If you have
all 72 of Cary's movies,
won't you please share your story?
Some of us have been
collecting just a short time,
Some, a lifetime.
Some of us are old,
Some are introducing a new generation to the classics.
Whatever your story,
It is unique and probably quite fascinating.
(Even if you don't think so!)
Take your time and jot down
your story.
If you make a mistake,
just send me a note and I'll fix it.
If you think of something you'd like to add,
Just resubmit the part you're adding and I'll edit it in.
I've had to
redo my guestbook, because I've been getting hundreds and hundreds of junk
guestbook entries ... a day.
If you could
now just send me an email, I'll then include your email in my
guestbook. (I always remove your email address in guestbook entries.)
I'd love it if
you could:
Tell me your name
2- Where you're from
3- Your favorite Cary Grant movie
4- The story of how you came to collect all 72 of Cary Grant's movies!!
so much & God bless!!