What's the wackiest thing you've done?
Email me and I'll post yours!!

"You know YOU'RE a Cary Grant fan when ..."
- You're glad you're left-handed because Cary was.
- You WISH you were left-handed because Cary was.
- You refer to all of Cary's movies by their initials. Who knows what ToTT is?
- You've ever had an intervention held on your behalf because your
friends or family are concerned that you are spending too much time
watching Cary Grant movies.
- You are willing to drive 500 miles to see Cary on the BIG screen.
- You buy a Bix Beiderbecke CD because Cary mentioned liking him!
- You buy a calendar just to write down the times his movies come on, station, and how old Cary was at the time he made
the movie!
You've built a Shrine to Cary Grant and are constantly planning ways
of improving it and making it more glorious.
You marry a man named Carey.
People at work call you "that Cary Grant girl" because you have
pictures of him in frames on your desk as if he were a relative.
I realize that if I were to have to participate in a word
association test every answer I would blurt out would be CG relevant.
You host a convention of Cary Grant fans in your home town.
You have an irrational hatred of that "eyebrow woman," Joan Fontaine,
just because Cary Grant once expressed a mild dislike of her in an
off-handed comment.
You've called in sick to work to watch a bunch of Cary Grant movies on cable that you already have in your video collection.
You've actually made and consumed a Stinger.
On Christmas day, the kids were opening envelopes with money. Everyone got a $50 bill. Someone asked, "Who's on the $50 bill?".....now, my
brain was saying Ulysses S. Grant, but my mouth shouted, "CARY GRANT!"
You've set your alarm for 3 A.M [on a school night] so that you wouldn't miss the 3:15 showing of a CG film you've never seen.
You have been using the same Cary calendar for the past 18 years
because you can't find a new one!
Your New Year's resolution is to talk to other Cary Grant fans more frequently.
The Trivia Queen and the Ultimate Website Master ask to pick your brain for answers.
you're 14 and you beg your mom to buy you pink champagne because Cary ordered it in An Affair to Remember
your email address contains Cary's birth date
You have a 10 hour Cary Grant movie
marathon party at your house with all your 14-year-old friends.
What's the wackiest thing you've done?
Email me and I'll post yours!!

"You know YOU'RE a Cary Grant fan when ..."
Cary Grant's "biggest fan" writes:
You start suggesting to your girlfriends to name their newborn son
"Archibald" (since they want a first name or middle name
that starts with an "A")
And you REALLY think "Archibald" is a nice name
You visit Bristol from the other side of the world and go straight
to the information center and say, "I am looking for Cary
Grant's house!"
You visit his house in Bristol and take about 10 shots in
different angles
You visit Bristol from the other side of the world and ask
ANYBODY, "Where is Cary Grant's statue"?
You recognized the statue even at its smallest size from afar,
even though you haven't seen it before
It's your first time on the French Riviera and all you could think
of is TCAT and Cary Grant (and Grace Kelly, too!)
You have an all-year-long white Christmas Tree at the office with
Cary Grant pictures as ornaments (and you refused to take it down
even if the Bureau Manager tells you to do so. Your argument: If you
want me to remove my Cary Grant pictures, you better tell the whole
building to remove the pictures of their families and friends
because it's the same thing! It's not work-related!)
Emma confesses:
Wacky things I have done:
You spend your ENTIRE 8th grade year organizing, directing,
editing, and producing a remake of AAOL starring you, of course, as
Mortimer Brewster and the rest of your class in all the other roles.
