State/Country: New
Favorite Movie: Mr.
Blandings Builds His Dream House
Comments: Hi
First of all let me congratulate you on your fabulous website. It is
wonderful for you to share your wealth of knowledge about Cary with us. I
discovered him a few years back and have a lot of his videos. He was a
gentleman personified on screen and in his private life from what I have read.
One of my favorite movies that my husband and I watch over and over is "Mr.
Blandings Builds His Dream House" in B&W with Myrna Loy, another
sweetheart. Now that I have most of my B&W favorites, I have started
collecting any of his colorized movies as well. One that was out a few
years ago was "Mr. Blandings" in a colorized version by Turner.
Don't hate me - I have asked a lot of people over the web about helping me find
one and they send me hate mail about tampering with the classics. I
understand this, but I enjoy seeing Cary in color as well and I have been
searching for this so I can further enjoy him. For two years I have been
searching auctions and a lot of the retail outlets online and on foot. I
can't find it! Can you help me? Thanks very much - and again - don't hate
me for enjoying Cary in B&W and color. Take Care,
November 10, 1999
State/Country: British
Hi Debbie. I've been checking out
your website for some time now. Just in the past few months I've been
watching Cary Grant movies and have slowly become more interested in
his work. I was wondering if you had any idea if Betsy Drake is still
alive? I was absolutely charmed by her in "Every Girl Should be
Married" and was wondering if you had any information about her.
I've searched the net for info but can't find any. From what I have
read she seems like a fascinating woman.
Anyway, yes, there is something very
alluring and appealing about Mr. Grant. I really am impressed with
your website. It's a great tribute to the man. He truly seemed to be a
true "gentleman". I've only seen about 20 of his movies so
far - very hard to find in video stores- especially up here in Canada.
I managed to find North by Northwest at a "Sam the Record
Man" shop. I've already watched it a few times.
My sister thinks I'm truly obsessed and
perhaps I am. She says I manage to work Cary Grant into almost every
conversation we have so I guess that does qualify as obsession! But I
find it interesting that a person can collect many CD's of a
particular musician that they like and listen to them over and over
and that's just fine, but when it's an actor and you want to collect
as many movies he's made as you can, all of a sudden you're obsessed!
I just thought I'd contact you and let
you know that I'm not sure if I want to join "warbrides" but
I'd just like you to know that this is the best website out there re:
C. Grant. (I'm sure you know, there's some real strange ones).
Thanks Debbie, for all the hard work
you've done to put this together and keep Mr. Grant's memory
Sincerely, Sharleen
British Columbia
November 6, 1999
Hello Debbie I am a huge Cary fan. I
am a 16 year old teenager and I find him one of the best leading men of the
century. I also thins that he is very sexy, he just has this sort of thing
that makes him look better than modern day stars such as Brad Pitt and Leo
di Caprio who always look really scruffy. Cary is my romantic hero. Bye
now. I really must go. P.S - I'm
16 so he must be a brilliant actor and very good looking for him to appeal
to someone of my age!
November 5, 1999
State/Country: Finland
Favorite Movie: Bringing up Baby
Comments: I just love Cary Grant! He's absolutely adorable!
November 3, 1999
Nick Wilkes
State/Country: England
Favorite Movie: North
By Northwest/ All of them!
Comments: I
grew up watching old movies on TV repeats, Humphrey Bogart, James Stewart,
Charlton Heston were all good friends of mine - and of course there was Cary
I guess he is something to aspire to really. To many of my friends have
bad-beards, trainers and no use of the English language. Cary just seems so civilized,
I guess we all pretend to be what we want to be to a certain extent.
I'm about half a dozen of his films short of the 72, but I do have some other
interesting appearances on tape such as Without Reservations (1946) with a great
cameo appearance by Grant, and lots of old Picturegoers.
What makes it all slightly bizarre is that I'm in training as an actor at the
Bristol Old Vic Theatre school. Strange because I'm acting and strange because
its Bristol. (My paternal grandmothers maiden name was Leach, but that's just
too weird). I was quite miffed when they renamed the bar next door to the
Hippodrome from 'Grants' to "cast". Why?
North By Northwest was always my favourite, just an excellent running man movie,
but I'd been won over countless times by Holiday, Father Goose, Indiscreet, The
Awful Truth - all of them really. Watching a Grant film will always cheer me up
when I get blue.
So here's to the
Cary Grant fans, I'm sure he'd have liked us.
Nick Wilkes
September 6, 1999
Just wanted
to let you know that I think your site is fabulous....I've just become a Cary
Grant fanatic and now I ask myself, "what took you so long!!"
Keep up the good work!!
September 2, 1999
Robert S. Panico
State/Country: Massachucetts,
Favorite Movie: None But The Lonely Heart
Comments: I am about 75 percent of the way
to the SPEAKEASY! I am still wishing and hoping that when Saturday's come rolling
around after a long week in work, a new Cary Grant Movie will greet me in my weekly Cary
Search. About 2 Months ago I was in Boston. At one of my Favorite
used record, CD, and Video stores, I was finishing going through all the videos when I
spotted 2 Purple Boxes that I had recognized from my first 'B/W copy of Bobby Soxer.
And Yes it was TRUE! I finally got 'The Toast of Manhattan" and In Name
Only" for a mere 2.99 each! So that just goes to show what hard work and
determination can bring you. I loved both pictures. I now keep waiting for the
Movie Companies to release "CRISIS" and THE EASY WAY" or "ROOM FOR ONE
MORE" I would be the happiest person in QUINCY Massachusetts! Then I would go
full speed to get the early ones... Thanks for letting me speak. From one Cary
Grant Fan to Another, "You All Have Wonderful Taste"! Robert S Panico
July 12, 1999
I was fortunate enough to have attended Cary performance of
"Conversations with Cary Grant" in a very small theater in a Chicago suburb
about two months before he passed away. I had an aisle seat 6 rows back from the stage,
center section. Since it was a very small theater, I was maybe 12 feet from the stage and
could see him very clearly.
It was a very special evening for me. I was surprised at the number of young women in the
audience. I was in my late 20's at the time. I did not get selected to ask him a Q, but
the experience was still one of the most thrilling in my life.
March 25, 1998
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