| 40's
| 50's
| 60's
| 70's
| 80's
| 1986+ This
is by no means an inclusive list of all the magazines you will find
photos and/or articles about Cary Grant!
I can't promise you that there aren't any errors here!
If you spot a typo, either spelling or date, please let me know!
in Blue link to the article
Ten Sexiest Men Over 60"
Gittelson, Natalie
McCall's, October 1985, p. 10
Cary Grant is included in a list along with Paul Newman, John Forsythe,
John Huston, Lee Iacocca, Ronald Reagan, Joe DiMaggio, Frank Sinatra,
Norman Mailer, and Isaac Bashevis Singer.
Affair to Remember"
Kobal, John
American Film, April 1987, p. 59
class can be taken for Granted"
David Kronke
Dallas Times Herald, March 24, 1986,
"Cary Grant
Wows Schenectady"
Barton, Jane
July 18, 1984, p. 2
Description and concert review of
Grant's appearance at the Proctor Theater in Schenectady, New York.
Grant Gets His: Friars' Testimonial Airs Vanish as Burns, Callas,
Buttons Baste Grant's Roast with Laughs"
Cohen, Joe
May 19, 1982, p. 2
Blow-by-blow description of the evening when Grant was given the
Entertainer of the Year Award. "Cary
Grant: A Candid Conversation with America's Epitome of
Davis, Debra Sharon
Playboy Guide
- Fashion for Men, Spring-Summer 1981, p. 31
It seems appropriate that when Cary Grant finally did consent to do a
celebrity interview for Playboy,
it would not be in their monthly magazine, but in a special edition
fashion guide. In the interview he talks about his sense of style,
his wardrobe, what he likes and dislikes in people, and even the kind of
car he drives. "The
Cary Grant That Nobody Knows"
50 Plus, October 1984,
p. 34
Biographical introduction to Wansell's article in same issue. Also
includes "In Trivial Pursuit of Cary Grant" questions and
answers on page 36. Film
Comment, May 6, 1982, p. 11
Column discusses Grant as combining the best of English and American
characteristics. Film
Comment, February, 1985, p. 15
A brief biography of Grant that discusses his acting style. "Cary
Grant, 80: a 44-film Festival"
Flint, Peter B.
New York Times, April 6,
1984, p. C25
At 80 years of age, Grant's career is honored by an 8-week, 44-fillm
retrospective of his films. Contains quotes by co-star Ralph
Bellamy and a schedule of the films. "Cary
Grant's Fifth Wife, Barbara, Tries Out a New Role as a Working Woman for
Hart, Lianne
People Weekly,
December 12, 1983, p. 89
Biography of Barbara Harris Grant as she starts a new career as a "clothescaster"
for Halston. Includes a glimpse of the Grants at home and photos
of Barbara doing more than just standing at Grant's side.
Grant Gets His
- Variety, May 19, 1982, pg 2; Joe Cohen
Grant at 80, Still a Touch of Mink"
Mann, Roderick
Los Angeles Times, January
15, 1984, Section VI, p. 1
Mann's interview presents a casual Grant who is also a
businessman. Grant discusses his heroes, his accent, the mentions
of him in Heymann's Poor Little Rich Girl, his cruise around the world
on a freighter with Betsy Drake, and the character he plays on screen. "Cary
Grant Preserves Image as He Turns 80"
Mansfield, Stephanie
The Pittsburgh Press, January
15, 1984
A short interview with Grant as he reaches his 80th birthday. It
originally ran in The Washington Post. (It seems intimate because
it takes place in his hotel room, conditions which are described in
detail.) "Cary
Grant - His Life! His Loves!"
Schickel, Richard
November 1983, p. 158
Offers a background biography and a recap of Schickel's book. (See
review of Schickel's book in the Library) "Cary
Grant, Live"
Smith, Sid
Chicago Tribune,
September 22, 1986, Section 5, p. 1
Comments on Grant's "A Conversation With Cary Grant"
appearance in Joliet, Illinois. "Charms
and the Man"
Thomson, David
Film Comment,
February 1984, p. 58
Discussion of the acting style Grant used in his films which made him a
great star. Slight references to Grant's biography.
Grant Sues Comic for Crack"
November 19, 1980, p. 5
Grant brought suite against Chevy Chase claiming he subjected Grant to
"shame, ridicule and humiliation" after implying on Tom
Snyder's television show that Grant was a homosexual. "Cary
Grant: He is the Epitome of Charm, Wit and Savoir Faire"
Wansell, Geoffry
Ladies Home
January 1984, p. 107
Excerpts from Wansell's book, Haunted Idol. Illustrated.