AAOL (pronounced Ah-ool) becomes a common phrase in your school
You memorize songs from his movies and sing them for your grandma
You have bi-annual Cary Grant Movie Watching Parties with your two
best friends at which you set aside two whole days to fill with Cary
You know it was meant to be when the Cary Grant day on TCM was the
same day as your Bat Mitzvah
You dream about him all the time and always end up together in the
Just hearing his name makes you happy
Your entire grade knows who Cary Grant is even if they didn’t a
year ago
You spend 4 hours photoshoping a picture of you into a
picture with cary:
Patricia Hitchcock tells you in person “he
was a very nice man” and you almost faint from joy even
though you already knew that
You and your friends have more inside jokes to
do with Cary movies than with anything else
You write songs about Cary every year on his
birthday to the tune of “101 Pounds of Fun” from South
Pacific. For example:
A hundred and one years of fun
We all like him a ton
Get a load of Cary Grant tonight
His hair is sleek and dark
His chin makes quite a mark
He can make you laugh
At a big giraffe
Running loose in the park
I’m talking bout our
Favorite star
Though he’s from a country far
Get a load of Cary Grant tonight
Believe me friends
The fun never ends
He knows his part
And he’ll steal the girl’s heart
So let the movies start!
Judy says:
All you want for Christmas are Cary Grant postage stamps.
Every letter that you send has a Cary Grant stamp on it.
You have three Cary Grant mouse pads.
You have purchased every Cary Grant book ever published.
Fifty-three Cary Grant magnets (the man and his movies) adorn your file cabinet.
Kim wrote:
Audrey says:
You start searching your home for things- anything!- you can Ebay to support your Cary memorabilia habit.
You get surprised by your family with a Cary Grant birthday cake.
You've seen Cary's movies so many times you start recognizing his co-stars in other films just by their voices.
has happened to me innumerable times- like "Dutchy" from OAHW is Sgt. Schultz in Stalag 17 and I recognized him by voice even though he's 40 pounds heavier and in disguise. That was when I new it was
You start thinking of the 20th century in terms of Cary-time. (that happened in 1944?? hmm..cary would've turned 40 that year....)
You start reading the books Cary's movies were based on, even if you didn't like the movie.
You simply must collect every movie in it's purest form, (dvd or vhs) even if you already have it taped from TV. (i.e. you will pay the $15 for the
DVD of "Kiss Them For Me")
You own 4 different copies of Penny Serenade and Amazing Adventure, TRYING to get the best copy.
You have searched and searched for a good "bangers and mash" recipe and/or you have actually made "bangers and mash"
You wish your cats were kittens again so you could rename your tuxedo cat Cary.
You have a sudden irrepressible urge to visit Bristol, England.
You have a majority of your home page dedicated to Cary (or have a Cary page all in itself)
You have no pictures of family in your wallet but you carry a Cary keychain.
You bought shelves just to display your DVD/VHS collection and have easy access to it.
You bought a surround sound DVD/VCR set for your husband so you could secretly take the old equipment and turn your office into a Carytopia.
You start coining Cary related phrases like Carytopia!
You start a collage of Cary photos from any media resources you can find.
You spam TCM every month to persuade them to play more Cary movies.
You stop on a Cary movie while channel surfing and watch it anyway, even though you have seen it 1000 times and/or you don't like the movie to begin with.
You start searching for copies of songs covered in Cary's movies. (my kingdom for a good copy of "The Peanut Vendor"!)
You start collecting LPs of Cary's soundtracks just to be able to decorate your wall. (I don't even own a turntable!!! And my kingdom for a clean "Walk
Don't Run!")
You start signing your letters "Happy Thoughts"
You keep a log of all the Cary memorabilia you own and you are trying to get something from each of his movies.
You have a Cary Grant license plate. (ok I don't actually have this one yet but I am going to order it as soon as I get
down to the DMV- what do you think about CaryG38- the year our favorite movie came out?)
I had a dream that he was
"chasing" me to go out with him I played coy then saw he was
after another woman so I ended up with him and MARRIED him in my
dream!! (laughing) I just love this man and do wait up to tape hard to
find movies. Boy if dreams could come true! (I know he passed away but
it's still a great thought!)
Steve wrote:
Barbara wrote:
Before I go to bed every night, I watch selective scenes from "To Catch a Thief" on DVD (Thank goodness for DVDs with its
scene selection option) In "To Catch a Thief" CG was soooooooooo dark and lovely. I'm glad that picture was filmed in color for it was the first film of CG, I watched and I fell head over heels for him.
