Remember ... the
longer the quote, the larger the .wav file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote.
Your patience will be worth the wait!!
- I'm getting her for my children! Adopt me.- Grant/Hamilton
hboatagricul.wav -
How you gonna learn to be a father after all these years? I'll just get a booklet from the
Department of Agriculture.- Hyer/Grant
hboatallshut.wav -
You are all knowing, all seeing and shut up!- Grant
hboatamazing.wav -
Isn't that amazing?- Grant
hboatbed.wav - Leave
her alone, she promised to put me to bed.- Herbert
hboatblazes.wav -
What in the blazes is that?- Grant
- Messy business. Always had to get my kid sister to help me take them off the hook. She
enjoyed it. Blood-thirsty little creature.- Grant
- I'm sorry, would you like some too? Yes, I would like some too. Especially if it will
help break down the social barriers between capital and labor. Though, in this case I'm
not sure who is who.- Loren/Grant
hboatcando.wav - Can
he do that? You bet your sweet life I can do that.- Gibson/Grant
hboatcarry.wav - Let
her carry me, I like it.- Herbert
- Charming? Yeah, charming. I spit on charming. Come on, teach me!- Loren/Petersen
- Shows you what can be accomplished with cheap child labor.- Grant
- You do not know how to do anything. Then perhaps Father I will run for the Congress.-
hboatcow.wav - Holy,
jumpin' cow.- Guardino
hboatcrazy.wav -What
do you think, I'm crazy?- Guardino
hboatdarling.wav -
Well, that's a darling thing.- Hyer
- Go ahead, have a daughter. See what happens?- Ciannelli
hboatdead.wav - Watch
that! I wish it hit and you and killed you dead, dead!- Grant/Herbert
hboatdothat.wav - I
was just about to do that.- Grant
- I have given you the finest education in all of Europe. You do not know how to do
anything.- Ciannelli
- Oh. Oh I. Well, would it embarrass you? Oh, I've gone past that.- Loren/Grant
- Well, you'll have to settle down one day Angelo, if only from sheer exhaustion.- Grant
-They're no help Fathers!- Gibson
hboatfirm.wav - Now,
what were you saying? Make her be our maid. What! Offer her a lot of money. Be firm.-
- Let's go down. We'll live little Frankenstein here.- Petersen
hboatfriend.wav -
You can't be our mother, you're our friend!- Herbert
hboatgame.wav - Thank
you. Who sir, me sir? Yes sir, you sir. No sir not i sir. Who then sir? Cool cap. Who sir,
me sir? Yes sir, you sir. No sir not I sir. Who then sir? Pink cap. Who sir, me sir? Yes
sir, you sir. No sir not I sir.- Grant/Herbert/Gibson/Loren
hboatgirl.wav - No,
I'm gonna stay up here all night, and freeze. It's too warm to freeze. Oh, you're just a
girl.- Herbert/Gibson
- Thank you, thank you. And good night Ladies and Gentleman.- Grant
hboatgrocery.wav -
And across the river is the Country Club. 'Course there's a better class of people at the
grocery store, but that's up to you. It's a free country.- Guardino
hboathate.wav - I
hate everybody! I hate everybody in the whole wide world.- Herbert
hboathell.wav -
Please, would you do me the honor to go straight to hell?- Loren
hboathelpUR.wav -
Oh, I can't tell you what a help you are!- Grant
hboathuckfin.wav -
What's this, the Huckleberry Finn approach?- Petersen
hboatidea.wav - Don't
tell me I had a good idea at last?- Grant
hboatjob4U.wav -
It's a very sad story and I'm deeply touched, but I don't think this is the job for you.-
hboatjurisd.wav -
Remember, you're still under my jurisdiction, the three of you.- Grant
hboatknow.wav - You
ought to know.- Grant
hboatleash.wav -
Straining at the leash.- Grant
hboatlikeit.wav -
He's got the law on his side. We'll have to go with him. He ain't gonna like it.-
hboatmaid.wav - A
maid, in Washington? The only way you can get any help in this town is to elect them.-
- Extraordinary! I've never seen a man behave so stupidly. Haven't you?- Grant/Loren
- Incredible. How could a man be that stupid?- Grant
hboatmarv.wav -
Marvelous!- Grant
hboatmen.wav - They're
sneaky, men!- lady in laundromat
hboatmind.wav - Are
you out of your mind?- Grant
hboatneater.wav -
It's neater this way.- Guardino
- Oh, that's nonsense.- Grant
hboatnothing.wav -
How sweet to do nothing. Well, you're in America now, they can pull you in for that.-
hboatnuts.wav - Are
you worried that her intentions are honorable? Yeah. It worries me sick. Because I can
feel myself just slipping into community property. Hey, why don't you go inside, you know
you're driving me nuts? It's a free country.- Grant/Guardino/Loren
hboatoops.wav -
Oooops. - Loren
hboatoops2.wav -
Oooops.- Herbert
hboatreason.wav - I
don't know. Must there be a reason? Always.- Grant/Loren
- My recollection is a little hazy, but I believe I'm the fella that brought you. Oh yes,
you are the stuffy one.- Grant/Loren
- That's ridiculous!- Grant
- That's you sir. Who sir, me sir? Yes sir, you sir.- Herbert/Grant/Loren
hboatsong.wav - Well,
we're almost at our new house. (song) Presto, presto, do your very besto. Don't hang back
like a shy little kid. You'll be surprised that you did what you did. ............Bing
bang bong. I think it going to be wonderful, don't you?- Grant/Loren and kids
hboatspiders.wav -
Hey, there's real live spiders up here. Well, you better save them. We may need them for
dinner.- Herbert/Grant
hboatstairs.wav -
Upstairs maid or downstairs maid? Why, what difference does that make? Well, I wouldn't
want you wearing yourself out running up all those stairs.- Hamilton/Grant
hboatstreet.wav - I
can't just take any girl one of you finds on the streets.- Grant
- Why do I talk so much?- Grant
- You must have done something terrible to him. Yes, I did. I took him to a concert. Now,
may I have him?- Loren/Grant
- But you're together. Only in body.- Gibson/Grant
hboattooold.wav -
Too old and too tired to run after her any more. It's your turn.- Ciannelli
hboattrial.wav -
You're not on trial.- Grant
hboatugh.wav -(thud)
ugh!- Grant
- I'm one of the undomesticated animals.- Grant
- Well, I'm beginning to feel a little unbalanced myself.- Grant
hboatUwant.wav -
Alright. If you want to.- Grant
hboatwarned.wav - I
warned ya.- Herbert
hboatwhat.wav -
What?- Grant
hboatwhat2.wav -
What?- Loren
hboatwhat3.wav -
What?- Grant
-wolf whistle- Petersen
- Isn't it wonderful?- Grant
hboatwork.wav - Go to
work.- Loren
hboatworry.wav -
Well, if you don't mind, I prefer to worry.- Grant
Grant (Tom Winston), Sophia Loren (Cinzia Zaccardi), Charles
Herbert (Robert Winters, Martha Hyer (Caroline Gibson), Harry Guardino
(Angelo Donatello), Eduardo Ciannelli (Arturo Zaccardi), Murray Hamilton
Alan Wilson), Mimi Gibson (Elizabeth Winters), Paul Petersen (David Winters)