Submitted by
Esther Park
(Puzzling at the ring on his
"Hmmmm, I wonder who I married this time?"
"UMMM, La Petit One. I'm not
sure I can get in that position!
But, in your case, I will certainly try.
A LITTLE does go a LONG way!"
Submitted by
Tina Corbin
3rd Place

"Your MISSION Mr. Grant, if
you choose to accept it,
is the IMPOSSIBLE task of making Suzy Parker into an
make her less wooden, and then finally, successfully remove all of
the splinters from your body after its over. Good Luck, Mr.
Submitted by
Tina Corbin
Other captions
"Wow, this
Etch-A-Sketch is really challenging!"
thinking outside-of-the-box.
"Do these
negatives make my butt look big?"
am I supposed to read all my Warbrides messages with this black
thing covering up my computer monitor??"
"Hmmm ..
thank goodness all these photos are in black and white! The world
would not be able to look at Mae West the same way if they saw her
in this fuchsia dress and lime green boa. Only a fashion
consultant would come up to see her like that!"
our lucky stars Cary chose acting over air traffic controlling:
"Hmmm. Is that a rye seed from my lunch there on the screen
or are those two jets about to collide?"
Cary says,
"I don't have any idea what this thing is either."
was I thinking when I married her?"
"Why are
they taking my picture?"
I paid three easy installments of $29.99 for this Nail-O-Matic
and I still can't get a decent manicure!"
Cary says,
"Maybe if I stare at this long enough it will go away."
did I become an actor?"
"Now, big
black book, under what did I file Lil Deb?"
thinking to himself:
"Where is James Bond when you need him!"
"Looking for
this article is worse than finding an intercostal
do you turn this thing on?"
In case of
emergency, break glass!
don't get it?"
Grace, Leslie,
Audrey, Deborah......
picked out the rings?"
Cary says,
"I'll just sit here and stare at this and hope nobody will
notice I don't know what I am doing."
thinking to himself: "Ummm… What IS that under my
fingernail….. NO! IT CAN’T BE! NOT A SLIVER!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
(Woody Parker strikes again.)
This new fangled
technology just isn't for me. How the heck do I turn the light on?
just can't get this darn computer to log into Cary Chat! pppfftt!!"
driving me crazy Dyan's habit of framing chocolate wrappers."
said make my acceptance speech short,
but microfilming it is just going too far!
that's all the roses planted,
now what's next on my Warbrides list of things to do?"
felt that if he chewed his fingernails he may have a
bulb" moment of inspiration.
How am I supposed
to learn the lines if I can't touch the script?
don't get it. I just don't get it.
What is Suzy Parker doing on this negative?"
Cary Grant on
considering the newest invention, the television.
"I wonder
why they call it the 'boob tube?' Doesn't look like either one to
Cary Grant reviews stills from his latest release, Once Upon a
Honeymoon, one has to wonder why they call them negatives?
He looks positively gorgeous to us.
"Where's the
ANY key?"
thanks to all of the participants in this contest: Morag
Clarke, Tina Corbin, Zoë Diamandopolous, Krista Gower-Johnson,
Susanna Heinz, Aileen Mackintosh, Anthony McGuire, Deborah Moran,
Esther Park, April Parrish, Maria Simons, Gina Ward, Rachel Waters
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#11 >>