Esther wrote:
Lori says:
Melanie C.
Renee says:
Cynthia says:
Barbara wrote:
conversations and school assignments always include a line from some
Cary movie.
younger brother has countless lines from Cary movies memorized, even
though he's never seen them, because you quote them so often.
yell 'charge!!!!!' every time you go upstairs.
think of other actors in relation to how many Cary Grant movies they
were in.
Every time you get paid, you buy at
least one CG movie.
You get into arguments with coworkers
whenever you tell them that you'd rather be on an island with Walter
Eckland than going down the river with Charlie Allnut. (For the
record, at first I always chose Allnut, but then I saw "Father
Goose". Nuff said. As long as I could wear his hat, lol!).
If a CG movie is on, all things stop.
You are home alone for three days and
all you do is watch CG movies.
You quote lines from CG movies,
complete with hand motions.
You quote lines from CG movie for no
reason (I.E. when one of his movies
isn't on!).
You cry when Nickie realizes that
Terry was the one that bought his
You cry at the end of "AATR".
You circle the date on the calendar as
to when TCM has their CG movie date (8/27/04!!).
You set reminders on your digital
cable for the movies they will show on CG movie day.
You know you could possibly burn up
your DVD player by playing all of your CG movies.
Your message board username's initals
are CG.
Your message board username's tagline
is a quote from a CG movie (Currently from "Father
Your message board username's photo is
from a CG movie (Currently from "Father Goose").
You change your user photo and tagline
at least once a week, always matching photo and tagline.
You have to educate certain people
when you reference a CG movie, line or character.
You think the crop-duster scene from
"North by Northwest" rules all.
You wish CG and Audrey Hepburn made
more movies together.
You can recite the entire movie
"Arsenic and Old Lace", line
by line, from memory
You print out a map of England just
because Cary Grant was
from England (and you mark the town of Bristol with a large
red heart)
Your family is so tired of hearing you
talk about Cary Grant
that they begin to worry about your obsession out (or they
come to you when they want to know a little trivia fact
about Cary Grant)
You have posted to your walls almost a
hundred photos of
Cary Grant that you printed out from your computer
You have for each decade (30s, 40s,
50s, and 60s) a notebook
full of Cary pictures from his films of that decade
You play every new DVD you obtain of a
Cary Grant film on your
computer so that you can capture images from the movie (and
the images you print out you keep in a folder, each movie
in its own folder)
You have printed out computer desktop
wallpapers from
carygrant.net, and you have posted them on the wall next
to your bed so that the last thing you see before falling
asleep is Cary
You have a typed list of the Cary
Grant movies you own, want,
or don't own so that your family knows what to get you for
your birthday or for Christmas
You buy a twelve-month calendar
because one of the months is
a picture of Cary Grant
You wish you had a cat or a dog so
that you could name it Cary
(or even better, you had two so that you could name one
Cary, and the other Grant)
Every time you watch something non-CG,
you start playing
"Six Degrees of Cary Grant" with each of the actors
You hold your living room captive for
24 hours on Cary's birthday and have a movie marathon. (I even moved
the microwave in there to make popcorn, and kept food in a cooler
next to the couch!)
You and your aunt go up to the top of
the Empire State Building every year on July 1st at 5 o'clock
waiting for your Cary Grant to come.
Gina wrote:
you start asking your husband to call you "Monkey Face".
True fans will know why, all others should watch Suspicion.
you refuse to ever set foot again in a Circuit City store when TWO
employees of the store admitted they had never heard of Cary Grant.
What kind of world do we live in where people have never heard of
Cary Grant?
you know you will never have his autograph because you are too
afraid to get a fake on ebay. I HATE the idea of sellers faking his
autograph for money and refuse to get one in hopes that the fakers
will stop.
you have a bottle of vintage Pink Champagne in your Cary Grant
Shrine. I also have the two bottles that make up the ingredients of
a Stinger in there also. I tried a Stinger and hate to admit that I
did not like it at all. Thanks to your web site for listing the
you vow to join the 72 Speakeasy Club (almost there).
