Remember ... the
longer the quote, the larger the .wav file,
Which means ... the longer you have to wait to hear the quote.
Your patience will be worth the wait!!
- Two by two they come and go. Hiphiphighay- licensing clerk
arsenicaffect.wav -
Oh, that won't have any affect. try the phone...oh it did, isn't that amazing- Grant
arsenicagain.wav -
Hey thats alright, do that again for me will ya?-police
arsenicahahah.wav -
Ah, ah, ah, ah, Darling, don't Ah, ah, I'm nervous now. Don't do that- aunt/Grant
- (Creaking of bench) EeeGods, there's another one!-Grant
- Why this whole neighborhood just stinks with atmosphere- cop
arsenicbully2.wav -
Bully, Bully- Alexander
arseniccharge.wav -
Charge!- Alexander
arseniccreak.wav -
(creak of window bench)
arseniccukoo.wav -
Isn't it a shame reverend that a nice family like this should be hatching a cuckoo?-
arsenicdark.wav - Its
dark in here- Lorre
- Delighted!- Alexander
- Its a little late to dissolve our partnership- Massey
arsenicdo.wav - What
are we going to do- aunt
arsenicdone.wav - You
can see that its got to be done, can't you?- Massey
arsenicfalls.wav -
But darling, Niagara Falls! It does? Well let it.- Lane/Grant
arsenicfib.wav - But
you don't think I'd stoop to telling a fib!- aunt
arsenicfun.wav - This
is fun- Alexander
arsenicgames.wav -
Now don't play games- Grant
arsenicgo.wav - Where
do we go from here?- Lorre
arsenichabit.wav -
This is developing into a very bad habit!- Grant
arsenicholy.wav -
Holy!..What's That?- Grant
arsenicholym.wav -
Holy mackerel- Grant
- HuH? What? What?- Grant
arsenicinquiz.wav -
Don't be so inquisitive- aunt
- Insanity runs in my family. Practically gallops- Grant
- I shall prepare at once for the journey- Alexander
arseniclaw.wav - That
might be against the law- Massey
arseniclesson.wav -
Let that be a lesson to you- Alexander
- I don't like that look in your eye. Why, what's the matter with it? Huh? Father preached
a sermon about it only last Sunday. He did? What did he say? What did he say? He was
against it. Ahh, but that was only Sunday.- Lane/Grant
arseniclouder.wav -
Speak a little louder- licensing clerk
arsenicmind.wav -
You're going to love me for my mind too. One thing at a time!- Lane/Grant
arsenicnice.wav -
That wouldn't have been very nice- aunt
- (laugh) Nonesense- aunt
arsenicoh.wav - Oh-
arsenicopen.wav -
right out here in the open, with everyone looking?- Lane
- (sounds) Please! For Heavens Sakes. But Mortimer, right out here in the open, with
everyone looking? Yes, right out here in the open with everyone looking. Let everyone in
Brooklyn over 16 look.- Lane/Grant
arsenicpeek.wav - We
never dreamed you'd peek- aunt
arsenicpres.wav - You
have the word of the president of the united states. cross my heart and hope to die-
arsenicsetup.wav -
We've got a wonderful set up here. We can make a fortune- Massey
arsenicsound.wav -
(sounds of Mortimer chasing fiance aroung the tree)- Grant
arsenicsound2.wav -
(sound of Mortimer frustrated and angry)- Grant
arsenicspell.wav - I
get wonderful ideas, but I can't spell 'em- cop
arsenicstop.wav -
Stop all this. What are you doing?- Grant
arsenicswear.wav -
But sarge, you know I'm not a swearing man- cop
arsenictime.wav - We
knew you'd find out about it in time- aunt
arsenicundone.wav -
there's no use you're doing what you're doing. because it will just have to be undone-
arsenicwait.wav -
wait a minute. what am i doing? Hey- taxi driver
arsenicweknow.wav -
Yes dear. We know.- aunt
arsenicwhat.wav -
What!- Grant
arsenicwhat2.wav -
What!!- Lane
arsenicworld.wav -
They're out of this world- cop
arsenicyes.wav -
Yeeees- Grant
arsenicyet.wav - You
ain't seen anything yet- Grant
- Yeeeow- Grant
Cary Grant (Mortimer
Brewster), Raymond Massey (Jonathan Brewster), Priscilla Lane (Elaine Harper), Josephine
Hull (Abby Brewster), Jean Adair (Martha Brewster), Jack Carson (O'Hara), Edward Everett
Horton (Mr. Witherspoon), Peter Lorre (Dr. Einstein) James Gleason (Lt. Rooney), John
Alexander ("Teddy Roosevelt" Brewster)