Remember ... the
longer the quote, the larger the .wav file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote.
Your patience will be worth the wait!!
- Well, Miss Laurel was just showing me her acetates.- Grant
monkamazed.wav - You'd
be amazed doctor. Oh no, I wouldn't be amazed. I've done a lot of experimenting with this
kind of thing.- Monroe/Grant
monkappall.wav - I
think it's appalling.- Grant
monkbitter.wav - Oh, it
even makes the water taste bitter.- Grant
monkbosh.wav - Oh Bosh!-
monkbosh2.wav - Oh
Bosh!- Keating
monkbygeo.wav - By
George! By George!- Coburn
monkbythen.wav - Oh, we
can do lots of things by then. Can't we?- Grant
monkcary.wav - Not yet
Cary.- Narrator
monkchemist.wav - Well
that's the trouble about being a chemist. You know, you can't actually think.- Grant
monkcivilized.wav -
Well, let's be civilized about this. Alright.- mother in law/Grant
- Now, I've thought this over very carefully and I've almost come to a conclusion.- Grant
monkcrying.wav - I'm so
happy...(long crying)- Rogers
monkdelighted.wav -
Delighted.- Grant
- Hello? Department of water and power. Which one would you care to have cut off?- Grant
- What I have to tell you is unbelievable. Yes, it is unbelievable on roller skates, hmm
what balance. Well, I wasn't on roller skates all afternoon. Obviously. No, you'd never
believe what I did. I broke records. huh? Oh, you'd have been amazed. I wish you could
have been there. Well, I wish I had been too. I did things I never dreamed I'd do.-
monkdoagain.wav -
Well, I hope I don't do it again.- Grant
monkdofor.wav - What did
you do that for?!- Grant
monkelaborate.wav -
Care to elaborate on that?- Grant
- Well, you have a slight flush. Oh, that's probably due to my natural excitement.-
- (Grant falling down laundry chute)
- What? No, no, please. No familiarity just, just go to sleep.- infant/Grant
monkfeelings.wav -
Don't worry, he has no feelings.- Marlowe
monkfeelwell.wav -
Outside of being somewhat embarrassed I feel exceedingly well.- Rogers
monkfightdowe.wav -
When we get mad we don't fight do we? Yes, we do!- Coburn/Grant
- Did ya see him jump? I put a fish in his trousers. I know...- Rogers/Grant
monkform.wav - It will
probably take an entirely different form.- Grant
monkgpig.wav - Now I know
how a poor little guinea pig must feel.- Rogers
monkgrowl.wav - (growl)-
monkgrowl2.wav -
('nother growl)- Grant
monkHI.wav - Hi!- Grant
- The history of discovery is the history of people who didn't follow rules.- Grant
monkhmm1.wav -(hmmm)-
monkhuhooh.wav - huh?
ooooh- Rogers
monkhuhuh.wav - (one of
those nonphonetic sounds)- Grant
monkhurry.wav - Oh,
well, hop in the bus, I'll get you there in a hurry.- Grant
- Oh, that's impossible.- Grant
monkincred.wav - This
is incredible.- Grant
monkinfantlg.wav -
Oh, you mean that little pin-up girl? Very cute. Sort of, but half infant. Not the half
that's visible. Huuuh, well, she's not my type.- Rogers/Grant
monkJoke.wav - Alright.
Now say Terrify. Terrify. Now say Tissue. Tissue. Now say them both fast together. Terrify
tissue? (laughing) - Grant/Monroe
monklanguage.wav -
Well, the language is confusing but the actions are unmistakable.- Marlowe
monklaugh.wav - (laugh)-
-(laugh)- Grant
monklikekids.wav -
Don't ya like children?- Winslow
monklikethat.wav -
Oh, I like that.- Grant
monkluck.wav - Do not
trifle with your luck.- Grant
monklurid.wav - Well,
it's lurid and inaccurate.- Grant
monkmean.wav - I see what
ya mean. Hmmm- Rogers/Grant
monkmotor.wav - Is your
motor running? Is yours?- Monroe/Grant
monknofair.wav - No
fair! No fair! No fair!- Rogers
monknohand.wav -
(giggling)With no hands. Eh, Yeah, yeah. Honeymoon with no hands, yeah sure. Aren't you
excited? Ah, Yes of course dear, but there's no hurry about it.- Rogers/Grant
- Would you please leave word that we're not to be disturbed.- Grant
monkoddrx.wav - You feel
anything strange? Not a thing. How 'bout you Mr. Oxley. Oh, But I haven't taken anything. Oh
yes you have Mr. Oxley. Hear that Barnaby, a rather odd reaction. Undoubtedly we can
expect something soon. We certainly can.- Rogers/Coburn/Grant
monkohmy.wav - Oh my!-
monkohno.wav - Oh no.-
monkoutofman.wav -
Now lets have no more of these false alarms. They certainly take it out of a man.- Coburn
monkplaywme.wav - Did
you come to play with me?- Grant
- Well, I love you, you potatohead!- Rogers
monkreactions.wav -
Well, we have to watch your reactions darling.- Grant
- Well Edwina, I have to test your reactions. Oh Barney! Oh.- Grant/Rogers
monkridicday.wav -
What a ridiculous way to start a day.- Grant
-What I have to tell you is unbelievable. Yes, it is unbelievable on roller skates. Hmmm,
what balance.- Grant/Rogers
monkscalphim.wav -
Let's tie him to a stake and scalp him. That's it. You mean for real? Sure.- Grant/kid
monksense.wav - Well now
neither one of you is making sense.- Marlowe
monkshuddup.wav -
That's better, now just mind your business and Shut Up.- Grant
monksmoke.wav - Holy
Smokes!- Grant
monksnake.wav - Hello,
Griffith Park Zoo, Snake Department. SSSSSSSSS. Hello, hello.- Grant
monksound.wav -
(huhmmm)- Grant
monksqueal.wav -
squeal- Rogers
monksqueal2.wav -
another squeal- Rogers
- Tell me, anybody giving a party we can stay home from again tonight.- Grant
- Hey, that's super duper. Oh, you like it? Oh boy, yeah.- Rogers/Grant
monktype.wav - Anybody
can type.- Coburn
monkwarmup.wav - Takes
a while to warm up. Does me too. huha- Grant/Monroe
monkwelli.wav - Well I!
What do you think?- Grant/Rogers
monkwhat.wav - What?-
monkwhat2.wav -What?-
monkwhatIsaid.wav -
That's what I said.- Rogers
monkwork.wav - Is it
supposed to work right away?- Rogers
monkwornout.wav -
Well, no wonder you're worn out.- Rogers
monkwrong.wav -
Somethings wrong.- Grant
monkyell.wav - Why did
you yell?- Grant
monkyesdear.wav - Yes
dear.- Grant
monkyesdear2.wav -
Yes dear.- Grant
monkyesknow.wav - Yes,
I know.- Grant
monkzillion.wav - Oh,
well you promised me a zillion dollars....and a nickel.- Grant
Cary Grant (Prof.
Barnaby Fulton), Ginger Rogers (Edwina Fulton), Charles Coburn (Mr. Oliver Oxley), Marilyn
Monroe (Lois Laurel)