ads, and
books! Cary Grant touches something inside of me that seems to calm and soothe
and make me feel I'm alright with the world.
Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to provide this
outstanding web site for us all!
February 3, 2001
Favorite Movie:
So hard to pick just one - I love them all Phildelphia Story, Suspicion,
Notorious, Arsenic & Old Lace, Bringing Up Baby, shall I go on?
February 2, 2001
Agnes Peters
Favorite Movie:
Comments: Hello,
Debbie: I have been a fan of Cary Grant's for as far back as I can
remember. I am an older fan, and saw as many of his movies as I possibly
could during the great depression, WWII, and after the War until he retired!
Of all the really great actors of my generation, he continues to be far and away
the very best!!!! He was one of the most accomplished actors in the
history of motion pictures!!! He had the grace and elegance of a true
gentleman! It is a real pleasure to watch his movies and see how
marvelously he plays any part - romance, comedy, drama, suspense!! It was
a real tragedy that the Academy waited until after he retired to present him
with a Special Oscar -- better late than never!! It was wonderful that he
was honored at the Fourth Annual Kennedy Center Honors ceremony! Thank you,
Debbie, for sharing his autobiography with us!!
February 1, 2001
Favorite Movie:
Comments: I
love your site! Especially the pictures, and I can't thank you enough for
the autobiography! That was a real treat. Cary personifies those two
qualities that I like most in men: good looks and humor. There's something
else about him, though; some kind of special inner quality that always shines
through on screen. No actor today measures up to him. I'm only 24,
but you're never to young to fall in love with Cary Grant.
January 27, 2001
Craig Malik
Favorite Movie:
All of them, but if I had to choose... I'd say North by Northwest, His Girl
Friday, Grass is Greener, To Catch a Thief, Notorious, Philadelphia Story, Mr.
Lucky,....Hmmm.....I really can't narrow it down to a FEW!! I'll have to
say ALL!
Comments: I
am a 29 yr old male. I was a technical theatre major and am a HUGE
classic movie buff. Sometimes I feel oddly unique in
that admiration.... like I was born in the wrong decade. It is nice
to know I am not alone. Those classic films just portrayed a better
time. Where class and style mattered. Cary Grant epitomized
those traits. Woman wanted him and Men wanted to BE him. Elvis was
great, James Dean was cool.... But Cary Grant had it all, and was so at
ease in displaying it.
His acting is unparalleled. He was able to work so well in both Drama and
comedy. I love both, though I am probably more impressed with his comedy.
It is amazing when you realize that this same man who ran around frantically in
Gunga Din and His Girl Friday was able to still get laughs in later more subdued
(but nevertheless witty) fare like The Grass Is Greener or Father Goose.
To be able to adapt his skill so well is amazing. Not all actors have that
skill. it appeared Grant was born with it.
Thank you for this site. It, (like Grant) is a treasure.
January 23, 2001
Gillian Sharples
Favorite Movie:
North By Northwest, Indiscreet, Notorious and every other movie he was in!!!!
Comments: I
love this site and I love Cary Grant. These pages are a great tribute to
him. WELL DONE!! I visit this site first every time I'm on the Net.
And all the photos are GORGEOUS, TOO!!
January 22, 2001
Pennsylvania, USA
Favorite Movie:
North by Northwest, The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer - most all of them.
Comments: I'm
only 14 and I haven't even really known about Cary for a year, but I love his
movies. Although I've only ever seen about 26 of his movies, I'm still
working on it. I just cant wait till I get older so that I can buy all of his
movies. One thing that upsets me the most is that Cary Grant died a week after I
was born!
January 19, 2001
Scott Smith
Favorite Movie:
Arsenic and Old Lace
Comments: I
played the role of Mortimer Brewster in "Arsenic and Old Lace" at the
Marsh River Theatre" in Brooks, Maine in June of 1999.
January 2, 2001
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