#1 Actress
according to the number of #1 votes received:
The biggest change I saw was the
number of #1's for Deborah Kerr. While Irene Dunne continues to
be a favorite, she received fewer #1's than before, and was bumped
from the top 5 list.
1 - Katharine Hepburn
2 - Ingrid Bergman
3 - Deborah Kerr
4 - Grace Kelly
5 - Audrey Hepburn
#53 Actress
according to who received the most #50+ votes:
1 - Mae West
2 - Suzy Parker
3 - Jayne Mansfield
Ranked by average: -
and how much they've moved since the last tally on September 11, 2000
1 - Katharine Hepburn - up two
2 - Audrey Hepburn - same
3 - Ingrid Bergman - up two
4 - Grace Kelly - up two
5 - Irene Dunne - down four
6 - Myrna Loy - down two
7 - Deborah Kerr - up one
8 - Rosalind Russell - down one
9 - Eva Marie Saint - up two
10 - Ginger Rogers - same
11 - Jean Arthur - up two
12 - Sophia Loren - up four
13 - Loretta Young - down one
13 - Doris Day - up four
14 - Jeanne Craine - up twelve
15 - Jean Adair - down three
16 - Ann Sheridan - down one
17 - Carol Lombard - down eight
18 - Priscilla Lane - up one
19 - Larraine Day - up five
20 - Constance Bennett - down six
21 - Josephine Hull - up two
22 - Leslie Caron - same
23 - Betsy Drake - up nine
24 - Joan Fontaine - down three
25 - Joan Bennett - same
26 - Martha Scott - up nineteen
27 - Elissa Landi - up twenty-five
28 - Jean Harlowe - down eight
29 - Sylvia Sidney - up four
30 - Helen Mack - up fourteen
31 - Marlene Dietrich - down two
32 - Ethel Barrymoore - down four
33 - June Duprez - up four
34 - Samantha Eggar - up two
35 - Kay Francis - up seven
36 - Jane Blair - down two
36 - Frances Farmer - up seven
36 - Gertrude Michael - up fourteen
37 - Joan O'Brien - down six
38 - Nancy Carroll - same
39 - Mae West - down twelve
40 - Jane Wyatt - down ten
41 - Mary Brian - down one
42 - Lily Damita - up six
43 - Tallulah Bankhead - down two
44 - Frances Drake - up two
45 - Alexis Smith - down ten
46 - Grace Moore - up seven
47 - Paula Raymond - down eight
48 - Benita Hume - up three
49 - Jayne Mansfield - down two
50 - Suzy Parker - down one
actress who has consistently received the most #1 votes, Katharine
Hepburn, was also the #1 actress when all of her votes were tallied
and averaged. For the past year, there seems to have been no
animosity thrown her way, and with her overwhelming number of #1 votes
when compared to others, good ol' Kate wins hands down.

September 11, 2000
Another six months since I last compiled this information. Wow! This
is a popular spot on my site. LOTS of visitors have an opinion about
Cary's co-stars!