Todd wrote:
Pam confesses:
You max out your TiVo harddrive in 24
hours, recording the Cary Grant marathon on TCM, even though you
already have most of the movies, and watch the others as they
Lauren says:
Leanne wrote:
I know I am a dedicated fan (for my
Grandmother who doesn't have access to the internet) when my
husbands ex-girlfriend is going back to the UK and I am considering
giving her money to send back Hard To Find Cary Grant movies. - I am
in Australia! Now that is real dedication!!!
I also wait with baited breath for the
Austar guide to come out so I can scan TCM and Fox Classics for
Movies my grandmother doesn't have - or has taped already but with
I pay for extra pay TV channels just
on the chance there will be a CG movie on.
I am bewildered when people wonder
what is wrong with you when you turn the channel while on the phone
and you tell your friend you have to go because CG is on!
I will do almost anything to find the
missing movies to my Grandmothers collection. - As one day she might
give it to me!
Kels says:
Tanya says:
Gin wrote:
Kristin confesses:
I (of course) LOVE Cary Grant, and am collecting all his movies.
Recently, I ordered special license plates that say “CARYGNT”
My hubby is in the Army, and almost every time we drive up to the
guards to get onto base, the guards ask me, “Does that plate mean Cary
Grant?” One of the guards who I see most often even calls me “Miss
Cary Grant!” =) Of course I LOVE it!!! =)
Karl wrote:
My Cary Grant movies are segregated
from the rest of the DVD collection.
My Hitchcock movies are also
segregated and when it came time to make a decision as to where to
place S, N, TCAT & NBNW, I actually entertained the thought of
buying duplicates! (They went to Cary's Corner).
All the Cary Grant movies are
sequentially listed by release date(see #4)
I put AaOL in 1941. It was filmed in
1941 and released for military viewing then and I just couldn't see
holding it back till 1944.
My copy of PS was on the same DVD as
AA and since I had to have them stored sequentially, I bought
another copy of PS.
I have printed off copies of the lobby
cards from the this website and have them as inserts in my DVD
Since I can't always remember the
exact order of all my Cary Grant movies, I have made tiny
"cheat sheet" labels, listing the release date.
Diane says:
Paula confesses:
Elizabeth says:
you wish you had a widow's peak cause
CG had one
you're 14 and you're begging your mom
and friends to buy you Cary Grant movies
you're 14 and you're begging your mom
to buy you some pink champagne cause your favorite CG movie is An
Affair to Remember
you've memorized all the words to all
the songs in An Affair to Remember cause it's your favorite movie of
all time
you spend all your spare time online
at CG sites
Brigeeta wrote:
Alexis says:
Commie confesses:
You need to hear his voice every night before you go to be so you
watch 'Penny Serenade' or 'Mr. Lucky' as you fall asleep.
You get your mother and everyone around you so into Cary Grant
that they watch his movies over and over again with you.
You've been watching him since you were six and you still think he is
the sexiest man ever.
You compare every actor to Cary Grant.
You have his pictures on your computer at home and at work.
You research his costars so that you can learn more about him.
Almost all your conversations include something about Cary Grant.
You try to get all your friends to see 'The Awful Truth' and 'My
Favorite Wife'.
You are thrilled that CG filmed a movie in your country (Jamaica) and
in your favorite spot there.
Judy writes:
Here's one thing that would probably
make me a true CG fan:
I quote his lines, onscreen and backstage, more often than anyone
would ever guess. My favorite expression is probably
"Everything's just ducky!" Thanks for the great
website, it's loads of fun!
Jovana sends photos:
I love your work and here's mine for you. I put 222 posters of Cary on
this building and 223 all around the town. The town is Leskovac,
Serbia. I covered posters of Seselj with those of Cary and said to the
press that I did it because Cary is so much more handsome. And he

Kim S says: