Submitted by
Debby Schwenson
"And you're sure I can get a
cage that is big enough for all them?"
'You've made an old man very happy!'
Submitted by
Morag Clarke
3rd Place

Cary says sheepishly,
"You mean they take everything off but their hats?"
Submitted by
Diane Parker
Other captions
(Nervous laugh) I'll
just take my kne-EGO for a walk!
Sorry, Madame, I hear
what you are saying,
but you don't have a leg to stand on.
Star Cary Grant playing fun and gams in Las Vegas!
me, Am I really suppose to get up there and dance with them there
Cary Grant getting a leg up on
stardumb, er, stardom,
Las Vegas style.
"Why yes, these
are very fine head dresses."
Cary says. "But I really don't think its my color!"
You've got to be kidding, you want me
to tell them that they have to take their clothes off and dance?
Cary judges finalists
in the Miss Chicken USA pageant.
funny Mister Grant, human cobweb dusters indeed!!!
my dear, I don't give a gam.
for tickling my fancy'
would like to introduce you to three of my ex-wives who are now
members of Radio City Music Hall's famous Rockettes. Sorry,
but ex-fourth Dyan will be here tomorrow since she had to stop off
to see her lawyers again today.
Nature Lover Cary
Grant checking out the plumage of the Official State Bird of Nevada,
the Robin (or Candy, or Bambi, or Tiffany...) Red (or blonde, or
brunette, or auburn....) Breast (....)
What in the world do they have
living up there anyway?
mean I could get three more to complete my Merry-Go-Round?"
want what? One of them to take the Suzy Parker Role?
Good Grief!!!
Heartthrob Cary
Grant at the MGM Grand
clearly enjoys GAMbling of a different sort!
"Can I have a
party hat too?"
Do they do windows?
Grant thinking to himself: "On the thighway of life,
there are drivers and there are passengers. Oh, to be a
never danced before in my life...Do you know what kind of fool I
would look like if I was to get up there on stage?
LEGion of Las Vegas beauties hoping to leave their
LEGacy of charm on Prince Charming himself,
LEGendary actor Cary Grant.
and a producer brainstorming ideas during filming of The Pride and
the Passion...."Yes! Brilliant! And then we can
have this one shoot out of the cannon, do a double flip,
thanks to all of the participants in this contest: Aileen
Mackintosh, Debbie Moran, Debby Schwenson, Sharron Lyttle, Diane
Parker, Morag Clarke, Helen Fredericks, Esther Park, Kathy Fox,
Maria Simons, and Lucretia
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