#1 Actress
according to the number of #1 votes received:
As you can see, the names are the same with very little movement -
1 - Katharine Hepburn
2 - Audrey Hepburn
3 - Irene Dunne
4 - Ingrid Bergman
5 - Deborah Kerr
#53 Actress
according to who received the most #50+ votes:
1 - Suzy Parker
2 - Jayne Mansfield
3 - Doris Day
4 - Sophia Loren
5 - Betsy Drake
Ranked by average: -
and how much they've moved since the last tally on March 26, 2000
1 - Irene Dunne - up one
2 - Audrey Hepburn - down one
3 - Katharine Hepburn - up one
4 - Myrna Loy - down one
5 - Ingrid Bergman - up two
6 - Grace Kelly - same
7 - Rosalind Russell - down two
8 - Deborah Kerr - up three
9 - Carol Lombard - down one
10 - Ginger Rogers - up two
11 - Eva Marie Saint - down two
12 - Loretta Young - up one
13 - Jean Arthur - down three
14 - Constance Bennett - same
15 - Ann Sheridan - same
16 - Sophia Loren - same
17 - Doris Day - up one
18 - Jean Adair - down one
19 - Priscilla Lane - up two
20 - Jean Harlowe - same
21 - Joan Fontaine - up five
22 - Leslie Caron - up one
23 - Josephine Hull - down four
24 - Larraine Day - up one
25 - Joan Bennett - down three
26 - Jeanne Craine - down two
27 - Mae West - same
28 - Ethel Barrymoore - up two
29 - Marlene Dietrich - up two
30 - Jane Wyatt - up six
31 - Joan O'Brien - up three
32 - Betsy Drake - up three
33 - Sylvia Sidney - same
34 - Jane Blair - up three
35 - Alexis Smith - down three
36 - Samantha Eggar - down seven
37 - June Duprez - down nine
38 - Nancy Carroll - up three
39 - Paula Raymond - up one
40 - Mary Brian - down one
41 - Tallulah Bankhead - up four
42 - Kay Francis - down four
43 - Frances Farmer - same
44 - Helen Mack - down two
45 - Martha Scott - up two
46 - Frances Drake - down two
47 - Jayne Mansfield - up two
48 - Lily Damita - same
49 - Suzy Parker - down four
50 - Gertrude Michael - same
51 - Benita Hume - same
52 - Elissa Landi - same
53 - Grace Moore same
Audrey, Katharine
and Irene remain firmly rooted in our hearts.
far and away continues to receive the most votes, as well as an overwhelming
majority of #1 votes.
the information I've gathered over the past year, I'd have to declare Katharine
Hepburn the #1 choice of Cary fans numerically.
Audrey & Irene, the #1 favorite generally.
that if you asked 200 people who their favorite actresses were, 80% of them
would consistently rate Audrey and Irene #2, about 10% would rate them #1,
and the remaining would put them in the top ten. But Katharine would get
60% of the people rating her #1, about 20% rating her #2, and the remaining 20%
not liking her much at all.

#53 Actress last time:
1 - Suzy Parker
2 - Betsy Drake
3 - Grace Moore
4 - Doris Day
Ranked by average: - and how much they moved since the last tally
on November 9, 1999
1 - Audrey Hepburn - up one
2 - Irene Dunne - down one
3 - Myrna Loy - same
4 - Katharine Hepburn - same
5 - Rosalind Russell - same
6 - Grace Kelly - up four
7 - Ingrid Bergman - up one
8 - Carol Lombard - up one
9 - Eva Marie Saint - down two
10 - Jean Arthur - down four
11 - Deborah Kerr - up one
12 - Ginger Rogers - down one
13 - Loretta Young - up one
14 - Constance Bennett - up one
15 - Ann Sheridan - up one
16 - Sophia Loren - up two
17 - Jean Adair - down four
18 - Doris Day - up seventeen
19 - Josephine Hull - up two
20 - Jean Harlowe - up two
21 - Priscilla Lane - down one
22 - Joan Bennett - down three
23 - Leslie Caron - down six
24 - Jeanne Crain - same
25 - Larraine Day - down two
26 - Joan Fontaine - up eight
27 - Mae West - down two
28 - June Duprez - up two
29 - Samantha Eggar - same
30 - Ethel Barrymoore - down four
31 - Marlene Dietrich - down four
32 - Alexis Smith - up nine
33 - Sylvia Sidney - down five
34 - Joan O'Brien - down two
35 - Betsy Drake - down two
36 - Jane Wyatt - up two
37 - Janet Blair - same
38 - Kay Francis - up one
39 - Mary Brian - down eight
40 - Paula Raymond - down four
41 - Nancy Carroll - down one
42 - Helen Mack - same
43 - Frances Farmer - same
44 - Frances Drake - up one
45 - Tallulah Bankhead - up five
46 - Suzy Parker - up five
47 - Martha Scott - up one
48 - Lily Damita - down four
49 - Jayne Mansfield - down three
50 - Gertrude Michael - down three
51 - Benita Hume - down two
52 - Elissa Landi - same
53 - Grace Moore same
The big surprise was that the top ten the last time were the same ladies again this time, just shuffled about a little. Four of the top ten received no #1 votes.
