Remember ... the
longer the quote, the larger the .wav file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote.
Your patience will be worth the wait!!
- Now don't you think I know three's a crowd.- Duprez
- Very agrinoying thing love.- Fitzgerald
NoneAppealToMe.wav -
That's the way. Appeal to me. I might be persuaded. I'm a reasonable man.- Grant
NoneBaconEgg.wav - As
the bacon said to the egg, 'so pleased to meet ya.'- Fitzgerald
NoneBeingRude.wav -
Don't you think you're being rude?- Coulouris
NoneBestBy.wav - Mean to
do my best by you Ma Love.- Grant
NoneBirdsFor.wav -
Don't be all year about it. Have to fight the birds for it.- Barrymore
NoneBlackAce.wav -
Black as the Ace I am.- Grant
- Fair blinds you with science don't she?- Grant
- Blinkin' idiots, pair of 'em.- Grant
- Anyone so thoughtless ought to have their bottom smacked Ma.- Grant
NoneBoxClever.wav -
Have to box clever there.- Grant
- Give me time to use my brain and look about! What's the use of that?- Grant/Duprez
- As I was out walkin' I saw in the distance what seemed an animal. Come up closer and see
it was a man. Come still closer and see it was my brother.- Grant
NoneChgMind.wav - I live
so close I can fairly hear you change your mind.- neighbor
- Where's that clean human life the books tell us about? When's the world coming out of
it's midnight? When does the human soul get off it's knees? I'm too old Verdun to tell you
that. Something shuddering in the air these days.- Grant/Fitzgerald
NoneConfidence.wav -
No future in me for anyone like you. No confidence.- Grant
NoneCouple.wav - Happy
couple aren't we?- Grant
NoneCry.wav - Want to see me
cry.- Duprez
NoneCryingGive.wav -
I'll only start crying so give over now.- Duprez
- Can't dally with friendship when makin' your living's in the air ya know.- Fitzgerald
NoneDimple.wav - Who give
ya that? What? The dimple in your chin. Present from me Pa.- Wyatt/Grant
NoneDogBall.wav - I
see'd in the paper that a man apparently has a dog that brings home a tennis ball each
day. I wonder where he gets it.- Fitzgerald
NoneDogs.wav - What's the
dog doing here? I don't go out with dogs you know.- Duprez
- Expect you to do something for me tonight.- Grant
NoneEFlat.wav - E Flat.-
NoneFlea.wav - Excuse me if
I put a flea in your ear.- Shayne
NoneFool.wav - You're the
biggest fool I ever met Aggie.- Grant
NoneFootFlat.wav -
Can't get anymore out of it. Me foot's flat on the floor now!- Jones Brother
NoneFrettin.wav - Stay
put so I don't hada keep frettin' my fat about ya.- Fitzgerald
NoneFryOwnFat.wav -
You're frying yourself in your own fat.- Shayne
NoneGoAlong.wav - Don't
figure you want me to go along do ya?- Grant
NoneGoodForDog.wav -
Nothin' too good for that dog Ma. Part of myself he is.- Grant
NoneGuts.wav - Got more
respect for me guts I have.- Grant
NoneHareHound.wav -
Well, that's what it's all about. Be a victim or be a thug. But suppose you don't want to
be neither, like me. Not the hare and not the hound. Then what?- Grant
NoneHatpin.wav - Now
you're standing there lookin' as if I jabbed you with your own hatpin or something.- Grant
- Where could I find the heart to sell such an object?- Shayne
NoneHerNervous.wav -
Now why would you want to make her nervous?- Grant
NoneHitSon.wav - Looks
like you made a hit there son.- Fitzgerald
NoneHitTrain.wav - Hit
by a train. Head on collision. Half the wheels still spinnin' in me head.- Grant
NoneHonest.wav - I know
you like it honest.- Grant
NoneHowWas.wav - Asked
how I was did ya? Well, can't bumble been better, been worse.- Fitzgerald
NoneIceMagic.wav -
Makes it's own ice, why that's magic.- neighbor
- Oh my, sheep's heart again? Are we that poor to be eatin' the insides of sheeps and cows
day in and day out?- Grant
NoneInvention.wav - I
happen to be workin' on my greatest invention at the present time. A human animal which
don't look for a master. Ain't easy.- Grant
- I can see you don't realize what's involved here.- Snowden
- The pleasure to serve you, irregardless.- Shayne
- They're just as worse. My eyes tell me.- Fitzgerald
NoneKiss.wav - Everything
with a kiss.- Shayne
NoneKissDeeper.wav -
Everytime you kiss me it gets deeper.- Grant
NoneKnees.wav - Makes me
give at the knees this surprise of yours.- Grant
Nonelaughcgeb.wav -
laugh- Grant/Barrymore
NoneLeaveMe.wav - Leave
me? You'll never leave me you lopsided old muggins.- Grant
NoneLessSaid.wav - Less
said the better.- Grant
NoneLifeShort.wav -
Life's too short.- thug
NoneLuckyMe.wav - Lucky
me.- Grant
NoneMakeMove.wav - I
better make a move.- Grant
NoneMatchFire.wav -
Make a lovely match they will. Yes, to start a fire.- Barrymore/Grant
NoneMaWhats.wav - Your
Ma knows what's what.- Coulouris
NoneMaybeWill.wav -
Maybe I will.- Grant
NoneMaybeWont.wav - Or
maybe I won't.- Grant
NoneMice.wav - Quiet as
mice ain't we?- Grant
NoneMindElse.wav - I
see your mind is somewhere else today.- Shayne
NoneMineTeeth.wav -
Yes, I got mine. Looks as if it's all in your teeth.- Duryea/Grant
NoneMissMe.wav - Miss
me?- Barrymore
NoneMoney.wav - Money?
Where does money come from Ma? Ya earn it, ya steal it. Ya find it. Someone leaves it to
ya.- Grant
- Money talks they say. But all it ever said to me was 'Goodbye'.- Grant
- Very mysterious the room of the girl ya love.- Grant
NoneNobodyhome.wav -
Sunday or ain't it? Nobody home. Nobody home.- shopkeeper
NoneNothingSay.wav -
But I've got nothing more to say.- Snowden
NoneOnlyFriend.wav -
Someday you'll know I'm your only friend.- Barrymore
- Don't worry for me. I'm here if you need me. I can't help my own nature. If I love you
it's something I can't help, and something that I need. People are what they are and love
what they love, and I don't see any sense in trying to be something else. I wouldn't trade
it for a box at the opera, the thing I feel for you. And you can't change it or take it
away from me. And there you are mister jack in the box.- Wyatt
NonePainter.wav - Wish'd
I was a painter. And you'd do what? Well, what does a painter do?- Grant/Duprez
NonePastry.wav - Who's
the piece of pastry in the jersey?- Grant
NonePcMeat.wav - Life is
a piece of meat when you know how.- Grant
NonePeaceLg.wav - Peace!
That's what I'm looking for, I want peace. With happy hearts, and straight bones without
dirt and distress. Surprises ya don't it? Peace! That's what us minions want, without
having to snatch it from the smaller dogs. Peace to be not a hound and not a hare. But
peace with pride, to have a decent human life. With all the trimmings. Won't find nothin'
like that in this world.- Grant/Barrymore
NonePickelJar.wav -
Wow! Rolled a nice cold pickle jar down my back you did.- Grant
NoneProgram.wav -
Interesting program. But what's it get me?- Duprez
- Proper lovely to be alive and have friends like you Dad.- Grant
NoneProud.wav - Makes me
proud, you think I can do that Ma Love.- Grant
NoneQuid.wav - Now why
would I take your quid?- Grant
NoneRabbit.wav - Stand
back. Let the man see the rabbit.- Grant
NoneRespect.wav - A bit
of proper respect is what's needed.- Barrymore
NoneRichBlood.wav -
Too rich for my blood.- Barrymore
- How has he crept into your young scientific life?- Grant
NoneSeeThrough.wav -
Seen right through me you did!- Grant
- Count you as one of the most sensible boys that ever put foot inside a shoe. Be careful.
- Fitzgerald
- Why were you ever making simple things difficult?- Grant
- Almost slipped my mind.- Grant
NoneSmoke.wav - All alike
you women. I don't go on no timetables like a train. I'm Ernie Mott, citizen of the great
smoke and I don't stay put.- Grant
NoneSomething.wav -
What are you gonna do about it? Something.- Wyatt/Grant
NoneSong.wav - He's the boy
for me. I'm the girl for him. He's my lump of toffee, cake and pudding.- Grant
NoneSonOf.wav - Son of my
bosom, that's what you are. Son of your nothing.- Fitzgerald/Grant
NoneSpiritMorn.wav -
Spirit of the morning Ma. Here's you and here's me all in one piece, in working order.
Terrah Chin.- Grant
NoneStork.wav - Reckon the
stork brought you the wrong sort of son.- Grant
- What's this stuff called?- Grant
NoneTakeAllDay.wav -
Don't take all day.- Coulouris
NoneTempted.wav - Never
been so tempted in all me born days.- Grant
NoneTerrahChin.wav -
Terrah Chin!- Grant
NoneThatsThat2.wav -
And that's that. That's that.- Grant/Barrymore
- And that's that.- Grant
NoneThink.wav - Just give
me time to think.- Grant
- Just give me time to think. Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid.- Grant
- What makes that tie the lamb's tail?- Grant
- Time is not of the essence with me. No place to go and going there tomorrow.- Grant
NoneTireOut.wav - Tire
me out ya do.- Barrymore
NoneTramp.wav - You know
me ducky, tramp of the universe.- Grant
- Travel with the hounds.- Grant
NoneTroubleSon.wav -
You're in trouble son.- Fitzgerald
NoneUDo.wav - You do?- Grant
NoneUglyLife.wav - And
what an ugly insanitary life it is.- Grant
NoneUniform.wav - Ya
know I can't understand why a man of your talents wears them rags. Clothes are a lot of
blinking excitement about nothin' most of the time. As to what you call my rags. They are
the uniform of my independence.- Coulouris/Grant
- Very unusual person, didn't you know?- Grant
NoneWaitMinute.wav -
Now, wait a minute!- Grant
NoneWallop.wav - What a
wallop you give me Ada.- Grant
NoneWay.wav - There's a
way.- Grant
NoneWetWater.wav - Wet
is water. (snap)- Grant
NoneWhat.wav - What?-
- What happened? What happened?- Grant
NoneWhatMatter.wav -
Now then, what's the matter?- Coulouris
NoneWhatsThis.wav -
What's this?- Grant
NoneWhatsUp.wav - What's
up?- Grant
NoneWhosTalkin.wav -
Who's talkin' to you?- Grant
NoneWhy.wav - Why?- Grant
NoneWild.wav - You talk so
wild!- Grant
NoneWind.wav - Quick! Let a
wind come and blow it all to pieces.- Grant
NoneWomen.wav - All alike
you women!- Grant
Cary Grant (Ernie
Mott), Ethel Barrymore (Ma Mott), Barry Fitzgerald (Twite), June Duprez (Ada), Jane Wyatt
(Aggie Hunter)