Cary Grant
Wows Schenectady
- Variety,
July 18, 1984, p. 2; Jane
Meets Cary: Happiness is a Secondhand Sandwich"
Dolan, Carrie
Wall Street
Journal, June
26, 1984, p. 32
Gushing account of Dolan's interview with Grant really tells more about
the author than it does Grant. It does, however, describe an
intimate evening card game of "spite and malice" between Grant
and his wife. Illustrated. (Sections of this article later
used as a "Dear Abby" column by Abigail Van Buren in December
1986 to eulogize Grant's death.)
Worry Led Him to Remain Aloof and Remote"
Wansell, Geoffry
Fifty Plus,
October 1984, p. 36
Biographical excerpt from Haunted Idol- the Story of the Real Cary Grant
by Wansell. (See
review of Wansell's book in the Library)
Cannon: She'd Like to be Known for More Than Being the Mother of Cary
Grant's Only Kid"
Deford, Frank
People Weekly,
July 12, 1982, p. 55
Brief biography and career description of Cannon with a discussion of
her divorce from Grant. Shows Cannon and Jennifer together and
living in Grant's shadow.
They Come to Praise Cary"
Jacobs, Jody
Los Angeles Times,
May 18, 1982, Section V, p. 1
Description of the Friars Club roast of Cary Grant.
Birthday, Cary Grant"
Good Housekeeping,
January 1982, p. 98
A photographic tribute to Grant on his birthday. (Eight photos from 1910
to 1981)
Stepped out in High Style to Honor Cary Grant as MCG Put His Name in
Lights Forever"
October 22, 1984,
p. 139
On the occasion of MCM/UA renaming their refurbished theatre after
Grant, its president presents Grant, who is on the board of directors,
with its first Leo award for movie pioneers.
Praise of Leading Men"
Ladies Home Journal, May
1986, p. 115
Excerpts from Leading Men by Julie Welch and Louise Brody.
Illustrates ten favorite Hollywood legends. Contains full-page
photo of Grant.
Intimate Chat with Cary Grant"
Michaelson, Judith
Los Angeles Times, March 18,
1985, Section VI, p. 1
Description of one of Grant's lectures which were billed as "A
Conversation with Cary Grant."
Center Honors Grant, Basie, Robbins, Serkin and Helen
Gamarekian, Barbara
New York Times, December 7,
Tribute to Grant given by Rex Harrison upon the occasion of Grant's
receiving Kennedy Center honors.
Turns 75; Toasts Cary Grant"
New York
October 5, 1984, p. C4
Description of a party in honor of Grant during which MGM renames its
theatre after the star.
Museum Tribute for Cary Grant"
Duka, John
New York Times, June 28,
1984, p. 17
Museum of Modern Art honors Cary Grant with a cocktail party, film clips
and dinner. Illustrated.
Memoirs for Grant; Actor Goes Stand-Up to Reminisce About His Life"
November 3, 1982, p. 1
Article about Grant's first try as a stage speaker reminiscing about his
Garcia, Guy D.
Time, January 30, 1984, p. 73
Short mention of how Grant celebrated his 80th birthday.
Days in Camelot"
Seligman, Daniel
February 7, 1983, p. 31
Short article derived from Variety about Grant at the Flint Center in
Cupertino, California where he spent two hours on stage answering
questions. "That Touch of Class"
Armory, Cleveland
Parade Magazine,
September 22, 1985, p. 4-9
The first part of this article
describes Armory's visit to "A Conversation with Cary
Grant." There is a very brief biography followed by an
interview Armory had with Grant and his wife at their California home
before going to a baseball game. An informative and informal
look at Grant.
Toast (Beer) to Cary Grant (Champagne) on Reaching 80"
Cohen, Joe
Washington Post,
January 20, 1984, p. 2
Column praising Grant on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Includes short biography.
Save Their Skins, Peter Fonda & Nancy Reagan Surrender to Aida
?People Weekly,
February 2, 1981, p. 60
Accompanied by a photo of Grant, this article about Aida Grey who takes
care of the skins of the famous indicates that she makes a special pore
cleaner for Grant. "Washington
Salutes a National Gallery of Superstars"
?People Weekly,
December 21, 1981, p. 38
Kennedy Center Honors bestowed on Grant and others by President
Reagan. Illustrated. "When
Friars and Friends Grant Cary a Dinner, They Come to Praise Him, Not
Braise Him"
Small, Michael
People Weekly,
May 31, 1982, p. 39
The New York Friar's Club "roasts" Grant at their
"Man-of-the-Year dinner. Includes 6 photos (Grant in only
one) and tribute quotes from Frank Sinatra and Elizabeth Taylor.
of the information on these magazine pages comes from:
Grant: A Bio-Bibliography
by Beverley Bare Buehrer
I HIGHLY recommend this book.
I consider it my CG bible!!
If you
have any articles from the 1980's you'd like to include,
please contact me!! I'll be glad to add them.
Photos are always a plus!!