Remember ... the
longer the quote, the larger the .wav file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote.
Your patience will be worth the wait!!
- The only kind of babies I want are those born 21 yrs ago.- Garfield
- Here we go again.- Clark
tokyoallthat.wav -
Okay, we been through all that.- Clark
tokyobath.wav -And she
looked just like she had a bath. Okay, okay. So she looked like she had a bath. And she
even smelled like geraniums. So she even smelled like geraniums..then what?-
tokyobatterys.wav -
We're both runnin' on batteries now. You can tell somethin' electric is going on between
her and me.- Garfield
tokyobeers.wav - It'll
be a long time between beers.- Grant
tokyocompact.wav -
Ahhh, She was built for speed. But like I said kid...kinda compact too, like a submarine.-
tokyodate.wav - Well,
this is a sort of blind date Raymond. We just have to wait and see what happens.- Grant
tokyodetour.wav -
There's something screwy about this detour, or whatever it is.- YoYo
-Well, what did you do about it?- Clark
tokyodoes.wav - Yes he
does.- Grant
tokyodoing.wav -I guess
I better get back and do what I was doing.- Hutton
tokyodontouch.wav -
Don't touch it!- Grant
-Ain't it wonderful what a college education will do?- Hale
tokyofinish.wav -
Finish your job.- Grant
tokyofortitude.wav -
He's got more plain intestinal fortitude than any guy I ever met.- Tully
tokyogood.wav - You can
believe anything that was good.- Tully
tokyohorns.wav - diving
tokyohowis.wav -Yes. I
know how it is.- Grant
tokyoinfants.wav - You
may be infants in the submarine service but we figure you'll be veterans by the time we
make port again.- Grant
tokyokidding.wav -
Who's kidding who?- Grant
tokyolike2know.wav -
Now, wouldn't you like to know?- Garfield
tokyolooksee.wav -
Let's go up for a looksee.- Grant
tokyolucky.wav - I
couldn't be that lucky.- Grant
tokyomen.wav - You're well
trained, highly selected men, and we're glad to have you aboard.- Grant
tokyonot.wav - Then again,
we might not.- Grant
tokyonowhat.wav - Say,
you guys know what? No, what?- Yoyo/Hale
- Then there is still one of two things to worry about.- Hale
tokyopanc.wav - You give
me a pain in the pancreas.- Prince
tokyopipes.wav -(music)
Cryin' out loud! What do you think you are, the pipes of Pan?-
tokyoprayers.wav - Bet
you said your prayers.- Hutton
tokyopushed.wav - I
think we're all tired of getting pushed around.- Grant
tokyoquestions.wav -
Any questions?- Grant
tokyoshudup.wav - Shut
up.- Clark
tokyosmear.wav - Let's
hope we really smear 'em this time.- Grant
tokyosweater.wav -
Well, I got on my lucky sweater.- Grant
tokyouhoh.wav - UhOh-
tokyovolunteer.wav -
You're here because you volunteered.- Grant
tokyowar.wav - Tell him
it's the war. He'll understand.- Grant
tokyoweakmind.wav -
Strong arms, strong back, weak mind.- Garfield
tokyowhistle.wav -
tokyowhynot.wav - Why
not?- Grant
tokyowings.wav - Say
fellas, how are we gonna get into Tokyo Bay? Why Tommy, the Copperfin just naturally
sprouts wings. We fly right over the nets and the minefield, plumb in the middle of the
harbor.- Hutton/Whitney?
Cary Grant (Capt.
Cassidy), John Garfield (Wolf), Alan Hale (Cookie), John Ridgely (Reserve), Dane Clark
(Tin Can), Warner Anderson (Executive), William Prince (Pills), Robert Hutton (Tommy),
Peter Whitney (Dakota), Tom Tully (Mike)