What is Email Warbrides?
The Email Warbrides is an
email fan club for Cary Grant fans. It started off in July 1996 as a manual mailing list
called CGML, because Zoë (mailing list owner) was sure that she was NOT the only Cary Grant fan in cyberspace. And
she has been proved right
- the membership grew steadily....to the point where Zoë found it very difficult to keep up with forwarding the mail.
After a lot attempts we finally got an autolist at the end of October 1997 - this list was called the Email Warbrides
(a name which was decided in a competition when we first tried for an autolist way back in December 1996!). The
mailing list has continued building up its membership.
So what kind of things are discussed?
Everything that is Cary related and some things that are not. Basically it depends on what people have on their
minds. In the past we have spoken about CG books, his films, his sexuality, how to write web pages/make screensavers,
and have answered the questions "What is a Stinger?" and "Did he ever say
'Judy, Judy, Judy'?".
What kind of people are on the list?
Male and Female, Old and Young! Everyone on the list is a Cary Grant fan. That is what we all have in common. Some
of us have been fans for a long time, some for a short time. The amount of obsession varies widely. Some members
are VERY obsessed (Zoë for instance :-) ), but others aren't quite that bad! Basically, if you like CG you'll probably
like the list - you don't need to be a Cary Grant expert to join. All of us like talking about the man, so don't
be afraid to ask questions when you're on the list!
Rules of the Email Warbrides List
Originally, there was only one rule (No Flaming), to be added to as
Zoë felt
necessary. This is the current list of rules - (as
of 13th March 2001). This file is sent to the Warbrides every
month as a reminder. Please read these rules and stick to
No Flaming - everyone has a right to their opinion
- No Chain Letters, SPAM or other
kind of junk mail
- If someone on the list offends
you, mail them *privately*, explain your point of view, and
sort the matter out between yourselves - don't bring a private
argument to the list.
- If you find someone on the list
generally annoying, delete their mail when it arrives in your
mailbox. That way you don't have to read it. On most mail
programs you can set up a filter to do this
- No forwarding of private mail to
the list - unless you clear it with the person involved first.
This may cause undue embarrassment for the person concerned.
If the mail was meant to be private keep it that way.
- When posting to the list please
ensure that the subject line refers to the topic in your post
(we all like to know what kind of stuff is going to be in a
message when we open it!).
- If your post does not obviously
link to Cary Grant please add "No CG" to the subject
- Snip down the quoted message to
which you are replying so we don't end up with huge emails!
Please remember we all have one thing in common. Respect and admiration of Cary Grant. He was a smart, respectful,
urbane gentleman with exceptional manners and good taste. Lets take our cue from him.
How do I join the Email Warbrides?

The simplest way to become a Warbride is to fill in the handy form below (when you hit subscribe you will be
taken to the Yahoo!Groups page and, if you have not previously subscribed to a mailing list at
Yahoo!Groups, asked to enter
a password which will allow you to access members areas such as the database and polls run by the group):