Some stars, like Katharine Hepburn received an overwhelming majority of #1 votes, but because she has the ability to garner nearly as much animosity as she does
adoration, she will always fall short of #1. Stars like Myrna Loy continue to shine without any number one votes simply because we are consistently pleased by their
work and personalities. Audrey Hepburn & Irene Dunne illuminate both the screen and our hearts, and rightly deserve top billing.
Last time, I was surprised by the negative feelings toward Doris Day, but this time she took an 18 place leap to land within
the top twenty. Betsy Drake still suffers from bad press. And I still wonder if there isn't a tad bit of jealousy at work here. She is the one to whom
Cary remained married the longest. Do we look at her and find her wanting, because we feel she's not good enough for our Cary? Do we look at her and think she
captured Cary just the way she captured Dr. Madison Brown in "Every Girl Should Be Married?"
I again averaged the ranks by throwing out the best and worst scores. And again, the rankings didn't change
significantly at all, so I again tossed away those statistics.
Hope you enjoy the statistics! Let me know how closely they match your own preferences!!

November 8, 1999
Saying that, here are the first results of the Favorite Female Co-Star Poll!
#1 Actress according to the number of #1 votes received:
1 - Katharine Hepburn - 52%
2 - Ingrid Bergman - 27%
3 - Irene Dunne - 21%
4 - Audrey Hepburn - 15%
5 - Ginger Rogers - 14%
#53 Actress according to who received the most #50+ votes:
1 - Suzy Parker
2 - Betsy Drake
3 - Grace Moore
4 - Doris Day
Ranked by average: (Highest score/Lowest score)
1 - Irene Dunne - 1/16
2 - Audrey Hepburn - 1/15
3 - Myrna Loy - 2/15
4 - Katharine Hepburn - 1/52
5 - Rosalind Russell - 3/24
6 - Jean Arthur - 6/16
7 - Eva Marie Saint - 4/20
8 - Ingrid Bergman - 1/51
9 - Carole Lombard - 4/22
10 - Grace Kelly - 2/47
11 - Ginger Rogers - 1/38
12 - Deborah Kerr - 1/51
13 - Jean Adair - 1/32
14 - Loretta Young - 1/44
15 - Constance Bennett - 9/43
16 - Ann Sheridan - 4/49
17 - Leslie Caron - 2/53
18 - Sophia Loren - 4/50
19 - Joan Bennett - 4/36
20 - Priscilla Lane - 6/45
21 - Josephine Hull - 12/45
22 - Jean Harlowe - 12/50
23 - Laraine Day - 15/39
24 - Jeanne Crain - 8/50
25 - Mae West - 4/53
26 - Ethel Barrymore - 16/38
27 - Marlene Dietrich - 10/53
28 - Sylvia Sidney - 12/42
29 - Samantha Eggar - 18/50
30 - June Duprez - 18/39
31 - Mary Brian - 8/45
32 - Joan O'Brien 13/52
33 - Betsy Drake - 3/53
34 - Joan Fontain - 7/53
35 - Doris Day - 9/53
36 - Paula Raymond - 19/47
37 - Janet Blair - 19/50
38 - Jane Wyatt - 15/45
39 - Kay Francis - 10/46
40 - Nancy Carroll - 19/51
41 - Alexis Smith - 15/49
42 - Helen Mack - 12/50
43 - Frances Farmer - 27/52
44 - Lily Damita - 17/51
45 - Frances Drake - 30/48
46 - Jayne Mansfield - 23/53
47 - Gertrude Michael - 30/49
48 - Martha Scott - 29/51
49 - Benita Hume - 38/52
50 - Tallulah Bankhead - 37/52
51 - Suzy Parker - 24/53
52 - Elissa Landi - 36/52
53 - Grace Moore - 41/53
I was quite surprised by the high ranks of Rosalind Russell, Carol Lombard & Jean Adair. (I wonder if we've not confused Aunt Martha with Aunt Abby.) Both
Ingrid Bergman & Katharine Hepburn, while being the favorites of the majority, also had some equally negative fans. Their ranking reflects that.
I was equally surprised by the very negative feelings toward both Doris Day & Betsy Drake. Sometimes simply I wonder if Betsy doesn't evoke
feelings of jealousy!!
I also averaged the ranks by throwing out the best and worst scores. The rankings didn't change significantly at all, so I
tossed away those
If you have any more questions, just ask!